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Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:43 am
by dode74
garion wrote:I'm going to create a roster using the same practice that Galak and dode used for the Khorne one.
Your psychic powers amaze me. That or you hacked our e-mails and the Cyanide forums to work out how we did it. Or, as a final possibility, you're upset and being childish.

I wonder which it is...

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:03 am
by Darkson
#2, given Cyanide and Focus' record on security. :wink:

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:41 am
by garion
what do you mean dode, I'm being dealy serious. Just because your opinion on their fluff doesn't match mine doesn't mean the roster is wrong.


Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:44 am
by dode74
I mean that you have no idea what practice we used. Obviously.

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:03 am
by garion
I think I have a pretty good idea. It probably went something like this.....

Galak ' yada yada yada'

Fanboys' oh galak your so brainy all your ideas are so good'

Galak ' oh yeah I'm the man, I can do anything i like and my fan boys will love it, watch how bad i can make this roster and fan boys will still be kissing my toes'

fanboys 'it's true, we have no idea about fluff and dont care, as long as Galak says so that's good enough for me'

Galak 'Oooooooh Yeah, I'm the daddy'


sounds about right :lol:

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:16 am
by dode74
Childish and factually incorrect. It's a theme running through many of your posts.

In the interests of not completely ruining the OP's thread:
4 Hypno Gaze players with no downside is very powerful. You could, with that, completely nullify a cage.
The Cultist is MASSIVELY underpriced and very powerful.

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:39 pm
by Shortarse
dode74 wrote:Childish and factually incorrect. It's a theme running through many of your posts.

In the interests of not completely ruining the OP's thread:
4 Hypno Gaze players with no downside is very powerful. You could, with that, completely nullify a cage.
The Cultist is MASSIVELY underpriced and very powerful.
I thought no hands was a downside.
As to the Cultists I posted the wrong roster to start it was supposed to be:

0-2 Dark Elf Cultists - 90k - 7/3/4/7 - GAP / S

Will ammend the original.

As to the talk about nega traits for big guy not keen on RS as deamons are supposed to be manipulative but what about bloodlust? Roll a 1 and sate yourself on a slave or join an orgy in the crowd?
or bone head? Sudden rush of blood to the loins distracts them?

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:50 pm
by spubbbba
Kilowog2814 wrote:I agree with Really Stupid for big guy. Like the fluff for it. Big shock hehe
Definitely seems interesting and fun.
Yeah Really stupid would work, or maybe bloodlust. The Keeper goes off an tortures one of the slaves as an offering to Slaanesh.

Shame they can't kill teammates doing that anymore. :cry:

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:27 pm
by Gaixo
Bloodlust is a really good idea. The language in the skill is all about vampires and thralls, though, so it would have to be modified considerably. Also, I don't like thinking about exactly what the demon is doing to his teammates to leave them injured or killed.

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:15 pm
by Heff
garion wrote:I think I have a pretty good idea. It probably went something like this.....

Galak ' yada yada yada'

Fanboys' oh galak your so brainy all your ideas are so good'

Galak ' oh yeah I'm the man, I can do anything i like and my fan boys will love it, watch how bad i can make this roster and fan boys will still be kissing my toes'

fanboys 'it's true, we have no idea about fluff and dont care, as long as Galak says so that's good enough for me'

Galak 'Oooooooh Yeah, I'm the daddy'


sounds about right :lol:
Why are so many people who I respect behaving in this dreadful manner? This roster is not a personal attack on you,why do you insist on making it so?

Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:30 pm
by Shteve0
Lets strip some of that AG4 out, along with some of the skills. Plus, mutating chaos cherubs FTW.

0-16 Slaanesh Lineman 50k 6/3/3/7 Thrall G/ASPM
0-4 Slaanesh Daemonette 80k 7/3/3/7 - Claw, No hands, Hypnotic Gaze - AM / GSP
0-4 Slaanesh Tyrant - 80k - 6/2/4/7 - Dodge, Stunty, Animosity AM / GSP
0-1 Keeper of Secrets - 200k - 6/5/1/8 - Loner, Blood Lust, Claw, Horns, Disturbing presence, Extra arms - S/GAPM
0-8 Rerolls - 60k
Apothecary: Yes

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:59 am
by Smeborg
Off-topic, but a fellow BB coach came up with a rather good zany idea for a Tzeentch roster:

Give all the players on the team Right Stuff and Throw Team Mate.

We had a good laugh, anyway. Hope you do too.

Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:24 am
by Shteve0
Smeborg wrote:Off-topic, but a fellow BB coach came up with a rather good zany idea for a Tzeentch roster:

Give all the players on the team Right Stuff and Throw Team Mate.

We had a good laugh, anyway. Hope you do too.
Brilliant - I love it! Call the line position a Linedancer, give them M access only on normals, and I'll convert a team up right now!

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:09 pm
by Corvidius
Smeborg wrote:Off-topic, but a fellow BB coach came up with a rather good zany idea for a Tzeentch roster:

Give all the players on the team Right Stuff and Throw Team Mate.

We had a good laugh, anyway. Hope you do too.
Sounds like the Tzeentch Horror team from Fumbbls Stunty League. Quite good fun in the confines of Stunty. :D

Re: Slannesh Roster

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:33 pm
by Joemanji
Hey all,

Just for laughs :

I think I've had a great idea for a lineman that would make the team play in a Slaaneshi way : 6 3 3 7 Jump Up. If Slaanesh are sado-masochistic pain lovers, what better skill en masse than one that can only be used after a player has been knocked down? It would also create a play style in character with the theme ... crazed goons throwing themselves recklessly into the fray with no regards to their safety. The rather boring statline reflects the human nature of the Linemen / Cultists, with AV7 providing a balancing mechanism for Jump Up.

I think HypnoGaze is waaay too powerful en masse without penalties, and what is the point of creating another Vampire team? Especially with the 6337 linemen everyone including me seems to be favouring. If a roster serves and purpose (even in a house rules environment) it should be to add something different). To that end :

Daemonettes : 6 3 4 7 Claw, Disturbing Presence, No Hands, Regenerate {GA, SP} for 90K. The cost is based on the formula with a deduction of 20K for No Hands. Disturbing Presence works in place of HG without being as broken, and I've given no access to Mutations as I view Daemonettes as a 'fixed construct'.

Great Daemons have no place on the BB pitch for me, their power level is ridiculous : 10/10/10/10 would be a 'realistic' statline. But a Daemon Prince might be a reasonable middle ground, still offering scope for modelling. I'd like this guy to be a blank canvass, and so will allow Mutation access on normal rolls. To compensate for this he'll be pretty bland and with a serious negatrait : Really Stupid. I see this more as reflecting his difficulty in maintaining corporeal form than actually being dumb. :wink: So 5 5 2 9 Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regenerate {SM, GAP} for 150K (overpricing to be on the safe side).

So we need a couple more options, or this roster is pretty dull. I can't say I am a fan of Dark Elves, there are already AG4 players on the team and the Claw / agile combo is already pretty strong. I thought of including a Fiend as a second Big Guy, but he would have to have Claw/No Hands and S access so that would be pretty good. Might come back and add a full roster if I think of some...