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Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:08 pm
by Notorious_jtb
I don't know if anyone actually makes any money from running a Blood Bowl tournament (other than GW). Most that I am aware of run at a loss or break even. In effect it is a group of people pooling their resources to rent a space to play and buy some prizes to award to successful players.

GW going after tournament organisers would have no more chance of success than if they decided to go after starbucks for making people buy a cup of coffee before allowing them to have a game in their cafe.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:49 am
by rodders
I know I only aim to break even any profit that is made goes either to my club (budget bowl) or in to the next years tourney (carrot crunch)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:34 am
by Richy
Yeah, what do I know, I only do it for a living :roll:

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:15 pm
by Notorious_jtb
I understand your point Richy.

Its just if I was defending a T.O. in such a case I would just argue there is no case. Because it is just a group of players pooling resources to play a game which they previously bought. The tournament is advertised to let people know when are where it will be played and the costs that playing will incur. The T.O. is not actually selling anything, as evidenced by the lost costs of tournament entry.

From this stand point I don't see any possible infringement of anything.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:12 pm
by King-Nerd
I think was really pissed me of about last years BB GT (my first) was the shitty prizes.

Sure the food sucked, the rules sucked etc etc but the prizes :( .

The best painted teams (won by Richy) received a certificate, yes you read it right. A CERTIFICATE. 200 hours of painting = a piece of printed paper! Most of the other prizes were the same.

The only one I remember being a real award was for PeteW who won the BB GT and he got a egg cup worth about £5.

Pull you fingers out GW, you hoovered up about 10K in tournie fees (and beer etc) that weekend and could at least spend 1% of that on prizes.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:55 pm
by Mordredd
I've never been a fan of prizes at tournaments. IMO it goes entirely against the just-for-fun ethos that we're all meant to buy into for these things. I'd much prefer cheaper tickets.

And Notorious, though I'm no lawyer, I must say that I can't see how making a loss can be viewed as evidence that nothing is being sold. A majority of small business startups make a loss and then die; would you suggest that their big mistake was not trying to sell stuff?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:23 pm
by PeteW
King-Nerd wrote:I think was really pissed me of about last years BB GT (my first) was the shitty prizes.

Sure the food sucked, the rules sucked etc etc but the prizes :( .

The best painted teams (won by Richy) received a certificate, yes you read it right. A CERTIFICATE. 200 hours of painting = a piece of printed paper! Most of the other prizes were the same.

The only one I remember being a real award was for PeteW who won the BB GT and he got a egg cup worth about £5.

Pull you fingers out GW, you hoovered up about 10K in tournie fees (and beer etc) that weekend and could at least spend 1% of that on prizes.
Lol. It isn;t an egg cup!!! It;s a rather poorly crafted plaster-of-paris replica of the Blood Bowl itself. Of course, I am very proud of it and I placed it in pride of place on the mantelpiece over our wedding photo. My wife has now relegated it to the dresser cupboard where she brings it out when she has friends over when I am at tournies to laugh at me. :(

Oh, I also got a certificate too. And I got to shake JJ's hand! :O

The REAL prize was thrashing Porritt in the final. :P \o/

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:44 pm
by Notorious_jtb
Mordredd wrote:I've never been a fan of prizes at tournaments. IMO it goes entirely against the just-for-fun ethos that we're all meant to buy into for these things. I'd much prefer cheaper tickets.

And Notorious, though I'm no lawyer, I must say that I can't see how making a loss can be viewed as evidence that nothing is being sold. A majority of small business startups make a loss and then die; would you suggest that their big mistake was not trying to sell stuff?
Hehehe, yeah good point on the loss making not being enough on its own.

However, if the TO makes a profit then it is a risk factor, the loss or break even is important to the group of people pooling their resources to rent space to play a game argument.

I like trophies, don't have to be expensive, just classy, paper is almost pointless.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:28 am
by Ironjaw
PeteW wrote:The REAL prize was thrashing Porritt in the final.
Oh dear...

*Brace for response*

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:24 pm
by PubBowler
Nuffle-was-a-woodelf wrote:
PeteW wrote:The REAL prize was thrashing Porritt in the final.
Oh dear...

*Brace for response*
He can't have noticed.

Or maybe he's turning the other cheek (you know the one isn't still recovering from the beating)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:25 pm
by PubBowler
PeteW wrote:
My wife has now relegated it to the dresser cupboard where she brings it out when she has friends over when I am at tournies to laugh at me. :(
Ah the joys of married life...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:01 pm
by Podfrey
*alternative cheek rotated to a perpendicular angle*


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:47 pm
by Grumbledook
Didn't go last year

Prob won't go this year

Its a chumps tourny anyway no one who is any good has won it

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:05 pm
by hoomin_erra
Grumbledook wrote:Didn't go last year

Prob won't go this year
Still no chaperones available grum??

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:44 pm
by rodders
Grumbledook wrote:
Its a chumps tourny anyway no one who is any good has won it
you fit in so well