Eurobowl NAF rated?

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Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Topper »

After the latest rulechange for tourneys the EB needs to show that it´s open and fair for all if we want it NAF sanctioned.
That means it needs a side tourney - we will do that.
Also all teams have to comply to this:
Hi everyone After a little delay, here is the updated Tournament Approval document: ... c_2011.doc
Point 4 of Pre-tournament requirements refers specifically to nation vs. nation (or state vs. state etc.) events re NAF ranking.
If Eurobowl is to be NAF-ranked, then all teams would have to fulfil this requirement.
About 9 months to go, so plenty of time
My suggestion is that each country adds their way of picking their teams in this thread - that way Pippy have easy acces to the teams and how they´re picked - and that way it´s easy to see if we can be sanctioned for the NAF - which I hope we can.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Topper »

The danish ruleset is as follows: (Not yet converted to English)

The Danish Bloodbowl community has it´s own site:
Here all our rules are up for constant revision and discussion - in theory the captain has some power. The way I have done it however is to try and make everybody have a fair chance of getting to the EB each. year. There are many, many people who wish to attend (sometimes up to 30) so we need to have some way of taking the most experienced/best and motivated coaches for the team with a small look at a persons social skills. So the power the captain has is mostly to put forward a couple of choices that the rest of the team then votes for - for the last place at the team. The captain is not automatically on the teamroster.
I have been captain for years and it seems people are quite pleased - after each year I offer to go down - and it has never been regarded as a possibility from anyone else in the community (to my knowledge that is anyway). I believe that is because I have fought hard to make it open and fair for as many as possible - not for my friends etc.

This particular year is somewhat different than usual since it´s held in DK. That means alot of people who haven´t been interested before suddenly are - so we made a way to make it possible to join despite never having attended a EB before - but at the same time giving an advanmtage to those who have shown passion for the tourney in the past by representing us.

Team places
Seven places on the team are up for qualification while the last is a wildcard place. This wildcard place is suggested by the captain in co-operation by the team and then voted for in the end. There are no pre-qualified spaces this year. The team captain continues to be team captain if he wills - should he not qualify himself for the team. He will then travel along more like a coach.


In order to qualify for Eurobowl 2012 three parametres needs to be fulfilled for six of the spots on the team*.
1) You must have attended at least once in a prior Eurobowl tourney.
2) You must have attended at the NAF´s BB WC II 2011
3) You must have attended at DBBA´s BB Danish Championships (DM) in either 2011 or 2012.
*unless there´s not enough interested players to take up the six places.
The last spot is an "open spot". That means you doesn´t have to have attended a former Eurobowl tourney to get in. The last two parametres named above (Attended at WC II 20011 & at least one DM in 2011 or 2012) This means that it´s possible to get a spot without having attended a Eurobowl prior to this if you perform well enough at the DM & WC EKS (see below) wise.

De syv pladser tilbydes til spillere der opfylder ovenstående forudsætninger ud fra følgende point system. Denne score kalder vi Eurobowl Kvalifikations Score, EKS.
Den samlede sum af (bedste score pr kamp til DM*) +((score pr kamp til WC**)/2+((holdets andre spilleres gennemsnitlige score pr kamp)/2***).
En sejr tæller for 1 point og en uafgjort tæller for ½. Alle kampe, som man er udeblevet fra tæller som nederlag, også hvis begge parter udebliver.
Individuelle top placeringer giver et bonus point før udregning af score pr. kamp. Dette gælder DM scoren hvis man ender i top 3 og individuel WC score hvis man ender i top 10, men ikke hold scoren til WC. Gode individuelle placeringer giver et ½ point som ovenfor og det er hvis man til DM ender på en 4-8 plads og til WC en 11-25 plads
*DM 2011 eller 2012 **WC 2011 *** Spiller man ikke på et hold tæller ens kampe som til DM (pt per kamp)

BB har været med til begge DM´s og og i den ene fik han 6 sejre og 3 nederlag samt en 3 plads og i den anden 5 sejre, 2 uafgjorte og et nederlag. Dette regnes ud som flg: Til det første DM havde han 6 sejre ud af 9 kampe men da han blev nr 3 svarer dette altså til 7/9 eller 0,78 pt. I det andet DM havde han 5 sejre og 2 uafgjorte i 8 forsøg. Dette er således 6/8=0,75 pt. Det bedste resultat er således det første DM med 0,78 pt.
Til WC spillede han på et hold og havde selv en middelmådig turnering med 5 sejre og 4 nederlag og endte langt nede af listen. Dette giver ham (5/9 eller 0,56 pts)/2 = 0,28 pt
Resten af holdet havde til gengæld en god turnering og de endte samlet set som niere.
I alt havde resten af holdet 29 sejre, 8 uafgjorte og 8 nederlag, hvilket giver (33/45 eller 0,73)/2=0,37.
Dette giver en samlet EKS på 0,78+0,28+0,37= 1,43 pt.

