Underworld too successful?!

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Underworld too successful?!

Post by Digger Goreman »

Another grand experiment gone wrong-ish ????

Started with 10 gobs and a troll to see if they were better than a regular gobbo team.... In six games they went 3-0-3 with wins against only one tier 1 team (Nuffle was on vacation).... Since introducing Skaven, they have one both their games against tier one teams of equal TV.... But, now they are becoming expensive and the gobs are too good to just ditch! So what tv should they be at to be competitive and who, if anyone, should be cut from the team?

Disposable Heroes

01 Gob 4spp
02 Gob +Ma 8spp
03 Gob +Ma 6spp
04 Gob +Ag 9spp
05 Gob Horns, 2H 20spp
06 Gob Block 8spp
07 Gob 2H, Horns 21spp
08 Gob Diving tackle 8spp
09 Gob Diving tackle 9spp
10 Thrower 1spp
11 Thrower Block 7spp
12 Blitzer 5spp
13 Blitzer 0spp
14 Lineman (died last game)
15 Lineman 0spp
16 Troll Claw 14spp

3 rerolls
140k treasury
144 tv (149 if I replace the lineman)

Should I replace the lineman and, even if I do, who goes on the line when kicking? Any other constructive comments are welcome....

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Re: Underworld too successful?!

Post by mawph »

My theory is goblins on the line. Keeps the best players out of harms way.
Given your players and skills, I'd keep the +AG (and +MV) goblins on the bench. Two goblins and the troll on the line. If you want additional goblins on the pitch, sacrifice linerats.

The theory I work to is that you want as many ST3 players on the pitch as possible to ensure that you can mount a serious defence. Too many ST2 (or shoving your rats on the line and having them removed) means your team can be picked off more quickly and easily.

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Re: Underworld too successful?!

Post by babass »

are you still playing with the rule of d16 for the mvp ? (and not the new one with the D3)

the priority is to skill all the skaven first.
i would keep only the +4Ag gobelin (develop him as one turner : sure feet, sprint, +Mv, catch), and the ones with doubles skill (block/wrestle)
(one +Ma could be nice, but the +Ag gob is better for one turn)

two heads is a great skill on simple, but only, if your gobelin has already a double skill first)
any other simple skill on the gobelin are waste (if not +Ag, or double before)
keep in mind, the strength of this roster is too be able to get super stars, but with low TV (this is not your case, as none of your blitzers are skilled after 6 games!)
low tv means you could hire starplayers, inducements, etc... because in league format, except against hafling, you are supposed to have a lower tv.

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Re: Underworld too successful?!

Post by Itchen Masack »

Honestly I would be putting the +MV goblins on the LOS and hope they get killed to recover some wasted TV. Your AG4 goblin however is gold, so protect him at all costs.

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Re: Underworld too successful?!

Post by El_Jairo »

Itchen Masack wrote:Honestly I would be putting the +MV goblins on the LOS and hope they get killed to recover some wasted TV. Your AG4 goblin however is gold, so protect him at all costs.
This is so true, even with only +MA they cost almost double in TV. With goblins you should rehire them as 40k is dirt cheap and quite effective. +MA on a goblin is only worth it if they have block already, sure there is no chance that they get to block first and roll +MA. So you might want to try to get to 16 SPP before you decide to fire them.

Yet you need fodder to be put on the LoS at every defensive kick-off, so you might want some players with that duty in mind. So in the Underworlds casel these are the gobo's. Now that you have rats, they are higher in the picking order.

So I would sack at least one of the two heads, horns guys and maybe another goblin to make room to be able to hire a star. I would rehire the Linerat as that are normally a bit more sturdy than the goblins.
You now have Stormvermin to do the blitzing for you, so you are better off with rookie gobo's who can go die on the line for half the TV.

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Re: Underworld too successful?!

Post by mattgslater »

Edited at 15:52 GMT.

My Underworld record is 33-5-12 on FUMBBL and 6-0-0 on TT. I don't know them like I know Humans or Orcs, but I know them well enough as both a coach and an opponent. Here's what I do, and what I'd do with your squad.

If I get a lot of goblin skills (usually in random MVP days/leagues), I give them Foul Appearance. If I don't get many Goblin skills (modern environments), I give them Two Heads, so they can position themselves to assist and set up surfs and stuff. 2nd skill after Two Heads seldom happens, haven't had to think about it yet, but maybe Side Step? 2nd skill after FA is either 2H or DT. Because I do everything important with the rats and expose my Goblins to hits, I've never had a goblin hit 3 skills.

On your roster:
* With the MA7 Skaven earning the lion's share of the SPP, I'd sack the two +MA Goblins, as soon as I could afford to.
* The two Diving Tackle gobs can stay a little longer; DT is okay, and combos well with Side Step, but once you get MB and T on both your Blitzers you don't really need TV investment in stopping agility teams.
* [EDITED] The Two-Headed Horns Goblins are an artifact of the all-Goblin roster, but they're not bad players. I'd keep at least one until I'd built up a removal machine with Biitzers: MB/T on one, MB/C or MB/T on the other; by the 3rd skill you want one to be MB/T/C and one to be MB/T/Horns. Then if both gobs are still alive, I'd sack at least one. Probably sack one now and sack one later. Or sack both later. Not entirely sure, but horns isn't a good Goblin skill unless you get Wrestle or +ST first.
* Field the Block Goblin off the line but in a key blitzable spot; if he improves, give him Foul Appearance or Side Step, Guard on doubles. Don't take Block on Goblin doubles, unless it's a second or later skill. Consider Guard or Dirty Player instead. Guard will get him killed, but will win games until it does. DP wins games, especially on a large squad that does good damage.
* +AG guy is gold on offense; I'd bench him on defense against teams with hitters. Big Hand next. I'd consider +MA or Block on doubles for this guy only. Not for other Gobs. Don't throw him unless it's your only hope for a win/tie, and a realistic hope at that. I know, I know, he's 1/3 better on landings, but it's not worth risking being eaten or splattered.

Replace the lino as you feel you can afford to. Skills on rats win games, and that's not much less true of your #2 lino than it is of your Bitzers or Throwers. One lino gets Wrestle and then becomes your sacker; the other one can be a DP or a second Wrestler, or can get Block in hopes of developing into some other role. Block up your Throwers, then get Extra Arms. Blitzers I described above. Ignore doubles and 10s on Blitzers until the 3rd skill. You need a MB/T guy, and you want a second one and/or a MB/C guy, but take doubles or stats on anyone else (my FUMBBL team runs a Blodge/Guard Thrower and a Block/Claw/MB lino). +AG and +ST are so good you can take them anytime on any rat. Or on any Goblin, for that matter.

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