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Re: NAFC 22 feedback

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 2:05 pm
by Boneless
having not missed a NAFC / BB GT since 2009 (Covid permitting) the only issues I have are listed.

It was hard to see Jimjimany from the back of the hall with out my glasses on.
I was given free choice of seat due to my mobility, this meant early thinking and clearly wore out my brain.
my Bribe failed 4 from 6 games.

other wise like Joe said organising an event like this is a massive task, I said it to Jim and I say it here, first Pippy did it and it was Good, then Joe followed by myself and Dave Ridley. this is a massive task and a mean feat and it gets better every year with out any question.

best advise I can offer any one who is thinking of running an event is speak to the experience and dont try do it alone, because this is how it should be done no questioned.

Thanks guys

Re: NAFC 22 feedback

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 10:14 am
by MarzM
It was a really good event.


The pitches were a bit too small, especially for GW sized models.

The lunch was f***ing awful. I asked for only no Mayo and they tried to feed me some random Chickpea rubbish! Who the hell made them? Chartwells?

The app was great, i just put it into alphabetical order but perhaps others didn't know you could do that.

The results are still not up on the NAF website 2 weeks later. Yes i know the TO was going on holiday...but there is more than 1 person who could put the results in.

We should have been told about the pre-registration.

Re: NAFC 22 feedback

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 3:18 pm
by deeferdan
Thanks all for the feedback so far. Keep it coming and we'll try to make next years NAFC even better.

Just to address a few things.

Food: I thought this was better than previous years, but agree it is still not great. We have little control over what is supplied, an unfortunate result of running a massive event in a conference venue.
Regards dietary needs the info we got from attendees was pretty hit and miss regarding needs. Similarly the venue were a bit hit and miss in supplying, but ultimately all I can say is please bare with us on this as it is something that is largely out of our control.

Pre Registration: This was a very last minute decision so wasnt advertised. We also wanted people to turn up in plenty of time, so although things worked well we were not 100% sure we wouldnt need the time to do some tinkering. Next year this will be more clearly laid out in the weekend schedule.

Pitches: I'm glad to see that they were largely well received. They were very much a pragmatic decision based on player comfort. The key as far as i am concerned is that we haven't caused a massive amount of back pain. Again we will advertise the precise square size for next year so people are aware.

Web app: Glad this worked: Kudos to Jim for making it happen. We will improve this further next year.

Results submission to the NAF: Please bear with us on this - it will be up when possible, but access to the results is indeed limited to one person who is not currently in a position to upload. So again, just thanks for your patience and understanding.



Re: NAFC 22 feedback

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 4:31 pm
by MarzM
Just to say Dan, Although i moaned about the food i really appreciated Alex and yourself trying to find me something to eat.

I think next time i'm just going to order a subway! lol