League - free form format - dealing with chickens

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League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by celticgriffon »

Hi everyone,

We have a free format league. I have found one of our teams has been avoiding playing games (against me and other of the bashy teams).

How would you handle this?


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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by Loki »

Assuming a quiet informal chat with the offending party doesn't bring any resolution. There are rules for challenges in the CRP but they don't really penalise the guilty. The rule for challenges could be combined with something like the concession rules for example after two refused challenges you roll for any player over 51spps (or less if that is too high for the number of games you are likely to get into) and players may leave.

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by Steam Ball »

Offer free journeymen, even if over 11 players, and promise to start making pulp with them before continuing with the normal players. ;)

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by Shteve0 »

I've had this before, it's a pain in the bum. Have the commish take them to one side; if they have to play everyone in the league the first point of call would be to point out that developed bash teams do more damage than underdeveloped ones, so should be played early. If they still whine and it risks damaging other coaches' enjoyment, as commish I would instruct the offending coach to grow some balls and tell them that they will be scheduled games that will go down as concessions if they refuse to partake.

In truth, this stuff happens, and a soft touch is a good first point of call, but in TT the main premise is to have fun. Any action (or inaction) that stops others enjoying their games needs to be dealt with by the commish as a priority. Register your unhappiness with him/her as a first point of call.

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by CyberedElf »

To play devil's advocate.
Shteve0 wrote:the main premise is to have fun. Any action (or inaction) that stops others enjoying their games needs to be dealt with by the commish as a priority.
Is the "offending" player stopping the others from having fun? I am assuming that they still get to play other people.
Would forcing the "offending" player to play bashy teams cause more fun? Not for the "offending" player.

Singling coaches out and making them exceptions to the rules everyone else has is a problem.

Net fun goes down. Complicates the environment. I don't see any overall gain to the commish getting involved.

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by Loki »

I can see the logic of your arguement but what if in the English Premiership next season Cardiff decided they were just going to give that nasty game against Man U a miss or in the NFL Detroit decided that away game at the Packers was a bit of nuisance and were going to just skip it this year.

Points will still be assigned and a winner determined but it undermines the whole standing of the league.

I would suggest that most people would say if you enter a league you really should try and commit to it. If you don't want your AV7 team losing players, don't play an AV7 team; at some point your are going to have a bad game and lose a handful of players. Take a different team (or grow a set).

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by CyberedElf »

Free vs Scheduled format, different beasts. In a scheduled format, with the primary goal of determining the "best," allowing teams to duck out would greatly undermine things. In a free format, with "fun" as the primary goal, I think it does not undermine things.

Why does ducking in a free format show a lack of commitment to the league?

BTW, you can reread my posts as a criticism of free formats. You can also reread my posts as a criticism of playing for fun, if desired.

Please realize if you change from truly free format to nearly free format mid-season, then I would actually feel like something wrong was done. The "offending" player may have chosen his team based on the established rules.

My real suggestion to the OP, is let everyone play by the current rules this season, and work within the league to change the rules for next season. If there is no reasonable break point (such as perpetual league without seasons) then have the commish make a change to the format that will apply to everyone.

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Re: League - free form format - dealing with chickens

Post by Loki »

The point I'm trying to make, rather poorly it would appear, is that if a coach ducks all of a particular type of match up, be that ducking bashy teams or even a bashy team ducking elves it devalues the league, PBBL/free match-up/scheduled or whatever.

It will breed resentment in the league. It is hard enough in many cases to keep a TT league going at the best of times. If some of the coaches feel that a player is playing outwith the spirit of the league, which as you point out may not necessarily be outside the hard black and white rules, it won't help.

Going back to your point although no-ones fun is directly affected many of the coaches may feel a niggling sense of 'it's not right' as evidenced by the fact that the original post was made. If no one really cared the question won't have been raised.

I think you are supporting the argument on a false premise by saying 'it's just for fun'. If it was really just for fun and you play whoever you feel like, then it wouldn't really be a league. It would be a series of pick-up games. A league is inherently a comparison of teams with in it. If you want to play in the league you should be ready to play the people in the league (or teams) not just those you feel give you the best chance of winning.

This is where the lack of commitment comes in, as if someone is perceived to be ducking games the assumption is that they are choosing games for the own personal benefit, for their own agenda and therefore are putting their intrests ahead of the league.

EDIT: you do know the OP was six weeks ago?

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