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Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:54 am
by Gorgoroth
Great Tournament once again 6 great games, a big thankyou to Tall Bloke and Shannie for taking their atrocious dice so well :D .

Thanks to the whole organising and referee teams.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 12:27 pm
by TheFear
My first NAFC and alongside the 7s the night before - a hugely enjoyable experience.

massive thank you to everyone involved in the organisation. I'll definitely be back next year.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:51 pm
by Wilf
Always a calendar highlight, and another triumph by the organising team. Really enjoyed my go with the halflings, and a very competitive stunty cup it was!

Not sure PanicoBlack's blood pressure will recover for a while!

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 4:19 pm
by Panicoblack
Wilf wrote:Always a calendar highlight, and another triumph by the organising team. Really enjoyed my go with the halflings, and a very competitive stunty cup it was!

Not sure PanicoBlack's blood pressure will recover for a while!
No worries Will, i’m fine, always a pleasure to play with you, next time i need to win and then i can have my revenge :lol: :lol:

Big thanks to the organization team, wonderful tournament, first time for me, we will meet next year for sure. A big hug to all of my opponents for the beautiful matches.


Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 8:14 pm
by fromherashes
besters wrote:Enjoyed 6 good games, thanks to all my opponents, particular thanks to Nonumber for taking his ability to roll doubles so well and making it a fun game.
That serves him right for dicing me last year :lol:

Enjoyed my game against you, felt I gave a good account of myself against a significantly more experienced opponent!

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:11 pm
by Twelfman

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 11:02 pm
by Jip
If any representatives of the schools in attendance are on here, just want to acknowledge that those lads represented themselves really well and took some dicings and bad results better than several of the grown ups in the room might have done, had the tables been turned (myself included!).

I passed on my thanks to one of the teachers about FinnDiesel in particular, really confident and calm young lad.

Heard a few comments like “points on legs” throughout the weekend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Beaten By Children (BBC) community earned ourselves a few new members over the course of the six rounds... :lol:

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:39 am
by Hobnail
Jip wrote:If any representatives of the schools in attendance are on here, just want to acknowledge that those lads represented themselves really well and took some dicings and bad results better than several of the grown ups in the room might have done, had the tables been turned (myself included!).

I passed on my thanks to one of the teachers about FinnDiesel in particular, really confident and calm young lad.
This ^^^

I played JJ on day one and made sure I took the time to track down his teacher to compliment him on his manners and attitude - 1st class. Then I played Finndiesel on Day 2 (and lost) and was just as impressed. Especially with his enthusiasm over my Goblin blocking and killing his Minotaur in T16 :lol:

If these guys are representative of the future of our hobby, then the future is bright.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:24 am
by spleggy
Jip wrote:If any representatives of the schools in attendance are on here, just want to acknowledge that those lads represented themselves really well and took some dicings and bad results better than several of the grown ups in the room might have done, had the tables been turned (myself included!).

I passed on my thanks to one of the teachers about FinnDiesel in particular, really confident and calm young lad.

Heard a few comments like “points on legs” throughout the weekend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Beaten By Children (BBC) community earned ourselves a few new members over the course of the six rounds... :lol:
Absolutely. My round 2 opponent was one of the aforementioned lads on the school trip. He struck me as a really smart cookie with a great knowledge of the game rules plus an instinctive grasp of the probabilities and how to play to manage them well. And yes, he beat me. I took it out on his maths teacher later. ;)

Also ThomasW, I didn't play him myself but he must surely have overcome some decent opposition to get that record become be the U16 winner. Is he the youngest to win that award? Impressive in any case.


Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:04 am
by king_ghidra
Jip wrote:If any representatives of the schools in attendance are on here, just want to acknowledge that those lads represented themselves really well
Well said. I played Fogels, he was a great opponent and a pleasure to chat to. He suffered some poor dice but still nearly caused me some blushes with an outrageous late-game break-away! Well played sir.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:43 am
by Stig
Thank you for the kind words - yes I am on here (but don't post much). It's great to hear that the young bloods were a pleasure to play against. For them it's really the highlight of the yea, and thank you to the whole community for being so welcoming to players with less experience. I'll pass your messages on - they really help to raise the profile of BB in the school.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:06 pm
by Jip
shaniepoo wrote:We will be going to Hooters for tea and then the Pit and Pendulum rock bar after. Welcome to join us.
Cheers for letting me crash your guys' evening, definitely didn't disappoint - cosmetic surgery, diligence, abstinence and free beers, what's not to love!
Stig wrote:I'll pass your messages on - they really help to raise the profile of BB in the school.
Very jealous of the set-up you guys have, as I work in a secondary school myself. Would be interested to chat sometime (maybe PM rather than clogging up a thread) about what you did/do to get such a decent turn out of students.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:28 pm
by lunchmoney
Jip wrote:what you did/do to get such a decent turn out of students.
From two different schools :)

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:44 pm
by Jip
lunchmoney wrote:From two different schools :)
Yeah, I knew that, but to get even one student all the way to an event like the NAFC suggests a really solid foundation back at the school itself/themselves. I think 7s makes Blood Bowl the most viable GW game to play in a school setting due to the time, attention span and cost implication, so just interested in how they got it all kicked off (still a little salty about Kick Offs and the NAFC after my game six!).

Aaaaanyway, don't want to derail this one, so hopefully Stig will get in touch at some point.

Re: The NAF championships 2019 4th and 5th May

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 4:16 pm
by Stig
Sure thing - I'll post up what I do somewhere - where's the best place here? "Community Discussion / Newbies / General Chat?"