BB GT 1st/2nd May, 2010

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Post by thechosengobbo »

I'm most likely not attending.

I'm not trying to make a point or anything, I never normally attend the GT as I think the 'minors' are better value for money.

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Post by sann0638 »

But 180 coaches! That's massive! Just my opinion, but I think it makes it a bit special for me.

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Post by besters »

For me the BBGT isn't the most enjoyable, but it is different, certainly the largest tournament I go too (exc. the World Cup). The size and the fact it is a major are the main reasons I attend.

As people may know I have had the odd issue at the tournament, but will still probably try to be at the next one.


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Post by Darkson »

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I repeat here - no personal attacks.

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Post by PeteW »

I'll be there - seeing as it is just down the road... plus I like the atmosphere of 180 odd BB coaches all playing together.

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Post by Grumbledook »

something about the smell of 180 guys that just sets off pete's primal instincts

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BB GT 2010

Post by Barnacles »

I reckon we should all go to it - just because they've invented the best game ever so we owe them that. It's also quite good value all told with all the meals thrown in for the price...and the bar is on tap.


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Re: BB GT 2010

Post by Digger Goreman »

Barnacles wrote:I reckon we should all go to it - just because they've invented the best game ever so we owe them that.
Respectfully disagree: Jervis Johnson, who just happened to be in the employ of GW, invented the game.... As has been related by a past GW employee that frequents this board, corporate GW despised BB for being a game that did not require open-ended miniature purchase....

Given the past arrogance and hubris of GW toward their customers and fan base, and the enabling of that hubris that any monetary support gives them, there is a negative value in any GW enterprise....

I kindly, and politely, ask that everyone going reconsider that decision and support a boycott of the GT....

Thank you for your time and tolerance....

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Re: BB GT 2010

Post by SillySod »

Digger Goreman wrote:I kindly, and politely, ask that everyone going reconsider that decision and support a boycott of the GT....
While I agree (in principle) with a boycott it seems a bit peculiar for you to be asking/demanding it. This isnt personal, its just that your location makes it pretty easy for you to boycott - you have nothing to lose because you wouldnt go anyway*.

I imagine that plenty of people have enough fun at the GT to outweigh their outrage. Thats fine and they should make their own mind up, a boycott would only make sense if enough people actually believed in it anyway.

Personally I am 100% behind the idea of a boycott but there are three factors which stop my decision being straightforward:

1 - Geoff would have to run the rozebowl, obviously he might have other plans and there would have to be plenty of interest.

2 - Every GT there is a bit of a #whiteisle league get-together, I like the group feel and honestly wouldnt enjoy going to a tournament just down the road while the rest of the gang compete in the GT. Especially since I dont get to meet some of them very often. So it depends what they want to do.

3 - Various members of the #whiteisle group have their own goals and agendas which are specifically tied in to GT prizes. This is especially true for one member of the group who devotes a great deal of time preparing a team for the best painted competition. I would feel terrible if he missed out on the chance because of some petty statement I wanted to make :-?

Anyway, that might explain why it isnt a clear cut decision even for people who completely agree with you. Hopefully it also gives you an idea why people might be a bit hostile to you asking them to boycott - it looks like you are asking them to give something up without losing anything yourself.

* If you were planning on going..... dont. If you're going to travel that far for BB then go to a better tournament than the GT.

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Post by Magic Dave »

I think that boycotting the GT is the worst thing that we can do!, I understand that we want to send a message out to GW but lets not forget what the overall goal is, and that's to get GW to fully support the game.

If the numbers were really low to the GT what message would that send out and what action do you think GW would take, from doing very little with the game they would just do less. It's all about profit, so if they make less money they aren't going to really put much of that back in.

If the GT was a sell out then GW would be more likely to invest money into the game, and we would be closer to the overall goal. By not getting behind the GT we are pushing GW further away from making BB a game that they will know they can make money from.

I understand that some guy's are mad with GW, but i always see BB as supporting a football team, at the mo we have a bad chairman, that seem's to be making bad decisions, but should that stop us from turning out each week to support the team? We need to get behind the boys and show support. You do know we might get a new chairman one day!

One other thing, i have had a theory for some time now about GW re-releasing BB, some of the things that have happened seem to fit this theory. The housekeeping of the IP and the like, the release of the PC game would also be a great time to re-induce the game into the stores, After the success of Space hulk as a limitied run the same could be done with BB, the fact that LRB 6 would not have any change's for about 2 years becasue they want to produce a rulebook to sell.

Now the GT could be a used as a way to decide if re-leaseing the game would be financially viable and also it could be used to gather info on what teams to put in the box set and what teams to redo. By taking a boycott now, just when GW are doing something with the game could be fatal for it at table top.

So i say try and fit it into your diary for the year and show GW that you are fully behind your game.

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Post by James_Probert »

Magic Dave wrote:One other thing, i have had a theory for some time now about GW re-releasing BB, some of the things that have happened seem to fit this theory. The housekeeping of the IP and the like, the release of the PC game would also be a great time to re-induce the game into the stores, After the success of Space hulk as a limitied run the same could be done with BB, the fact that LRB 6 would not have any change's for about 2 years becasue they want to produce a rulebook to sell.
There is, IMHO more and more evidence to support this, the refusal to let Galak host the rulebook on his website, the digital game release producing interest in the game, the claim that this will be a stable ruleset for several years, all points towards a re-release of BB. :)

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Post by Digger Goreman »

For my part, I whole-heartedly follow my current by-line of "not another penny for GW"....

GW's past actions argue against BB beneficiance.... Better to have a holiday ruling in hell (without GW) than serving this particular lord in "heaven"....

Thanks for the reasonable discourse.... :)

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Post by Deathwing »

A boycott would be counter productive and simply naiive. What on earth makes anybody think that a low turn out at the BB GT would have any bearing whatsoever on GW Legal protecting the company's business/copyright interests? How much exactly do you think the Events team have had to do with what's happened recently?

Those of you a bit longer in the tooth may remember the first version of the NAF logo. It was created for us by people within GW and they even printed the initial few t-shirts. Of course it contained their copyrighted picture of the spiked ball, and when GW Legal got wind of it some time down the line the change was made to the (cleaner) version of the shield we still use today.
The point of course is that the idea of 'GW' as a single entity is frankly ridiculous.

Everyone of course is entitled to their own opinion on the GT, it's many things to many people, and whether to attend or not is between one man, his conscience and possibly his wallet.

One more point, people nowdays take the GT as a 'given'. The simple truth is that GW Events have to turn a profit. If the BB GT doesn't generate profit then it will simply cease to exist. And you know what? It wouldn't matter one tiny iota to the people within GW who have been making the decisions and taking the actions that have ruffled so many feathers recently. Now would that be their loss or ours?

I understand people's anger, but I never did understand cutting off your nose just to spite your face. A few deep breaths and a bit of common sense wouldn't go amiss, some of the things I've seen posted on here lately make me question what world some people are living in.

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Post by besters »

I wouldn't argue with any of that.

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Post by Digger Goreman »

Wow, Deathwing, if I'd said all that I would've been banned! :lol:

Interestingly, the thoughts on both sides mimic the tomato and grape boycotts (past) here in the States.... And, believe me, they were highly successful....

Ce`la vie...

Ce`la morte.... :wink:

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