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Seems like humans are the targets for new teams...

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 6:27 pm
by Wiss
I noticed that there is not much activity on this board so I thought I'd take the opportunity to remove all doubt that I'm an idiot by speaking(old saying that I just slaughtered about the benefits of remaining silent). Seems the trend that I've been seeing is that candidates for new teams seem to center around the various human factions-- Kislev, Brettonian (I'm guilty too by dreaming of a Tilean team). I've also seen comments stating that there should not be any human teams outside of the human/empire team provided as they do not add anything truly new and with humans being such a generalist team you can mold them into any style you want. My thoughts? How about merging the two schools of thought by setting up a template for human teams that you can mix and match from. For example set up the four positions (Lineman, Passer, Blitzer and Catcher) but leave out the skills and the sets they can choose from (Passing, General, Strength and Agility) and then letting the coach mix it up to suit them. For example.. Human Team Construction Kit:

0-12 **** 6 3 3 8 No skill choices -- General -- 50K
0-4 **** 8 2 3 7 -- 2 Skill choices -- GE + Select 1 (AG, ST or PA)* 80 K
0-4 **** 7 3 3 8 -- 1 skill choice -- GE + Select 1 (AG, ST or PA)* 90 K
0-2 **** 6 3 3 8 -- 2 skill choices -- GE + Select 1 (AG, ST or PA)* 80 K

*Players with access to Passing skills cost 10K less. Only 1 set may have Passing skills.

This way if you want to make a passing oriented team you can include more AG players at the expense of having no players with ST access or vice versa.

My example would be a team set up for the option style offense.

0-12 Lineman 6 3 3 8 --------- GE 50K
0-4 Catcher 7 3 3 8 Dodge GE, AG 90K
0-4 Passer 8 2 3 7 Surehands, Dump Off GE, PA 70K
0-2 Blitzer 6 3 3 8 Block, Mighty Blow GE, ST 80K

Any thoughts? Any feedback?



Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 9:56 pm
by Acerak
Any thoughts? Any feedback?

I think it's interesting, but I believe it's open to classic "munchkin min-max" abuse. In other words, you'll see players with Guard, Mighty Blow, etc., across the board. The current rosters are open to such streamlining only after a coach has spent time developing his team and earning his SPPs on the field.


Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 9:59 pm
by Trambi
Ithink it 's a good toconstruct new human team list (like kislev, ;) )
But not to create only one team.

Min Max

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 1:08 am
by Wiss
Yeah the min-max is a valid point. The only way to prevent that is to implement more rules and it's already kind of rule heavy as it is. One of the things I've seen with my experience is that people design a team that favors their style of play, as in my case with that Tilean team I proposed a while back (very similar to that sample team listed above but with lower armor and no strength skill access) that would play a more wide open option style of offense and be softer on defense. On reflection having team construction kits would be interesting but more open to abuse.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 2:08 am
by Anthony_TBBF
What if you restricted the skill access a bit by providing a short list to pick from?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 8:02 am
by Trambi
A kind of limitation is to link the choice of starting skill with the categorie of accessing skills.
For example if you take a
0-4 **** 7 3 3 8 -- 1 skill choice -- GE + Select 1 (AG, ST or PA)* 90 K
with dodge, you have to have GE+AG.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 12:38 pm
by Lucien Swift
you'd definitely have to have a list of avialble skills, and also cost mods for the expensive skills, like block and guard (not that i'd let guard into the options list, mind you).... the only way this would work is if you had tight constraints and didn't let people build super-teams with the most valuable skills right off the mark...

i also like the idea of restricting the categories available based on skills chose, maybe have three or four skill groups and players can only start with skills from one, and the one they start with dictates future categories kind of thing...

but! in the long run, i think this is just too disruptive an idea... people will build teams that are just better than the existing rosters, hands down, and those teams will not interact properly with the rest of the game...

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 12:44 pm
by Trambi
I agree with you. in my mind, it should be used to construct a limited number of roster.