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Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:47 pm
by Jonny_P

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:25 am
by Kilowog2814
Jonny_P wrote:Image
Mom? Dad? Don't swing away! COME BACK! LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:04 pm
by AbraxiS
AWWWWWW...lovely pic guys.

I just hope you use some pants when recording :lol:


Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:02 pm
by fatfinley
SunDevil wrote:Scott! Thanks for the shout out for our 3DB Highlander League semi-final tilt on FUMBBL! I'm glad I was not the 'negative experience' you discussd having on that site recently. Or was I...? :D
No it was not you, even though you smashed me good. I am not a fan of losing any game, but I still enjoyed playing you so we are cool than cool... yep... ICE COLD.
SunDevil wrote:Our two local leagues are 100% 'pick your skills' but we recently had a third league that was 'first skill random'. I played in it for three seasons. Like you and Kilowog discussed, the main problem with random skills is that is flat out RUINS some players. I played Nurgle one season, my lone Pestigor skills up in Game 1 - POW! - Extra Long Legs. Blech. Set the team back horribly.

And that was only making the first skill random. But some first random skills are so bad, it cannot be fixed. I'm glad I have that experience but I will never go back.
Sounds fun, but yes there are always some turds in the punch bowl, so to speak. I see a player that develops randomly different, while one guy could become the next Wes Welker or Tom Brady of the bunch, you still have your players that become Albert Haynesworth and Tony Mandarich. They suck up team value and seem like a waste until they finally get cut.
SunDevil wrote:You guys talked about pick-your-skill being boring because there are some commonly accepted "best" builds but I don't think it is quite that black and white. Lots of people like Dodge on Norse Zerkers double rolls but what about Diving Tackle to go with their Jump Up? How about a Chaos Pact team that features Dump Off since all Linemen canget it normally? Having a "best" build (and I use that term VERY loosely) just means you have something to play against when you pick - do you go by the book or try to find something different. Random skills doesn't give you that chance to explore, it forces it on you at the expence of lots of ruined players. :wink:
I can see your point, BUT I think there is some skills that always seem smarter to take if you solely want to min/max a team. I know you can develop and create a passing dwarf team if you want.

My opinion might be firmly suited to random skills because simply I have never really had to pick skills, so I am maybe not a good at it as others. I think I do okay at Tournaments type events, but the few FUMBBL leagues I am in I wonder if I have a clue.

I enjoy the challenge of trying to get something and make it work. It's why I enjoy Sealed Booster Heroclix or MTG. I was a huge fan of the old TSR Marvel Role Playing Game where when you created a character you rolled for all you skills and powers through a random chart. I loved it. That stupid game was so much fun and the challenge of making some random chaos character into something great was so much fun... to me. Random skill are not for everybody, I get that, but picking skills are not for everybody either.
SunDevil wrote:I do think the 'Pick 6' is a better compromise and we use that as well, sort of, for deciding MVP, though it's 'Pick 3'. This is already a chaotic game, there needs to be SOME order to balance it. :)
Pick 6 is way better. And really we could have said 6 skills out of all categories you qualify for, but that didn't seem as fun. The game is chaotic and sound remain that way!!!!

I mean no personal attack to anyone in your leagues but why the "Pick 3 MVP" seems like just a mechanic built in to make sure people get quick skill ups, and heck maybe that is why you do it. I personally think the super random MVP is one of the funniest mechanics in all Blood Bowl, with all the corruption and craziness it always fun to justify why Player X got it.
SunDevil wrote:Kilowog, I was glad to hear you connect your Norse success with the random skill environment in which the team plays. That absolutely favors teams that start with good foundation skills and you guys, to your credit, did mention this. I do not mean to discount your skill as a coach but we ALL need to remember that connection. I coached CONTROL Nurgle into a Blood Bowl locally but trying it on FUMBBL Blackbox for example will get your players killed. However, I enjoyed your breakdown of the benefits of one die blocks with your Norse vs letting the opponent block you with two dice. I like Fend on the Linemen but only because they do not get ST access on normal rolls. :wink:
I truly have no idea if we are good or decent BB players, I know we both have had decent success in our small pond which is our "Home Leagues" and moderate success at the few tournaments we have played in. The core point of success is the FUN we have.

I do think me and Steve look at the game way different than most. I have seen and played against a few coaches that will not try certain things because they see a 66% chance of being a complete failure. While me and Steve often times look at the situation and see a 33% chance of success. So we might try things we should avoid if going by the numbers, but we go try it anyways. In a game that there's always a 1 out 6 chance that something Great or Bad can happen, means there is plenty of both to go around, and anything can and will happen its Blood Bowl.
SunDevil wrote:Great ep, guys, and I hope to sit across from you at Chaos Cup this year!
Thank you so much for all the feedback and opinions, we enjoy hearing from you. You want to sit across and play us so you can destroy us and brag.... and that's okay... because the Ginger Badger don't care. :smoking:

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:06 pm
by fatfinley
Kilowog2814 wrote:It's gonna be a Both Down Show Down!
Winner takes the other's podcast!
Then I'm going to lose...
Not confident enough in my BB skills to put the show in the line. That why we cover fluff.

