11 points to contemplate

Got a great idea and/or proposal for BloodBowl?

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Re: 11 points to contemplate

Post by mattgslater »

Re: 1, I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Ints are a rare and special thing, and making them even rarer would just further marginalize an already-marginal aspect of the game (and further buff agility teams — if you ask me, the pendulum has already swung too far that way). That said, making the rare rarer doesn't really change many game-plans so it's not a huge deal either way. Maybe make Ints worth 3 SPP if you do that?

Re: 4 and 5, I agree something must be done. Not sure exactly what, but sadly there is no happy medium on this touchy topic. Pick the solution to fouling that your league hates the least, and live with it until you can't.

Re:8, Frenzy and Grab are exclusive. This solves the problem. Side Step does not negate Frenzy; SS can obviate Fend's ability to negate Frenzy if so desired for some reason (say, to set up a 1/2d second block). What's the issue that the rules don't address?

Reason: ''
What is Nuffle's view? Through a window, two-by-three. He peers through snake eyes.
What is Nuffle's lawn? Inches, squares, and tackle zones: Reddened blades of grass.
What is Nuffle's tree? Risk its trunk, space the branches. Touchdowns are its fruit.
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