I tilfælde af lige score bruges følgende tie-breakers.
1) Det lavest samlede antal spillere, der har spillet samme race og har en bedre EKS. Her medregnes begge resultater for spillere, som deltager i begge DM turneringer. Hvis man spiller forskellige racer til de to DM´s, så er det racen fra bedste DM, der bruges som kalkulator.

BB endte med 1,43 pt som gennemgået ovenfor. Det endte en anden spiller også med. BB spillede Orc og til det første DM endte ingen Orc hold over ham. Til det andet DM var der imidlertid et Orc hold der var bedre placeret end BB´s 3 plads. CC der også havde 1,43 pt havde i stedet spillet WE til sin bedste turnering. I begge turneringer var ét WE hold bedre end hans bedste placering hvorfor BB tager pladsen med en tie breaker på 1-2.

2) Er der stadig ikke fundet en afgørelse bruges den individuelle placering til WC.
3) Hvis det af en eller anden grund ikke er muligt at finde de individuelle placeringer til WC udpeger kaptajnen én af de to som deltager. Evt. i samarbejde med resten af holdet.

Holdets sammensætning:
Når ovenstående er regnet ud tilbydes pladserne i rækkefølge til de spillere der har en EKS score på 1 eller bedre. Oppefra og ned.
Dette gøres hurtigst muligt og svar kræves indenfor en overskuelig fremtid (ca 3-4 uger). Dem der takker ja, tilbydes en plads og ellers tilfalder den plads den næste i rækken og så fremdeles
Er der ikke nok spillere, der har en god nok EKS score på disse vilkår til at fylde de syv pladser, gives de resterende pladser ud efter samme princip son Wildcard pladsen.

Efter holdet er sat skal der indbetales 500 kr fra hver person på flg konto: ...... med navn. Disse penge skal være indbetalt senest d. 5 juli 2012. Det vil sige jeg skal kunne se dem d. 7 juli 2012.

Kaptanens ret:
Kaptajnen har veto ret overfor enhver spiller og kan smide dem ud. Denne ret kan dog kun benyttes hvis der er en alvorlig konflikt mellem en eller flere personer, en person ikke overholder ovenstående regler herunder betalingsperioden, vedkommende har snydt i spil, lavet aftalt spil eller hvis hele holdet samlet er imod én person.

Ryger en spiller af den ene eller den anden grund af holdet (personlige forhold, økonomi eller veto fra kaptajnen) efter betalingsfristen er overskredet, så gives pladsen som en wild card plads på samme vilkår som den ottende plads. Evt. indbetalte penge tilbagebetales ikke efter d. 5/7-2012.

Fremadrettet vil disse regler ændres en lille smule da WC ikke længere spiller med og man kan pre-kvalificere sig via EB.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Tourach »

Just google translate it to get the idea ... ha :D

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Pipey »

Hopefully this is clear in the document for which there is a link, as provided by Topper. I'll clarify just in case...

Tournaments which the NAF supports should be open to all. Tournaments where participants are invited to attend have traditionally not been eligible for NAF support. This is with good reason: Tournament Organisers should not be allowed to artificially control who turns up at their tournament. If so this would render the ranking system inaccurate, in effect raising the possibility of individuals inviting weaker players to a tournament in order to gain an easy pick of opponents.

For several years there has been discussion about NAF support of tournaments where participation is restricted to certain selected individuals, tournaments where teams representing nations (or states, provinces etc.) compete against other similarly representative teams. Examples include Eurobowl and AusBowl. Some of these events have been NAF ranked after discussion between Tournament Director, Regional Tournament Coordinators and Tournament Organisers. This has been largely because in representative events the issue of inviting weaker players did not seem to apply.

The new Tournament Approval Document attempts to objectify circumstances in which such events can be aproved. It aims to ensure that a) the event is fundamentally open to all, and b) where teams purport to be representative of a nation or region, open discussions take place within each community to agree how the teams will be selected.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Pipey »

So re Eurobowl... the question for national communities, organisers, past and future national captains is (as Topper says) do you want Eurobowl to be a NAF-supported and therefore NAF-ranked event?

If no, then the changes to the Approval Document are not important.

