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Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:29 am
by Gumbo
Blimey folks. We've got a year. Who the hell can't arrange time off a year a way?? Who goes on many holidays in March? Not me. Who has anything going on in March? Not me. C'mon folks, this is once every 4 years. Give wives/spouses enough time to get used to it, with this much notice you shouldn't have a problem surely?

There's plenty of time to start saving the pennies, so lets get this party started!!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:31 am
by Darkson
Gumboo wrote:Give wives/spouses enough time to get used to it, with this much notice you shouldn't have a problem surely?
There speaks the voice of a man without kids.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:51 am
by Gumbo
Likewise a man with no vision. You leave them for 2 days to go to most other tournaments, why not 2 more once every 4 years? Whats the harm; you've got a years notice.

I know i am being harsh, but this could be a really big event and just what the game needs; seems silly to dismiss it because you cant get in a baby sitter for a day :)

Gav didn't seem to perplexed at going to the Chicago Cup and that was a 4 or 5 dayer! Look all i'm saying is that this is a big event, bigger than the BB (not necessarily in terms of numbers but bringing the BB community together) if the 'old firm' shows commitment then this will attract younger folk to the game. And it'll be a great piss up...

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:10 am
by Darkson
My kids are older than Gav's. Weekends aren't an issue for me to take off, because if I wasn't at a tourney, I'd be at work, so the kids wouldn't see me anyway. But taking time off during the week will mean I have to use my holiday entitlement, especially if it's 3 weekdays AND a Saturday, and I like to keep my holiday entitlement to spend with my children during the school holidays. If they weren't at school, it wouldn't be so much of an issue, but my holidays revolve around the kids.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:17 am
by CyberHare
I might add that I would fully expect there to be a big after party on day 4 of the event. Day 4 may well finish quite late and the local crowd may stay overnight that last night as well. If that's the case it'll mean the locals will have to take Monday off as well as the Thursday and Friday the week before if we finish up on Sunday.

I guess that's another question that can be floated in relation to when we want to finish. How would we like to end the event. It seems rather anticlimactic to me to simply hand out a few awards in the afternoon of day four and kick everyone out to go their own way. One idea that's been brought up is to finish the event with an awards banquet dinner in the evening of the fourth day. A final toast to the event and a chance for everyone to say goodbye. We'd hand out the tournament awards and possibly a few awards for other things like most tournament games played over the last 4 years and other cool stuff like that. Or we could simply arrange ourselves into little groups and head out to pubs. So here's the question.

How do people want to end the event and with that in mind during which days should the event run?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:28 am
by Tritex
Big Buffet & a few kegs of beer - that always worrks and can be relatively cheap also. A great idea.....I am more infavour of the Weds-Sturday if this is what is in store!! :lol: :smoking: :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:39 am
by Xtreme
Banquet dinner sounds great. Deffinatly a great way to close out a long weekend. As far as the days it takes place on, i'm pretty impartial as i'll likely take a week off it doesn't matter much when that week starts and ends.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:10 pm
by Deathwing
Let's try and not get too sidetracked into what suits each individual personally here as far as holiday entitlements/kids/age of kids/blah de blah go. Guys in the UK are the very least of our worries here! :wink:

As I see it, we're looking at the merits of:
i) (Thurs)Fri/Sat/Sun. That will enable a significant amount of people (from Europe) to travel home on the Sunday evening post tourney and effectively save a days holiday entitlement.
ii) (Weds)Thurs/Fri/Sat. That will possibly suit the (further afield) international travellers to block book time off and travel home at some point on Sunday. It also leaves Sat night free to party post game. :)

My personal feelings are that we should facilitate those travelling furthest as much as possible, an extra day off work for those of us lucky enough to live in the most densely populated BB region in the world (number and size of accessible tournaments) shouldn't be an issue. Certainly not for an event of this nature and scope.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:11 am
by Valen
I am all for the Wed through to Saturday, then I can get as drunk as I want and have an extra day to recover before work :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:43 am
by Ryan
I personally don't care which one you pick. Getting Anual Leave at my work place is fairly easy just so long as they haven't booked you on a course

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:19 am
by lowsman2
I'm with Woody on this. Frankly the English opinion is less important as it's (relatively) easy for us to attend. You've then got the Europeans, for whom it's not exactly too much of a problem attending.

If we want this to succeed we need to be getting people from further away coming over (anywhere outside Western Europe really!). Otherwise it will just end up being a glorified Euro-Bowl. Therefore every bit of extra help we can give to get those coaches coming over the better.

On the tournament side I think I'd prefer a singles tournament. I think for such a big event the focus being on teams is very restrictive. As far as the UK is concerned we would get, say, 24 players at most (England, Scotland, and one of Wales/ N Ireland/ Republic). As opposed to us being able to get double that attending. Never mind other European countries also being limited. I know I will not be so sure of attending if I am not playing due to the need to take the time off work.

You could have particular focus for other tournament prizes (such as best team, best country, best placed for each race, etc). Also the focus of the tournament could also be changed around a bit with it over three days to have seperate daily prizes for all coaches, thereby keeping incentive going for all coaches.

And Leo, nothing happens in March???? It's my birthday on the ninth! :wink: :D



Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:44 pm
by CyberHare
lowsman2 wrote:On the tournament side I think I'd prefer a singles tournament. I think for such a big event the focus being on teams is very restrictive.
There are going to be 2 tournaments running at the same time. A team event and an open individual event. There will be every effort made to assure that coaches in the team event get time and opportunity to play in the individual event. In that way everyone who attends, not simply the teams, will get four days of amazing BB and we'll still have a fantastic team event.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:53 pm
by lowsman2
But I don't like the idea of two 'main' tournaments. For starters, it leads to all the arguments over who gets in the team for the team tournament (which will no doubt be the main billing). The other tournament then is in my opinion little more than an afterthought for those who have not made the teams, and will be missing some of the best players as they will be playing in the team tournament.

Much rather have one proper tournament open to everyone who wishes to attend. Far more inviting to the whole community as all can enter the main event, including those from countries who cannot field a full team. And on that one factor alone I think it is far more suitable to Blood Bowl, because it is the community spirit that makes this game stand out compared to other systems.



Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:08 pm
by Old Man Draco
Agreeing with Richard here for the obvious reasons. Also don't understand why march was chosen instead of november. Nothing is happening in november so it's the perfect time for the tournament IMO.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:17 pm
by Princelucianus
Apart from the Eurobowl :lol:
