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Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:53 am
by GuppyShark
Team Profile

Three Wolf Moon
Norse Team


If you are unfamiliar with the Three Wolf Moon tribe, last season's blog can be found here.

As previously leaked by Three Wolf Moon Ulfwerener @lordmakk on his twitter account, coach GuppyShark agreed to coach Three Wolf Moon for their second season in the league.

Three Wolf Moon had enjoyed a fortituous rookie season, squeaking into the playoffs on a technicality and climbing all the way to the top four before tying for third place after being eliminated by an outstanding elven aerial attack.

Coach GuppyShark had coached an undead Street Bowl team "The Dirty Birds" in the CCKUP off season but ultimately he went with the team that had come so tantalisingly close to hoisting the cup.

Key Players

Lord Makk, Norse Werewolf, #1
Rank: Experienced

2010 Season Casualties: 2


Howlin' At The Moon: Member of the starting eleven

Makk likes to chase skinks. The smell of fresh lizard drives him crazy. He can often be found in the market spending his share of the winnings on imported delicacies from far off Lustria.

Lord Makk, since learning how to Block properly, has developed a full-blown ego and likes few things more than talking himself up on twitter.

His antics have attracted attention and he is the first Three Wolf Moon player to have a bounty placed on him, allegedly for a sizeable quantity of alcohol, claimable on any injury, no matter how minor.

Karn Mithralia, Norse Werewolf, #2
Rank: Veteran
Injury Report: Smashed Ankle (-1 MA)


Howlin' At The Moon: Member of the starting eleven

2010 Season Casualties: 5
2010 Season Touchdowns: 2

"We come for our people," is what he would say if he was capable of human speech while metamorphised into an immense bundle of fur and fury. Victims of his savage Blocks often find themselves waking up in the dugout. The dual honours of the team's first casualty and second touchdown fell to him. Karn Mithralia is the offensive team captain, and is secretly happy his rage hasn't killed anyone yet.

Tragedy struck in Round 8 vs the Dragonspine Stompers, as he was forced to leave the pitch with an ankle injury. The apothecary was unable to prevent permanent loss of mobility in the joint.

He is definately slower now, but he is not giving up. He has accepted his new responsibilities as an Offensive Guard with dignity and no less dedication.

Smörhund, Norse Snow Troll, #4
Rank: Experienced


2010 Season Casualties: 2
2010 Season Interceptions: 1

Hitting the ground running in his first game as a rookie, Smörhund managed to catch a ball intended for his opponent. While he eventually got gang-tackled and injured, he impressed many fans with his surprising athletic ability. He will be back next game ready to cause more chaos on the pitch, sporting a scar across his chest from the talons of the Bromeliad Crusade player he fell upon.

Geirdriful Spear-Flinger, Norse Thrower, #5
Rank: Veteran


Howlin' At The Moon: Member of the starting eleven

2010 Season Casualties: 1
2010 Season Completions: 4
2010 Season Touchdowns: 4

Geirdriful ("G'dawful" to her coach) has had a terrible start to the season, fumbling two throws and failing to safely pick up several kick-offs.

It is hoped that eventually her nerves will settle and that, with experience, she may develop into a worthwhile quarterback. Until then, she is being carried by the rest of the team.

She is showing signs of improvement. She did not drop the ball once in Game 6 and she even threw a very very short pass successfully. We are all very proud of her.

Quarterback coach Förs Varsspelare believes she has identified the problem with Geirdriful's throwing motion and corrected it. It turns out Geirdriful has such a Strong Arm that she has been putting too much power into her throws, causing her to lose control of the ball. Now that this has been identified she has thrown much more Accurate passes in training.

She threw a beautiful touchdown pass to Sigrún the Victor in the opening game of the CCKUP Season 5. She may just be an elite quarterback after all.

Sigrún the Victor, Norse Runner, #6
Rank: Emerging Star


Howlin' At The Moon: One of the starting eleven

2010 Season Touchdowns: 8
2010 Season Interceptions: 1

Sigrún left her mark against the experienced Orc team "Green Skin Slackers". With two touchdowns, one of them while playing defence, she has truly lived up to her moniker of "the Victor". This performance made her a no-brainer choice for Game 2 MVP. Her ability to Dodge around defenders is considered a vital component of Three Wolf Moon's offensive playcalling.

An interception in game 3 has further cemented her reputation. Seeing an Amazon ball carrier running downfield with defenders swarming around her, Sigrún broke for the pass window. With a beautiful leap and tuck the ball was safely snagged in her Sure Hands, and then run back upfield for a game-winning touchdown.

