NAF championship 2016 feed back

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by Tojurub »


Adding to the best-race prize discussion a crazy note: randomly choose 6 races at the beginning of the tourney and the best coach of each of these races will be awarded with something. Maybe even two races per tier or so.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by danger rat »

sann0638 wrote:
lunchmoney wrote: It added a very long time to the end of the WC.
It did, in fairness.
I could see it taking a long time depending on how it was done. I was just basing it on my experiences at wfb and warmachine events where it didn't take long at all as the organisers were conscious of it not taking to long and dragging out the awards ceremony. Anyway was just an idea!

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by jonathanc »

I also like the 'Best in Race' idea and it really wouldn't need to take long at all if you don't want it to. These are just 2 options I thought of:
1) Just announce a list of NAF names without going through which race they played. You have at most 24 names which can be rattled off in about a minute. Winners then go to collect a certificate and maybe some NAF dice from the admin desk on their way out. Full details are posted online later for those who want to know Sann got his award for best Amazons, etc.
2) Don't announce them at all, but use the projector (if you manage to get one as planned) to display a table listing the winners and races. As above, winners then go to the desk to collect their prize and details on NAF site later.

If anyone else running a large (70+) event wanted to try it, the feedback for NAFC2017 on how it worked would be helpful.

Back to this year's tournament, it was definitely fun and the event ran smoothly with very few issues. It was my second NAFC and I hope to be able to make it again next year. The only thing that detracted from the event a bit for me personally was having to play 4 identical build Wood Elf teams (bar a few skill changes) over the course of the weekend. Nothing against the players using them, but by the 3rd game against them it was getting a bit wearing. I'm sure with the number of Wood Elf and Undead teams around there may have been a few players who had 3+ games against the same race. I'm not sure what can be done about this as I wouldn't want the NAF to change the rulespack to a tiered system like most other tournaments. Best in race may help as it allows the player to focus on a more personal goal for the weekend. If all were equally represented, you would have had 6 teams per race and looking at the numbers for this year several were noticeably under- or over-represented. It would be interesting to look at this over the last four championships or so to see if there has been a gradual skewering towards certain top-tier races as the event becomes more competitive for the regular attendees.

OK, some more general points about last weekend:
1) As mentioned earlier, a projector would have been excellent for displaying the draw and a digital clock whilst the round was in progress.
2) As someone who doesn't make use of smart phones, etc, telling everyone to check the NAF site for the draw wasn't much help.
3) Obviously the draw was displayed on paper too soon afterwards, which was great, but there was a lot of blank space on the page so it could have been formatted larger. With the crowd of players around it would have made it easier to read without having to get to the front of the queue.
3) A large poster behind the admin desk with the schedule would have been nice, just as a reminder for how long you had until the next round if popping out of the main room for a drink, etc.
4) Seemed to me the 6th round started a little late with the draw only going up at the last minute. I presume this was due to late round 5 results and needing to work out who was in the final.
5) Lunch was a bit lacking in variety like last year. I thought the evening meal from last year was OK but with the drop in ticket price didn't mind that it was gone, gave us an opportunity to explore in the evening.
6) I understand the need to be strict on timings, but what presumably started as a joke with the amount of times it got repeated was getting seriously irritating by around game 4 or 5.

I hope the above doesn't sound too nitpicky, its mostly just admin-related stuff that could be improved a little.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by sann0638 »

On the projector, this costs a LOT to have, and you are not allowed to bring your own. Odd.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by RoterSternHochdahl »

There are standard tablets which can do the job ...

