New skill: Sneaky Substitute (/addition to 'Sneaky Git'?)

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New skill: Sneaky Substitute (/addition to 'Sneaky Git'?)

Post by Physix »

New skill idea: Sneaky Substitute? (maybe as an addition to Sneaky Git)

What does the skill do:
It allows a player on the bench to sneak onto the field, while a drive is in progress, after a team mate has been removed from the pitch.

How it could work (rule/skill description):
If at the start of a turn the moving team has less than 11 players on the field, after the turn marker has been moved but before any other players have taken any actions, one player in reserves with this skill may attempt to sneak onto the pitch. Roll a D6: 1: The player is spotted by the referee and is sent off the pitch (like spotted fouls). 2-3: The player is closely watched and does not make it onto the pitch. (stays on the bench, might try again next turn) 4+: Sneaks sucessfully onto the pitch. Choose any free square adjacent to the sideline on your half of the pitch as the entry point. The player is allowed to move up to this MA (including the first square) as per the rules (i.e. he has to dodge to leave tackle zones etc.) but is not permitted to do any other actions, as this would attract too much attention.

Depending on the way the rule/skill is implemented it might be too beneficial or not worth at all. Therefore, here are some options to make the skill/rule better or worse:
- don't roll, the player automatically makes it onto the field
- remove the possibility to get spotted by the referee
- more than one player on the bench with the skill may try to sneak onto the pitch (max of 11 players on field still in effect)
- increase/decrease the probabilities for the different results
- random entry point. e.g.: 1-2: side of the dougout, 3-4: end zone, 5-6: side opposite to the dougout
- total random entry point: determine a (free) square randomly (method of your choice)
- entry point limited to the side of the dougout
- entry point not limited to the 'own' half of the pitch
- there is no limitation to the actions the player is allowed to perform (a block would be a blitz though)

So what do you think of this rule/skill? Is it playable or is it in some way broken?
My impression is that it could be beneficial skill/rule for stunty teams which regularly suffer casualties and then have to play 'a man (or more) down' for the the rest of the drive. By giving these teams the opportunity to substitute players mid-drive, the team is able to stay competitive longer before it gets eventually moped from the floor.

I don't know how popular the Sneaky Git skill is but maybe this rule would be a nice addition/improvement to the skill.
Depending on the final version, this skill might not be worth on its own since its use is rather limited. Another possibililty could be to add it as an additional rule to (some) stunty teams who need some love.

What do you think?

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Post by Joemanji »

Could work well IMO. The team already having been reduced to less than 11 is key for me. Not sure about the sending off though, probably too harsh.

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Post by lerchey »

Another option would be to allow a player that successfully sneaks on to select their entry point, then roll using the throw in template to determine which square he actually comes in on. That means that a) the player better pick a square where the two around it are empty... and b) the player doesn't get to come in exactly where he wants.

I think that the roll results: 1 = off you go!, 2-3 = back to the bench, and 4-6 = snuck on works.

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Post by prisma »

without having read through all this - a 12th player should only be possible for flings, gobbos and snots (ogres). I can see no reason why elven teams should field a 12th "sneaky git" player.

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Post by s031720 »

Prisma, dont think you read it through.

I like this idea. Nice risk/reward flavour to it.

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Post by bjorn9486 »

I like this rule, but I agree it should be for Halflings, Snots, Goblins and maybe Skinks only (AKA extraordinary skill). I however would change it to that they come in at the endzone of your half and can not move until next turn (There is a special play card that does the same thing). I like the rolling to see if the ref catches the player as well.

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Post by Coach Harris »

bjorn9486 wrote:I like this rule, but I agree it should be for Halflings, Snots, Goblins and maybe Skinks only (AKA extraordinary skill)...
Gutter Runners would be cool too. It'd be unfair as heck, but it would still be in keeping with their flavor. Random sqare entry=coming in from a drainage grate on the pitch. Extraordinary Skill or an available on a doubles maybe Agility Skill (already have Sneaky Git on the Agility table)?

Also maybe a penalty or risk of being sent off for non-Stunty creatures with this skill?

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Post by Gorbad »

I don't see a problem with adding this skill to Agility (to allow stunties).

People will likely only take this on Linemen positions, as you would normally be fielding your positionals anyway, and it means one less skill of Block, Dodge, Guard, Tackle, Catch or whatever.

I'd reduce the roll to '2+ the player sneaks onto the pitch from the sideline on his own half of the pitch. He may then take a Move action as if getting up from Prone position.'

However, this would be a house rule only, as Jervis doesn't want new rules added to LRB.

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