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:10 pm
by fatfinley
Jonny_P wrote: Ooooh, another Podcast Showdown...

I might have to randomly make this happen! 8)
You run the tournament like normal, to big of an event to switch stuff, I would mean that even if it put me and Steve randomly together in the 1st round. Besides I have a feeling the computer program will provide some great match ups this year.

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:47 pm
by Lunchab1es
Enjoying the podcast so far guys, great work! Just got through listening to all of them while painting or working in my yard.

I have to say though, I don't think I could play in your league. I can't stand the idea of random skills. Personally, I love the strategic aspect of various builds, finding skills that pair well or suit a role. I probably spend about as much time planning builds as I do playing blood bowl itself (well not quite...)! Random skill ups completely eliminates this part of the game which I find not only to be highly enjoyable, but important to the competitive aspect of the game. It's been my experience that those feared "agreed upon best builds" don't happen with near enough consistency to create monotony. For one, everyone has their own opinion on which skills are best on a given piece at a given point in time. Prior experience and ability to utilize those skills factor in as well. Doubles and stat boosts further differentiate players into all new roles. I have also found that most coaches are willing to try some "out-of-the-box" skill choices, either for tactical viability or just for fun.

I know you mentioned that this method probably benefits some teams more than others, and I have go to say that I expect it to do far worse. Teams like Norse, Amazon, and Dwarfs, which don't need any skills in order to be competitive, gain the benefit of other teams being unable to skill up in a way that benefits them, suffering TV bloat. Teams like Chaos, Chaos Pact, and Slann, who are desperately wanting basic skills, are completely and utterly screwed. It wouldn't even be fun for me to attempt to play them in your league.

The folks at ZTZ once talked about how a good measure of a house rule not functioning properly was when you stepped far enough away from the original game that you end up house-ruling house rules to fix them, which you guys seem to be doing. "Oh, your TV is way higher than it should be because your players got shafted with skills of no use, and you are getting induced to death, we have to alter inducement rates now", "Oh, random skills are too random let's make it a D6 instead", etc. I imagine that teams that rely on inducements (flings and gobbos) might be disproportionately affected, too.

If you guys are happy with it, then I'm happy for you guys to play it like you want; it's your league and that's a great aspect of BB! However, even if you were the only league in my area, I would give it a good long thinking before I would join something that different from the game I enjoy, because I suspect I wouldn't.

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:55 am
by Kilowog2814
You make some good points Lunchy... I think a lot of it just comes from "That's what we're used to". So no matter which side of the coin you're on, you're going to pretty much feel yours is more enjoyable because you're used to it.
However, if we did a public league where it was hosted at a store and almost anyone can join, then we'd probably stick much more closely with the rules as they're meant to be. We definitely don't want to drive anyone off. :-)
Glad you're enjoying the podcasts and we strive to maintain the same or lesser quality from here on out! Hehe


Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:09 pm
by fatfinley
Newest episode of Both Down!!!

Both Down #6 – The Closer I Get To You

The Dungeonbowl Episode! Hear Steve and Scott talk about Dungeonbowl, gab about their experience playing it and hear from the Main Guy behind the new Dungeonbowl game from Cyanide! Stay tuned for a special surprise interview and a possible contest! We guarantee it’s the best Dungeonbowl podcast ever!!!!

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 12:23 am
by SunDevil
Just listened to the show, guys - nicely done!

I was particularly intrigued by your challenge to Drew and myself in a Both Down vs. Three Die Block at Chaos Cup for the rights to our podcasts! YOU ARE ON!!! Winner takes over the loser's podcast!

I hope gingers look good in black and blue because Both Down is going to get BEAT DOWN! :D

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:06 am
by Jonny_P
Zlurpcast would love to do a group-skype (hot) recording with both podcasts to talk about the challenge results the following month.

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:25 pm
by fatfinley
Sounds like some Chat Roulette fun :)

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:57 am
by Jonny_P
ha, remember that?

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:19 pm
by SunDevil
Jonny_P wrote:Zlurpcast would love to do a group-skype (hot) recording with both podcasts to talk about the challenge results the following month.
I'm up for it! I'll check with my better ginger half.

Re: Both Down Newest info!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 3:38 pm
by fatfinley
SunDevil wrote:
Jonny_P wrote: my better ginger half.
All gingers are better. And he will betray you and your Team at Chaos Cup.

Ginger World Order!