She also has Side Step. But I can't put in the effort to slip that into flavour text right now.

Svipul the Flexible, Norse Runner, #7
Rank: Emerging Star


2010 Season Touchdowns: 7
2010 Season Casualties: 1
2010 Season Fatalities: 1

Elves Killed: 1

Svipul made an early impact in her first game of the season, scoring a touchdown and the game MVP. She credits this to her ability to predict where the opposition is going to be and Dodge somewhere else, often with a dramatic Side Step, the ball safe in her Sure Hands.

Hlaðguðr Swan-White, Norse Linewoman, #10
Rank: Experienced


Howlin' At The Moon: One of the starting eleven

2010 Season Casualties: 2
2010 Season Fatalities: 1
2010 Season Touchdowns: 1

Elves Killed: 1

Hlaðguðr Swan-White is one of the more brutal members of the team, she is popular among the fans because she loves to Kick opposing players while they are down - she was the first Three Wolf Moon player to be ejected for fouling.

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:12 pm
by GuppyShark

Well, the fifth season of the City of Churches King's United Prize, the CCKUP league has begun with an amazing kickoff game.

To this day it is unclear why the league schedule had the highest-placing returning team starting the season off against the commissioner's own rookie Undead team, the Dead Ringers. The leading theory seems to be that the commish DarkHorse wanted to maximise his team's cabalvision ratings by setting up the headline game of the week. Supporting this theory was the appearance of Undead Star Players Ram-Tut and Hackenslash.

The Norse locker room atmosphere before the game was electric. Lord Makk was bouncing around the room telling anyone who would listen how amazing he was going to be and what a star he was. Karn Mithralia, the other ulfwerener on the roster and grizzled veteran, was much more subdued in his preparations. Suffering from a leg injury late last season, he was hard-working and determined, the voice of reason in the locker room and a stabilising influence. None could deny that the valkyries were confident that they would be successful in this game. Their coach had already spoken to them in depth about the strengths and weaknesses of the team they would face - having led an Undead team in the off-season, he had a detailed understanding of the Undead roster and a solid gameplan to take it apart.

The Dead Ringers won the coin toss and opted to receive. The stacked the line with their mummies and kept their ghouls back to receive the kickoff.

The mummies got some movement on the offensive line and forced the Three Wolf Moon line, anchored by guard Karn Mithralia, back on their heels. The counterattack from Three Wolf Moon forced a gap in the protection and Lord Makk surged forward, frenzied, getting to the Dead Ringers ball carrier and bringing him down to record the season's first sack!

He celebrated with a howl to the fans, beating his chest in triumph. The valkyries slipped around the slower Undead team and recovered the loose ball, running it in for a touchdown - the first of four.

The only blemish in a game in which everything that could go Three Wolf Moon's way did, was the tragic loss of Sanngriðr the Cruel, the Three Wolf Moon beserker who was a victim of a wight's rage. Her fellow beserker Kára the Storm was quick to return the favor, sending him to the halls of Valhalla.

Ram-Tut was felled by Smorhund's claws. Without Ram-Tut's veteran presence, the rookie Dead Ringers team looked completely overwhelmed for most of the game. Three Wolf Moon's beserkers, ulfwereners and snow troll were a ferocious combination on offense, recording four casualties.

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:59 pm
by Overhamsteren
Any news? :D

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:40 am
by GuppyShark
Thanks for asking.

The season has gone very well for the greatest* (for some values of great) Blood Bowl team in the CCKUP. They remain undefeated after eight rounds and have clinched a playoff spot. They may have even clinched #1 seed. Not that that is any guarantee of postseason success - just ask last season's League of Orcish Gentlemen (or my Atlanta Falcons :( ).

There is, however, one piece of major news.

In a prepared statement, Karn Mithralia, team captain and Ulfwerener for Three Wolf Moon, announced his retirement from Blood Bowl.


"I today announce my retirement from the great sport of Blood Bowl. I have had a successful career with five casualties and two touchdowns, but injuries I have sustained mean I cannot continue to perform at the level expected of me by my fans, my coaches, and most importantly myself."

"I wish Three Wolf Moon continued success on the Blood Bowl pitch."

Sources inside the team state that Karn was actually willing to continue to play but was given an ultimatum by the team management to retire - or be cut, to make way for new blood.