If yes, then all teams need to show that their national team has been selected after wide-ranging and open discussions within each community. They would need to show that people have been allowed to have their opinion, and that there is broad (if not total) agreement about the way the team is selected.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Afroman »

Then My question is, Who has the right in a country to organize a qualifying tournament?

I mean, if Mafoc(stationed in the south of Sweden) arranges this then it is likely most coaches from the north wont't attend. Would that be a problem?

Could we just announce a Tournament make it public and then say it will qualify for the entry of the Eurobowl?

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Tourach »

Well i get that sweden is a wast country... if there really are more than 8 interested coaches, you could make a tournament using the fummlb test environment (it is possible i can show you how) or maybe divide the spots to the different parts of the country dependent on number of interested coaches perhaps. would possibly be 4 coaches of southern Sweden 2 from the middle and one from north and one wildcard or something. The main idea is that everyone should have chance to get a spot.

Edit: we can chat about this Saturday ;)

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by DoubleSkulls »

Isn't the point that no individual, not even the RTO/NTO, gets to define the selection method? It has to be done by building consensus in that community.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Valen »

For team scotland we vote for the cpatain each year on our own forum.

Once the captain is selected he then posts up an interested list, from which he will choose the 8, so far it has been if you can make it your in, who knows this year, he may have options, but I am not holding my breath lol

This is voted for by the scottish BB community so I think we fit into the rules above

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Pipey »

What Doubleskulls said is correct. Also, Valen the model you have for Scotland is a good one. NAF sanctioning would be appropriate under those circumstances.

There needs to be a discussion within each national community. All NAF members should be able to participate equally in this discussion. There should be broad agreement about how the team (and/or captain) is selected.

A NAF RTC may be well placed to ‘chair’ this discussion, but that isn’t essential as long as there is a well-advertised discussion on forums e.g. TFF, NAF, national forum.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Volstagg »

Pippy wrote:So re Eurobowl... the question for national communities, organisers, past and future national captains is (as Topper says) do you want Eurobowl to be a NAF-supported and therefore NAF-ranked event?

If no, then the changes to the Approval Document are not important.

If yes, then all teams need to show that their national team has been selected after wide-ranging and open discussions within each community. They would need to show that people have been allowed to have their opinion, and that there is broad (if not total) agreement about the way the team is selected.
Maybe it's just me who doesn't get it but... once every country sets after open discussion who can play the Eurobowl... it is automatically NAF sanctioned, right?

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Pakulkan »


I will thank this effort from the TD to assure a fair sanctioning process without exceptions. This is only to note that I am not always arguing against NAF ;)

IMO it will improve NAF image to newcomers, who will not find distinctions between veteran and new tournaments.

Good job.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Pipey »

Thanks Pako. This is something that needed to put in writing for a while. Have finally got around to it ;-)

Volstagg, just to be clear on a few things… Most teams are probably already doing the sort of ‘democratic’ things that are required e.g. Scotland as Valen describes. Some teams may well be formed purely by whoever is willing and available, perhaps the smaller teams fall in this category.

In the past the event was ranked with an element of trust that things were being done in a way that involved the whole community. But there was nothing in place to ensure this. With some accountability to the tournament organiser and NAF staff, then we should be certain that it will only be NAF supported if the NAF’s criteria are met.

A point on qualification tournaments – we are definitely not saying that nations have to take this route. Just that some widely agreed way of picking the team should be found. Statistical grounds for selection may be favoured (e.g. rankings etc.) or perhaps the subjective judgment of a chosen (elected?) captain. Or perhaps a combination. That is if the nation decides it wishes to select its 'strongest' team in terms of BB ability, or whether other qualities would be used as a measure.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by Volstagg »

Yes, the message after reading the official NAF Document is quite clear, and as Pako just said, there are many players who thank the NAF for setting this. Me included. :wink:

My question came because of how did you write it. Stressing which actually is less important IMHO - should the Eurobowl be NAF sanctioned or not.

Actually it's the organizers (and secondly perhaps the former players) of the Eurobowl who actually have to decide if they want to have it NAF sanctioned or not.

Maybe they want to keep it like it is.

But I think everyone got the idea, it's just me being picky.

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Re: Eurobowl NAF rated?

Post by driesfield »

Until the 2010 edition the Belgian team was picked by an elected captain.
Last year we implemented a system called Belgian Challenger Cup were each players gains point according to his ranking in a certain tournament. The larger the tournament the more points you can win. This only goes for Belgian tournaments, although a change was made for this year to include foreign tournaments (I think).
At the end of a year (I think somewhere in may) the top 6 players in the end ranking get a place in the team. They decide who the two additional players on the team will according to their availability and playing skills.

More info can be found at

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