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Background for Humerus Carpal

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:46 am
by GalakStarscraper
Best background submission and picture for this star player will be posted here.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:53 pm
by Wosret
Here my Background story for Humerus Carpal

During the excavation of the site for Ramtut III new pyramid, it happened that the work gangs uncovered an ancient BloodBowl pitch. Such a find is rare in these times in Khemri so work was halted and the uncovering of the pitch was given priority.
What was first perceived as only a pitch was in fact discovered to be an entire stadium. Soon it was concluded that it was a very special find. Uncovered were the bodies of two teams and the stands were full of spectators. Glyphs uncovered in the away team dug out gave the final clue. The away team identified was the Slann team known as the “Skullcollectors”.

Verification came from the Slann that this team was lost in –6481 during the eight final’s for the Grand Cup of the Southlands, playing against the Khemri Royal Guardians. No match records were ever obtained and investigation resulted in nothing not even a stadium was found.

Amongst the bodies recovered was a skeleton with an unusual kind of magical BloodBowl Helmet. It took the Lich Priests months to discover how to activate the helmet again. The woman known as Rasuhetep Humerus Carpal in ancient times does now again walk the pitch as the first Catch-Ra. Work has begun to replicate the magical properties bound to her helmet.

In the mean time Humerus Carpal is again racking up touchdowns for the Kemri teams. She has already broken the standing Kemrian records and has set her sights on the current Old World TD record. It seems BloodBowl won’t be the same without her.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:16 pm
by UncleBob
Humerus Carpal undead career started thanks to an ill contract wording. It is customary among most teams to sign players even beyond their death to keep Undead teams from filling their ranks with the top players from all over the world. Carpal now had a phrasing in his contract that bound him to his team for his entire existence. This wording was challenged by the visionary Khemri coach Hashutu Apyu Basrad who argued that Carpal’s existence actually did end with his death and that his contract was therefore nullified. It took twenty years of solid trial, during which Carpal’s bones were safely conserved in a tomb in Khemri, before the owner of Carpal’s former team finally died, which sort of ended the whole matter and Basrad added Carpal to his line up. To everyone’s astonishment the resurrection act didn’t diminish Carpal’s playing touch, as it normally does, and he stayed very much the same talented receiver he’d ever been (the experts pinned it on the gods, Basrad on his talent). Some critics argue that Carpal can’t take a hit, as seen in the match versus the Orcland Raiders where Carpal got jammed in a three player tackle which smashed his left hip and kept him limping slightly for the rest of his career. Basrad’s staff was at that time incapable of putting the pieces completely together again, as a major piece was kept by the Orcland Raiders who, until today, refuse to give it up. This has caused a feud between the Orcs and Basrad ever since. But Humerus Carpal is, beside this unfortunate accident, still one of the quickest Skeletons that has ever been and his extraordinary ball handling skill makes him one of the most vicious weapons in every Khemri line-up.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:35 pm
by Pug
Now that's funny (Needs a spellchecker and proof reading tho! :) )

Giving me ideas again!