Karn Mithralia has been plagued by injuries, caused by teams coached by Clancy. The Dragonspine Stompers shattered a knee in their loss to the team last season, while this season a mercenary playing for Vanhel's Drive Macabre injured Karn Mithralia with a chainsaw.

The veteran player was the lynchpin and anchor of the Three Wolf Moon offense, providing key assists at pivotal moments and proving to be a fearsome blitzer. His locker room presence has also been spoken of highly.

In response, Three Wolf Moon's team management issued only a bland statement thanking Karn for his efforts and encouraging people to attend their upcoming game against the Deacons of Death.

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:42 am
by Paulusmaximus
I love your write-ups. Hope to hear more soon!

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:31 am
by GuppyShark
A brief update.

Three Wolf Moon have secured the #1 seed in the Duke's Division albeit the worst possible way - my last three games are forfeits and byes.

I'll have to find a way to get some practice in before the playoffs or I'll probably be too rusty to compete against some of the fierce coaches in the Cathedral Conference.

I am waiting on some paperwork and then I will update the first post with the current status of the team.

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:39 am
by GuppyShark
Well, that went about as well as I expected.

I'll let the other coach tell the story...
Coach One Eye wrote:Some said it was a deal made with powers best not mentioned. Others whispered that Da Gitz coach had sold his first born litter for the stars services, only to be heard laughing that the "stoopid twit can 'ave da rowdy snotlings!"

Whatever the evil leader of Da Skummi Gitz had made a bargain with, his purchase of the chainsaw wielding star Ugroth was well worth the price as he took the Three Wolf team apart, quite literally limb by limb!

The kickoff saw the ball headed toward Da Gitz half of the field and after a few slow turns and the almost religious failure of the first turn pickup, Da Gitz pounded down the righthand side of the pitch in a juggernaut of blood, limbs and broken bodies. Leading the carnage was Ugroth as his bloodied chainsaw tallied up 2 KO's and a MSG hit on a norse beserker before the biggest hit of the game reduced Lord Makk's armour value by 1. This was a better choice than the one his team apothecary offered him, no less than a wooden pine box and some wilted flowers was all he cared to bring to the field!

So the orcs slowly stormed down the pitch before so madly flailing arms by One Eye slowed the charge down, giving the chainsaw more time to inflict death and destruction along with the rest of the team who also got in on the act. By the end of the half the injury box had three bodies in various states of disrepair while the Snow Troll, beserker and lineman had been stretchered off to the KO box as well! Luckily the norse had all three players return for the second half, making it an 11 v 11 match. 1-0 to Da Gitz but the chainsaw was off.

From the restart the norse tried to hit back at the brutal orcs line, coming up trumps with the first blood of the half and sending a BO to the KO bin. Things were looking up but then a failed pickup took the pressure off the orcs and they streamed forward to put the ball under pressure. The norse recovered but a quick KO, another MSG and regular stuns to key players and the norse were struggling.

Da Gitz started to surround the ball carrier but just couldn't knock him down and with a td a possibility with some good rolls, One Eye decided the time had come and led out his second secret weapon. With a flash of lightning and boom of thunder, the runner suddenly lit up and dropped to the ground. Some fans reported seeing some tall beardy git fleeing the stadium with a full bag of gold while others suggested One Eye had just eaten a lethal batch of curry for dinner... whatever the reason, Da Gitz now had possession of the pigskin and rolled it back down the pitch for the 2-0 victory.

A tough match for Brad as Da Gitz just kept pounding his players to the ground. Without a doubt the chainsaw proved a massive boon to the greenskins and taking out a wolf early in both halves while the Snow Troll was kept in tacklezones and away from the action definately allowed One Eye to force the play to his liking. Bradds rolls weren't exactly bad but when Da Gitz were POWing every second hit and then breaking armour at literally i'd say 80-85%, it was always going to be difficult.

Re: Three Wolf Moon - CCKUP Cup Season 5

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:26 am
by GuppyShark
I've been neglecting this blog because I'm now in four leagues, instead of just the one. Last night I was eliminated in the second round of the playoffs to a well-coached High Elf team, I managed to drag it into OT but couldn't stop the deep ball. Having three of my best players on the bench thanks to MNGs didn't help.

So after two seasons, Three Wolf Moon has the following record:

Wins: 13
Ties: 4
Losses: 7

The funny part of this is the breakdown.

Vs Elves

Wins: 1
Ties: 2
Losses: 4

Vs Everyone Else

Wins: 12
Ties: 2
Losses: 3

Hrmmmmm. Can't beat 'em... join 'em?