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by JT-Y »

sann0638 wrote:On the projector, this costs a LOT to have, and you are not allowed to bring your own. Odd.
Sounds like an argument worth having.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by Garrick »

JT-Y wrote:
sann0638 wrote:On the projector, this costs a LOT to have, and you are not allowed to bring your own. Odd.
Sounds like an argument worth having.
Far be it for me to agree with JT-Y but this should be negotiable ;)

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by dfunkateer »

Overall I had a great weekend. Yes, the packed lunches could have been better (but would no doubt have cost more), name-badges would certainly help me identify people (as I only started playing tourneys last year) and a chess-clock or some such timepiece would have been a big help in 2 of my games, but these are only minor things. I do however have 3 beefs:

Tables: My biggest issue (which has already been mentioned above) is to do with the tables. I had 3 games where the only place we could put the field was over a join between 2 tables which meant that either one half or one side of the pitch was sloping down so players kept sliding or falling over. This was often exacerbated by some ridiculously over-enthusiastic dice-cup smashing on the tables, often several games away.

Dice cups: I realise this isn't specifically a NAFC issue but why some people feel the need to put their cup on the table with such force that they appear to be actually trying to put their cup through the table is beyond me. I don't use a dice cup myself and have absolutely no issue with anyone else using one, but when the shock wave from a dice cup 3 tables away is knocking the miniatures over on my table, that is just plain rude. If you use a dice cup, please be considerate.

Timings: I was initially unclear regarding the level of strictness vis-a-vis the timings of the rounds and don't feel that the referees sufficiently clarified this at any stage. Please can the level of strictness regarding the timings and how this is explained at tournaments (and the possible inclusion of this explanation in rulespacks) be put on the agenda for the next NAF meeting to avoid any future confusion?


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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by Garrick »

Hulk smash Dice Cup, Smash, Smash, Smash!

In all seriousness in Round 5 I had a continental next to me that was doing exactly this and when I explained that I was horribly hungover (and the figures on our board were toppling) he graciously reduced the level of Smash considerably. Most BloodBowlers are reasonable people, try asking them next time to reign back the Smash, even if it means getting out of your seat to walk over to them. Or if you are shy, look for a Team Scotland Shirt (or a referee) and ask us to ask them ;)

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by JT-Y »

During the last round the stance vis a vis timings and strictness was re evaluated and it was decided that the judges would be, if anything, even more strict than was strictly necessary.

This is the sort of thing that a projector might not help with.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by DukeTyrion »

For some reason the NAF tournament is showing on my rankings page, even though I didn't play any games, and made it clear that I would be unable to attend well ahead of the event.

Could it be removed please?


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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by CrystalMCDoll »

As always I really enjoyed this weekend, even if I didn't enjoy my dice..

I agree with the table point, I always end up with bruised ribs from leaning across them, and I also had to play on a comedy table, with the middle of the pitch in an upwards direction.

The lunches are ok, but I agree they should come with a drink provided.

The best in race award would be a cool idea, maybe some generic tokens could be made? Maybe re-roll tokens one side, best in race the other?

I also like the idea of a single model best painted too. Get people less skilled in the model making and just painting idea?

But overall, I love going to this tournament. Playing new coaches, trying new teams and loosing! All high on my fun list..

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by sann0638 »

DukeTyrion wrote:For some reason the NAF tournament is showing on my rankings page, even though I didn't play any games, and made it clear that I would be unable to attend well ahead of the event.

Could it be removed please?

Looking into this (won't reply to the other thread...) :)

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by JT-Y »

CrystalMCDoll wrote:I also like the idea of a single model best painted too. Get people less skilled in the model making and just painting idea?
A Star Player painting competition is something I've been thinking about, not least because in the new editions Stars are back in a big way, with new minis for all, some new ones to come, and their backgrounds being looked at and written about in depth, so they inspire nicely for this sort of painting comp.

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Re: NAF championship 2016 feed back

Post by Myrmedon »

JT-Y wrote:
CrystalMCDoll wrote:I also like the idea of a single model best painted too. Get people less skilled in the model making and just painting idea?
A Star Player painting competition is something I've been thinking about, not least because in the new editions Stars are back in a big way, with new minis for all, some new ones to come, and their backgrounds being looked at and written about in depth, so they inspire nicely for this sort of painting comp.

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