Skill Idea Archive: General

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Skill Idea Archive: General

Post by plasmoid »

Hi all,
inspired by the "is it time for some new skills?" thread in general chat, I thought it would be great fun to hear what kind of crazy ideas for new skills you've got! I'm starting a thread for each skill category.

These threads are not meant for discussion, (we can do that later), but simply as an archive of ideas.
So: If you've got any good ideas, or if your league is already using a homemade skill, this is the place to share it with everyone else. :D

1 skill per post please :)

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Post by Thadrin » suggested by Balrog, I've shifted all the ideas into one post, and people can discuss away without the suggestions getting lost in the mix (which is what I think Plasmoid wanted to avoid.)

If you want to add a skill idea, send it to me in a PM and I'll add it to this list.

Dirty Block:
"This player is skilled at making highly dangerous and highly illegal blocks. If a block made by this player results in "both players knocked over" result, then this player can knock down his opponent even if the opponent had the block skill. If he chooses to do so, then make an IGMEOY roll and move the IGMEOY marker, just as if the player had committed a foul."

I like this skill because it can be used by finesse teams and basher teams alike. Bashers can use it to bring down that all important blodge player (though it may cost them one of their bashers) - and finesse teams get the chance to do something else with the IGMEOY counter other than either sit on it or engage in a fouling war.

A player with this skill is adept at taking down any opponent by chopping them down at the knees.
A player with cutblock may negate the use of the block skill when blocking or being blocked. All players involved in the block are placed prone but no armour rolls are required. The use of this skill will result in a turnover if used during the opposing team's turn.

(I realised today that an unscrupulous player could use this skill to avoid making armour rolls if he didn't also have the block skill. I modified the idea to include a pay off that the opponent wouldn't be required to roll armour either.)

Dirty Kick (I know it is originally a Kicking Skill, but it could make a nice general skill if kicking rules don't become official)

Description can be found in the 2002 Annual or following this link:

Dark Lord:
Playing Opossum:
When this player is prone and being fouled he may roll a D6, on roll of a 6 he is just waiting for a chance to surprise an attacker. he leaps to his feet and throws a block on his attacker. No assists count for either side.

"Faking it".
The player goes down and stays down, regurdless of armor or injury rolls. It was conceved as a way to leat a downed treeman get off the field befor 1/2 dozen opponents start fouling, again and again because thick skull prevented the KO result.

The player may substract 1 from every injury roll he has to make.

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Post by Gorbad »

Playing Opossum:
When this player is prone and being fouled he may roll a D6, on roll of a 6 he is just waiting for a chance to surprise an attacker. he leaps to his feet and throws a block on his attacker. No assists count for either side.
How about:

When this player is about to be fouled, he may roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, he is quick enough to pull the fouling player down, just before he makes his foul. Place the fouling player prone in the square he was making the foul from and roll for armour as normal. This does not count as a turnover, unless the fouling player was carrying the ball.

Still a nice skill for a valued player, but as most people fouls with 'expendable' players anyway, I think they'd still take that 50% chance if needed.

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Post by narkotic »

Whenever the player is knocked over by a block and remains unharmed (no stun, KO or injury) he can try to fake that he has been fouled. Roll a dice, on a 6 the blocking player is sent off the pitch by the referee, on a 1 the acting has been spotted and the acting player is sent off. The ejecting roll is made regardless of any IGMEOY counter.

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Post by Sushé Wakka »

If a player with the ballpicking skill knocks the ball loose in a block, the coach of the ballpicking player may choose to use the throw-in template (pointing to one of the sidelines or end zones) instead of the regular bounce template to determinate to which square the ball bounces into.

This skill may be used in conjunction with strip ball, and so, if a Strip baller pushes the ball carrier without knocking him, you may use the ballpicking skill to bounce the ball.

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Sushé, the elfhater
Dark Lord (retired)

Post by Dark Lord (retired) »

Instead of an interception this player may attempt to deflect the pass. Make an AG roll for the player (-1 for each TZ he is in) If he succeeds the catcher must take a -1 penalty on the catch roll.

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Post by Thadrin »

ALternative on the deflection one...on a successful roll, the ball will scatter d6 squares from the deflecter. Lets have more unpredictable mayhem!

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Post by plasmoid »

Here is something for all you dirty players - and for those coaches who like to use fouling tactically.

GEN skill: Roight B*stard
When this player is sent off by the referee his team does not suffer a turn over.

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Dark Lord (retired)

Post by Dark Lord (retired) »

Iron Grip:

This player holds the ball so tightly and with such a grip that he almost never lets go! If he is knocked prone roll a D6. On a 4+ he retains possession of the ball and on his next turn he can stand up (as normal) with the ball. On a 1-3 he drops the ball and it scatters as usual.

*Strip Ball cancels this skill/trait
**The player cannot keep the ball if he is stunned. If he is injured from being fouled while he is prone and holding the ball then it scatters from the square he was lying in.

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Post by Redfang »

How does it work in combination with Sure Hands and Strip Ball?

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Ik wou dat ik twee blondjes was,
Dan kon ik samen spelen.


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Dark Lord (retired)

Post by Dark Lord (retired) »

Well I would say that if you had Iron Grip + Sure hands then you could keep the ball when blocked from a Strip Ball opponent, just like normal.

Without Sure Hands then it would work like I wrote.
Shouldn't need any extra wording since Sure Hands already says it negates Strip Ball.

Strip Ball can cancel Iron Grip but Sure Hands cancels Strip Ball.
That means that the Strip Ball action never happens so the Iron Grip would work.

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Post by DoubleSkulls »


A player with this skill never has to attempt to pickup the ball. If they move into the square with the ball then they can choose to decline the pickup and the ball scatters normally. In addition the coach can reroll the scatter.

It comes of the rugby rules that Marcus & I worked on

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Post by Blammaham »

I've moved the Tip Ball suggestion over to the appropriate forum GENERAL SKILLS and at the risk of being redundant I thought that I'd re post it here:

General skill Tip Ball: This player has worked long and hard on the practice pitch on the "tip" drill. When a player with this skill is in a positon to intercept an accuate pass he may also tip the ball to an inaccuate result. The modifier to tip the ball is -1 on the agility table.S.

I also saw that this idea had been floated out there before but I think that it might work a little differently, I thought that the tip and the intercept would be the same roll (intercept -2 Tip -1 -1 per opp. tackle zone) so a human line man with the tip skill trying to intercept a pass (needs a 6)could also tip that pass (needs a 5) if he rolls a 5 the pass is inaccurate, if it is not fumbled from the thowers square, and scatters 3 times from the target square.

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Post by Circular_Logic »

Relentless Assault - Strenght or General Trait
A player with this Trait is trained to get the enemy down at all cost. If as a result of a block, a skull is rolled, BOTH players go down. However, as the player doesn´t really care about his health, make an injury roll straight away.

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Post by Thadrin »

Blammaham wrote:
General skill Tip Ball: This player has worked long and hard on the practice pitch on the "tip" drill. When a player with this skill is in a positon to intercept an accuate pass he may also tip the ball to an inaccuate result. The modifier to tip the ball is -1 on the agility table.S.
Better wording might be along the lines of "if the player is in a position to make an interception, then the catch roll suffers a -1 modifier".

This simply negates the +1 bonus on the catch for an accurate pass. Maybe make it -2 for extra oomph, making it a killer combo with Pass block.

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I know a bear that you don't know. * ICEPELT IS MY HERO.
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