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Elves battle it out in a preseason friendly

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:28 am
by Smurf
Cyder City (WE) TV 1780K vs Pan's Pixies (PE) TV 1700K - induced Bloodweiser babes

first 4 turns the teams weighed each other up, first Pan's Pixies scored then Cyder City. Coaches were going mad as on the 3rd kick off the Coaches barked from their benches.

3rd Drive, Pan's Pixies concede the ball to Cyder City's excellent defence, with a scuffle, pass and a fumble, Pan's Pixies were put on the back foot when Cyder City stole possession and scored. By this time Pan's Pixies had lost one of their throwers to the injured box.

4th Drive, yet another fantastic defence by Cyder City putting pay to a desparate lob to touch down by Pan's Pixies, only to be denied by Cyder City's pass blocker!

2nd Half pretty much went Cyder City 3-1 up, Pan's Pixies then scored... followed by an equaliser by Pan's Pixies during a blitz following a desparate play by Cyder City and Pan's Pixies pass blocker intercepts and scores. Game equalised on 3-3.

The last Drive is a fairly brutal affair, with Cyder City knocking spots off Pan's Pixies (who are reluctant to get into a brawl). Cyder City scores with a win AET of 4-3. IMO very close, Pan's Pixies Coach needs to tighten up his abilities.

Wardancers with tackle and sidestep slowed the Pro Elves down.
WE thrower, a la the 3+ long bomber did well
WE thrower with kick put the ball neatly in the corners, ensuring that Pro Elves had to run for it and throw it.

Pro Elves catchers with Nerves of Steel and Pass Block were very good.
Generally speaking an all round team.

Re: Elves battle it out in a preseason friendly

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:55 pm
by El_Jairo
Nice report Smurf,

reads fast.

Could you post some links to teams rosters?

Re: Elves battle it out in a preseason friendly

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:15 pm
by Smurf
The post is over a year old.

I will post my team after our current tournament. I need to get through the semi finals etc.

But I'll show you the team as it enters it's 4 teams on 23 games.