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Post by bluetooth »

plasmoid wrote:There was recently a discussion about having the ball land at the end of the turn at kick-offs. This could be a skill or a kick-off result.
Interesting. I have been thinking for some time that a skill like that would be great. Nice to see that some others have thought the same.

Makes kickoffs a lot more interesting. Would be a brilliant trait.

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Post by WhatzaMadderYew »

Payback…(General Skill)

When an opposing coach knocks over a player who was carrying the ball, a player with this skill is allowed to move up to 3 squares and attempt to throw a blitz on the player who caused the knock down. This move is made out of sequence (in other words, during the opposing coach’s turn); this move is made after the ball carrier has been knocked down but before the opposing coach makes any other move, including follow up. The Payback move can only be made if it allows the player with the skill to move into a position to attempt a blitz block against the opposing player who cause the ball carrier to be knocked over. This special move is free, and in no way affects the player’s ability to move in the following turn. The player with the skill does have to dodge in order to leave tackle zones.

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Post by cyagen »

General skills
Distract (directly from 2nd edition): Opponents have an additional -1 penalty when attempting to catch/throw/pick up the ball, in the player TZ. NOS cancels that skill.

Dirty tackle (again directly from the 2nd): When an opponent fails a dodge roll exiting or in that player TZ but passes his AR, then the player may be placed prone and the AR re-rolled (like PO).

Kick returned: Allows the player to move 3 squares towards the ball during a kick off if he is not set up on the LOS or in the Wide zones. This extra movement must be used for the player to catch the kick or pick up the ball. This movement must be made after the result of the KO Table is determine and is unavailable if there is a Blitz!

General Trait

Toughness: When the player suffers an injury (BH, SI or D) and BEFORE any apothecary roll, he rolls a D6. On a 6 the injury is reduced by one level (BH to KO, SI to BH, D to SI). Note that TS will not apply if the player reduced the injury to a KO, however, the coach can still use his apothecary

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Post by plasmoid »

Hi Cyagen,
I like the dirty tackle. I also have some experience with it.

In my league we have a skill that adds +2 to the armor roll on a failed dodge, (called rough tackle). It never ever works! You simply have too little control over when someone will fail a dodge.
However, with your increased modifier it might be worthwhile.

In our league the rough teackle skill also means that leaving a square in a "rough" tackle zone costs an additional point of movement. This is why the skill gets picked - not the +2.

Martin :)

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Post by cyagen »

Dear Plasmoid,

Thanks for the playtest info. As I said, only trying to addapt a 2nd edition skill.

Another possibility for Dirty tackle would be to make the opposing player make a dodge roll when he ENTERS the tackle zone of the player with the skill. That could be interesting.


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Treemen Intercepting

Post by Duke Jan »

I once had a match where the treeman intercepted all passes he could. First I thought, how is this possible with that AG rating? Then I thought Nuffle must really like him and finally: ah, it's the branches.

So, I think the treeman should have a racial characteristic Branchy or something. Which works as follows:

Anyone knows you shouldn't throw a ball at someone over a tree, it will get caught in the branches. To represent this a treeman has the Branchy characteristic. If he can intercept a pass (from either team) he has to try and intercept. If he succeeds the ball is stuck in the branches until the end of the treeman's team's next turn.

Since long passes will be thrown higher than short passes, modifiers apply to the intercept roll. They are the reverse of the passing modifiers for passing range, so -1 for a quick pass and +2 for a long bomb.

If intercepted the ball will remain in the tree untill at the end of the treeman's team's next turn he, or the rock throwing audience, finally gets the ball out. Scatter one square to see where it ends up. If that square is empty it will bounce one more square.

When the ball gets caught in the branches it should be a turn-over because the throwing team loses control over the ball.
The treeman gets no SPPs for interception
A hail mary pass is probably so high it becomes a -1 modifier again.
In the unlikely case a pass is amed at a treeman he can try to catch as normal.

Maybe an idea for a big guy tournament if you can think up things like this for other big guys as well.

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Post by plasmoid »

Hi all,
this isn't the only high punt skill, but I prefer this version because it causes a smaller change in the gameplay, yet still manages to scr*w with the OTS players.

High Punt General skill.
You must have kick skill to take High Punt skill. Whenever this player kicks off the ball, all players on the offensive team suffer a -2MA reduction for the entire first turn of the drive.

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Post by Yavatol »

I like the high punt idea but I would change it to you can use either kick or high punt and you don't need to have kick to get it.

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Post by Munkey »

Yavatol wrote:I like the high punt idea but I would change it to you can use either kick or high punt and you don't need to have kick to get it.
Yer, kick it deep in the backfield and -2 MA for the offense would do serious damage to a Dwarf offense, especially against a fast defense.

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[size=75]The short answer is "no", but it is a qualified "no" because there are odd ways of interpreting the question which could justify the answer "yes".[/size]
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Post by Scrappy Kid »

plasmoid wrote:Hi all,
this isn't the only high punt skill, but I prefer this version because it causes a smaller change in the gameplay, yet still manages to scr*w with the OTS players.

High Punt General skill.
You must have kick skill to take High Punt skill. Whenever this player kicks off the ball, all players on the offensive team suffer a -2MA reduction for the entire first turn of the drive.
I presume the rather odd looking "entire first turn" (rather than the more natural "on their next turn" or similar) is to remove the unpleasant combo of High Punt and Blitz on the kick-off table.

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

plasmoid wrote:High Punt General skill.
You must have kick skill to take High Punt skill. Whenever this player kicks off the ball, all players on the offensive team suffer a -2MA reduction for the entire first turn of the drive.
Wasn't there one like this, but where the ball only lands at the end of the receiving teams first turn (or you could make it at the end of the kicking teams first turn which is a little less advantegous).

The problem with any skill like that is that it really messes up 2 turn drives for everyone - making clock management even more important.

Maybe change it to say that the 1st player who picks up the ball action ends immediately, but it isn't a turnover.

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Post by MadLordAnarchy »

It's a Dirty Trick card. That's where it belongs.

[Edit] Just remembered that I added it into my kick-off table and that it's a staple of d66 kick-off tables. [/edit]

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Post by Circular_Logic »

The high-punt-idea is great and the combination, that you need to have kick first is just about right for such a powerful skill. Finally a counter for OTS, which is not too hard to get but nothing too common.

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Post by McDeth »

Diving Player

Once per turn a player with this skill may attempt to fool the referee into thinking that an opposition memeber has attempted to foul him. Move/place the Diving player prone in an accessible square next to the player who the player wants to attempt to send off ( Make no armour roll ). Then roll for IGMEOY. If the IGMEOY counter is on the opposition then the player is sent of on a 4-6. If not then the player is sent of on a 6.
If a 1 is rolled then the diving player is spotted attempting to cheat and the referee ejects him from the game

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Post by plasmoid »

Hi McDeth.
IMO - the Diving Player skill is waaaay to powerful.
Perhaps if it only worked on a 6 it would be better....

But - IMO - having a 4+ chance to cause a "badly hurt" on any standing opposing player beats any other damage causing skill by miles.

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