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Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:27 am
by Darkson
Right, lets be clear here - this is not a dig at the volunteers (especially seeing as Lycos is at Eurobowl this weekend), this is intended as a constructive idea. If there is some reason (technical, legal or other) why something like this can't be done, then so be it.

I've now run 10 events, and this is the first time I've come up against the problem of getting results submitted due to new NAF sign-ups. Every other time I've ever not had new members or I've had a NAF staffer in attendance (normally Lycos).

This time at the P'n'M, I had 2 new members plus one that had joined at Crumb but wasn't showing (which on further digging seems to be one of 5 newbies at Crumb not active), and as Lycos was still feeling under the weather, no-one on hand to sign them up at the event.

So now I'm waiting on the 2 new ones (and the Crumb one) before I can enter the results.

My suggestion:

Would it be possible to have a online form, either separate or as part of the TO's Event page, that the TO can fill-in with the new members basic details (real name, email, requested NAF name) which would then generate a NAF number allowing the TO to get the results in asap, and provide NAF staff with the details so that can get in contact to sort out rewards etc.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:44 am
by HairyPete77
I agree.

TOs should be able to signup new members through their tournament page or similar. It also goes back to the handling of non-NAF members at NAF sanctioned events and how those results get entered into the NAF database.

Solutions to both of these problems would make a TOs life easier.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:38 am
by lunchmoney
Darkson wrote:My suggestion:

Would it be possible to have a online form, either separate or as part of the TO's Event page, that the TO can fill-in with the new members basic details (real name, email, requested NAF name) which would then generate a NAF number allowing the TO to get the results in asap, and provide NAF staff with the details so that can get in contact to sort out rewards etc.

One assumes you've also posted on NAF forum? I cant look at the NAF website at work :(

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:57 am
by RoterSternHochdahl
I suppose it is about the data AND the membership fee. An online-form solves the former but not the latter unless the NAF wanted to rely on the TO to wire that money eventually. The best and most obvious solution would be that the new members look after their registration themselves at with the TO just being the guy handing out their dice or whatever else.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:12 pm
by Saebelsultan
I see Darksons point and where a general solution is probably the way to go (i.e. generating trial membership numbers for, say, 30 days that expire if the membership fee hasn't been paid then), I was wondering, if a practical approach would be possible until then.
This only works with internet available and the use of paypal: if you are not a NAF member, sign up, transfer the membership fee and your good to go. This might take some time due to response time, but should be possible during the course (of even a one day) tournament. So at the end of the tourney you can present you membership number and everyone is happy.
Again, is this only possible if you have internet acces and one is willing to use paypal.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:32 pm
by Darkson
lunchmoney wrote:One assumes you've also posted on NAF forum? I cant look at the NAF website at work :(
Nope, given up trying to get people to use the forum there. This thread has more views/posts than most of my tournament threads on the NAF forum.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:37 pm
by Darkson
@HairyPete - the recording of non-NAF matches is a completely different issue, and not one I want to derail this idea with (though I'd love the NAF to show my complete record)

@RoterSternHochdahl - I can't speak for other organisers, but I have their NAF sign-up fee in hand (well, in PayPal), just waiting for Lycos to get back to me on what to do with it/where to send it. I didn't/don't give them dice, as I'm not a NAF staff member so don't have them.

@Saebelsultan - No 'net access at either of the two venues I use, and not sure I'd trust something like this over my phone signal, hence why I suggested a form the TO can fill in as part of his tournament submission on the NAF site.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:48 pm
by Gaixo
If there's no NAF representative on-hand, isn't the easiest solution to have the new users register manually, as Roter suggested? So long as they have a smart phone (or are allowed to borrow the computer you're using to run SCORE), they can have their ID before the end of the event.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:39 pm
by Darkson
See my reply above.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:50 pm
by Gaixo
Ah. Well, I would still prefer having a staff member oversee the process and would hope that the current delay is atypical.

It might be a moot point anyway, at least until the site is overhauled. It seems most new features are being held until then.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:11 pm
by sann0638
Surely if naf sign up is included in the event and payment received, it can be processed beforehand anyway?

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:44 pm
by Darkson
@Sann - No doubt, but that doesn't help events like mine that don't make joining the NAF mandatory, and therefore don't include a NAF fee in advance.

@Gaxio - and if there's no NAF staffer? As I said, I have the details (name, real name, email address, dice request), I have payment. With the system I propose I could have all the results entered now. As it stands, the coaches involved are still having to wait.

I'm not proposing replacing NAF staff involvement, I'm proposing making it easier for them to get the details if they're not present, and making it easier for TOs to get their results entered as they're not having to wait for new members to be entered (which can take a while due to real life).

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:19 pm
by sann0638
Darkson wrote:@Sann - No doubt, but that doesn't help events like mine that don't make joining the NAF mandatory, and therefore don't include a NAF fee in advance.
Genuinely looking for a solution - does the only problem come from those who are new members and only decide on the day to become so? If people are asked beforehand whether they want to become members surely it can be sorted?

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:24 pm
by Darkson
There is the perception (and reality) that it's better to sign up in person than online, given the time it can take to get the dice through the post (just look at the most posted thread on the NAF forum). Lycos was due to come and take details and give dice but illness prevented that.

And yes, I've had people decide to sign-up on the day in the past (5 ARBBLers for example in 2008 for example).

So no, I don't feel pushing people to sign-up online before the event is always the best.

Re: Easier sign-us at events?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:30 pm
by sann0638
Good point, yep. Something like a "tournament package" might be a good idea, with NAF shield, dice etc. But given the large choice of "gift" that is now available, that's probably not practicable. Tricky one.