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Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:23 am
by TheShepherd
Ok I'll set up the voting threads shortly can everyone let their respective captains or representatives know please

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:40 am
by Garrick
DaPiranha wrote:Ok I'll set up the voting threads shortly can everyone let their respective captains or representatives know please
As this needs sanctioned then we will need a vote to decide if we should vote on the changes to the hosting rules.

Now for my rant:

I would like to go on record that if the system that has worked so far is changed to suit those who have already had the opportunity to host and want to jump the queue to host again before other "smaller" countries even get the opportunity then those "larger" nations are demonstrating what larger nations have done to smaller nations since the beginning of time. That is what this is about, not capability or any of the other excuses that have been trotted out. If the larger nations truly wanted to support Blood Bowl in the smaller nations then they would offer to help the smaller nations host rather take the fantastic opportunity away from them.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:50 am
by Pipey
Nice rant ;-) I agree with the person who said the outcome is less important than the process i.e. it's most important that all nations discuss and agree this on equal footing. Think that was Oventa though I may be wrong.

I actually think the NAF can have a role in arbitrating over this large flagship NAF approved tournament. So if you want an objective person to kick things off, Gaixo might be a good bet as TD. He's not directly within the EB loop, but that could be an advantage.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:56 am
by sann0638
Pippy wrote:Nice rant ;-) I agree with the person who said the outcome is less important than the process i.e. it's most important that all nations discuss and agree this on equal footing. Think that was Oventa though I may be wrong.

I actually think the NAF can have a role in arbitrating over this large flagship NAF approved tournament. So if you want an objective person to kick things off, Gaixo might be a good bet as TD. He's not directly within the EB loop, but that could be an advantage.
Very wise, as long as everyone is happy with that.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:04 am
by TheShepherd
All voting threads are now active, lets get the word out and get the votes in. The voting runs upto the Friday before Eurobowl (as long as i've done it correctly)

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:11 am
by Joemanji
Cool. Hopefully the threads direct people to read this discussion thread before voting?

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:22 am
by TheShepherd
They do indeed

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:22 am
by Purplegoo
Hang on, hang on. Let's step back a little here.

We've shortly over a week to go until the event. We are speaking on a forum that many countries do not use, we have more than one proposal or set of ideas around the same issue knocking around, and now we're speed voting on one of them out of the blue? Shortly over a week is absolutely not enough time to pick this apart within communities that may not have started thinking about it yet and come to an accord on the Internet. The Vienna rules debate went on for multiple weeks, and this is a more complex issue.

The issue of who hosts the event going forward is clearly something we need to sort out. Luckily, we have a World Cup next year, and that brings with it the luxury of time.

Let's have a meeting on Friday week when the captains come together and talk. Let's establish what we need to decide. If we can decide what to vote on as a group there, we can then go away and discuss with our communities post Belgium and still vote this side of Christmas. I think our hosts (in lieu of NAF representation) will serve as fine chairs in that meeting, and I'm sure we can boil it down to a simple choice to take back to our communities in an hour or so. Obviously, I'm assuming the status quo will remain for 2016 here.

Speaking personally, I see the value in Joe's proposal, and it seems clear to me that nations yet to host are still given preference under the proposed system. The feeling that 'bigger' nations are attempting to steal hosting rights away is entirely at odds with the proposal as I read it. It might not be that Joe's is the proposal we vote on in the end, but I agree entirely that some sort of decision is the important thing here. Luckily, we're all going to be in a room next week, and face to face discussion will move this a lot further a lot more swiftly than TFF debate. I would rather get this right than rush it before next week just to get something in place before we leave Belgium.

If it were me, I'd hang fire on those vote threads and try to alert skippers this is a discussion we're having.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:34 am
by Garrick
I vote that we discuss this at the Captains meeting next week as suggested by Purplegoo.

Garrick, Scotland Team Gopher

PS I briefly saw the Voting post and then it disappeared (normally I vote on behalf of our team captain DonShula as he is busy conquering far off galaxies etc.)

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:38 am
by sann0638
Either way, maybe take the discussion to the captains forum? In an ideal world, all captains would be subscribed to it, but we do not live there.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:05 pm
by Joemanji
Spot on, Phil. No need to rush this when we'll all be in a room together next week.
Garrick wrote:Now for my rant:

I would like to go on record that if the system that has worked so far is changed to suit those who have already had the opportunity to host and want to jump the queue to host again before other "smaller" countries even get the opportunity then those "larger" nations are demonstrating what larger nations have done to smaller nations since the beginning of time. That is what this is about, not capability or any of the other excuses that have been trotted out. If the larger nations truly wanted to support Blood Bowl in the smaller nations then they would offer to help the smaller nations host rather take the fantastic opportunity away from them.
As the guy who kicked this off, let me again say it isn't about that. At all. It is about making sure that future Eurobowls are all quality events. I personally don't want to go back to a country I've been to before. Eurobowl is the perfect excuse to visit somewhere new and make some new friends. Running a Eurobowl is hard work, high pressure and means not playing in the event for those involved. And try as we might, there is a limit to what the community can do 'on the ground' to help run a Eurobowl.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:29 pm
by Gaixo
As Phil has noted, the fact that 2017's site will be decided by traditional means allows for plenty of time to consider the issue. Thanks to Brendan for nominating me as an unbiased party. I'm glad to serve in that role if required but am confident that the Eurobowl community will be able to work it out.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:35 pm
by Pipey
BTW I totally agree with Purplegoo that we can't just launch votes on here before we've all agreed what we're voting for. Bit of a chat next weekend between the captains should be where it starts.

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:50 pm
by TheShepherd
Ok seems I've been premature (first time for everything :smoking: )

Just thought that I'd follow Oventas suggestion and create a vote thread in the captains forum as like him I think it's best to get things sorted.

At the time it seemed like we were at risk of having a vote about having a vote and then a vote about when we'd vote with a vote for how long for. Best to just get on with things leading to a final vote, agreement at the captains meeting I thought. Sorry if I was too eager.

That said I think a week and a half is plenty of time for people to get a message via email blast, post on their respective forum or a carrier pigeon out to people. If a community can't get feedback to a team of 8 guys chosen to represent their country and they can't give a consensus to their captain in that time I think maybe bigger issues are at play.

If people don't want this or want more time to discuss things then that's fine by me, I'm certainly no great authority.

In the meantime, i'll leave the other posts as a reference and await everyone's decisions about what we do, when we do it, how we do it and whether we should be doing it at all :lol:

Re: Open letter re: the future of Eurobowl hosting

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:17 pm
by Boneless
Dapiranha has a point. This has been an ongoing conversation for many years now.

Personally I like darksons idea of two years prep.

But rather than bat back and forth do some thing and take it to vote.

It seams a little final but isn't that what were after as a comunity?
