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Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 5:14 pm
by Trambi
On 2002-03-25 16:46, DaFrenchCoach wrote:
On 2002-03-25 16:17, Trambi wrote:
And i am agry with you Valen :smile:
Ouch, a mistake, Bambi :wink::(...)
My login is trambi, :pissed: :mad: :mad:
May I could say I find your answer not very good: Ogres teams haven't won a BB Trophy too, but you play it... and it's not an official team too.
Ok but i have not chance to win the BB trophy, when i play ogre. It would be hard to play ogre team with the rules of orc team for example :wink: . So my position is not strange i think

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 5:27 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
Trambi, it was just a joke.. No offence :wink: You can notice a coach called Bambi for an Ogre team won't make an entire match :lol:

One of the reason why I like having a lot of teams, after the main reason (play something different, try new combos, ...) is I really like to convert minis. I'm still looking for some minis to convert to make a chaos warrior team, buy some foot knight in order to make a bret team with a plastic human one, etc...

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 7:49 pm
by Trambi
I agree with your passion of converting. But you can play various strategy with the same vanilla teams.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 8:44 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
I'm agree... I remind a word of Jervis Johnson I've read somewhere (but wjhere ?), which said (with a better english :wink: ) the force of Blood Bowl is also its weakness: everyone could add a rule, make his roster...

That's what I like in Blood Bowl. I playe din my league a match against savage elves (ouch !! Centaurs: ST4, Satyrs: AG4 !!! Too powerfuyl, and forbidden in Galak online league !!!), and you can trus me: it wasn't the same that if I'd have played against an human team (with some blitzers that have increased their strengh), or agaisnt a wood elves team.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 8:46 pm
by Trambi
Even against two human teams it could be very different.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:00 am
by gken1
actually lucien swift is the "best elf blitzer ever" for the Gladrieth Gladiators so that would make him a Dragon Warrior.

GW's conversions are all jacked up, plus they didn't even spell his name right in the most current versions...lucen vice lucien.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:22 am
by Lucien Swift
i am straight out of the 2e fluff text...

and i do believe it was "arguably the best elf blitzer ever" which gives me something to kvetch about with jordel "(formerly known as) the cyclone" freshbreeze if he ever shows up...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:28 am
by gken1
my idea of Lucien Swift:
Dragon Warrior:
AV8 (or 9 with magic helmut?)
Block, Dodge, Sidestep, Strip Ball, Tackle

Plus Jordell is a wussy woodelf wardancer...Lucien is a high elf>>>>Dragon Warrior. He'd kick Jordell's but anyday.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 4:55 am
by DaFrenchCoach
I can't find Lucien Swift 2nd Ediiton card (maybe there's not for it), but I find your Dragon Warrior too powerful...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:27 am
by gken1
he's on the 2nd edition rulebook....just a phrase under the gladrieth gladiators....'arguably the best elf blitzer EVER' and brother of the equally talented Valen Swift

In BBmag1 there is a
Lucen Swift (not Lucien)
Lion Warrior:
Catch Dodge Leap Side Step Diving Catch

But that isn't the best elf blitzer ever.

Too powerful...Pahh. He's supposed to be the BEST on an elf team that likes to RUN so I made him the best...7 skills 3 stat increases.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 1:44 pm
by Lucien Swift
i, for one, was very disappointed when 3e came out and some schmuck named prince moron was the gladiators' only star choice over the elusive and long speculated-upon elder swift...

one thing to keep in mind, though, while you're trying to put together stats for lucien is that he's the best _elf_ blitzer ever, not the best blitzer ever... back in the days when lucien still played the game (ahhhh.... 2e)... elf blitzers were renowned for what? oh yeah, not succumbing to the frailty rules the rest of the elves had to suffer from... that's right, elf blitzers were great because they *gasp* recovered from injury normally... also, look over the elf blitzer starplayer cards you had back then, the eagles' blitzers were mediocre, jordel was a punk at best... wouldn't take much to be the best elf blitzer ever...

i'd give him 8348, block, dodge, sidestep, leap, dauntless

very impressive, but not maxed out, definitely a runner with elven flair... also, it bridges the profile of the wardancer and the dragon warrior, as the schism of the elf teams could have gone either way...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 1:53 pm
by Trambi
I simply not use star players. But be carefull, don't bring a too powerfull star to high elf team. They are already competitive...