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Timing of team selection

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:20 pm
by PeteW
Great TE friend, Straume, posted this in the other thread:
straume wrote:Just one question on what (to me) seems like a mistake in Doc A:

Announce the Team England Team in May seems awfully late. At this stage registration for EurOpen might be closed. As far as I know for EB2020: Registration for Eurobowl will be January to March and Europen February to April.

I think you would be wise to pick the team (regardless of how) quite a bit earlier. For reference the French team is selected before Christmas (for those interested head over to to check out the process). Danish EB team is selected January 1st. Even the Norwegian team will be picked by the end of January so that anyone wanting to go to Poland has ample time to organise themselves. .
He makes a very salient point, which I think was largely missed in the charter discussion thread, but perhaps deserves a thread of its own.

Are these dates correct? If so, then we need to fix TE sooner than the NAFC, ideally by mid-March so that non-TE players have time to form a EO trio if they wish. Getting dates set earlier will also be important for booking annual leave, flights, hotels etc.

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:25 pm
by Don__Vito
It’s a very good point. Historically it has always been Bloodbowl/NAF Champs reveal, but does that need revisiting now? I hear good arguments for it, what do the committee think?

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:28 pm
by Pipey
In short and for now, I personally think we do need to look at this. To be discussed within the committee. More soon I'm sure.

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:07 pm
by Joemanji
I agree. IMO we should think about shifting our window significantly. The Eurobowl has changed a lot since we picked the original date of the NAFC to announce the team. Back then it was a case of trying to find any eight coaches willing to make the trip abroad, and the EurOpen wasn't even twinkle in Grumbledook's eye. Now the event has become so much bigger, and with that comes added pressure on the organisers and the expectation that they work much further in advance. Rather than expecting the Polish, Maltese and future hosts to accommodate us, I think it makes sense for us to move our window forward. This would bring us in line with many other nations in any case, we seem to be the exception here already in the lateness of our team selection. Even just from an English perspective, many years we have had TE coaches or potentials expressing anxiety about the time frame with which they need to organise their travel and accommodation.

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:18 am
by nazgob
I'd strongly support this too.

Anyone applying to be part of TE us interested in going, so it makes sense for them to be wanted to do the Euro Open if they aren't going to the Bowl.

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:14 pm
by Joemanji
I think this is still the most pressing issue we need to address. Everything else we are discussing, including a TE EurOpen team, is dependent upon it.

Re: Timing of team selection

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:16 pm
by Boneless
hope you dont mind me popping in and say hello,

In wales we will know a captain by the welsh champs, (end Jan) and he would know his team. granted we dont have the numbers you guys have but we knew or had an idea who was our best.

we dont have the flexibility you guys do, like who will play xyz race, with our change we will still have the foundation in place by the Welsh.

with rules being released around this time I think delaying to NAFC while it helps you find who is in form, I personally like that I know im in the side and what race im using so I can hit it hard..

just our experience and why.

it also lets those going save or budget accordingly where needed.