Fixing Khemri

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Post by katadder »

think theres quite a few playing khemri. the armour 9 protected my TG loads in my last game against undead and their mummies.

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Post by grampyseer »

If your problem with Khemri is their ball should try a different team.

or..this khemri roster.

skeleton 7347 ga/sp 70k
thro ra 7347 pass gap/s 90k
catch ra 9247 dodge, catch ga/sp 90k
Blitz ra 8347 block,dodge,leap ga/sp 120k
mum ra 2 6 1 10 loner,MB, stand firm, strong arm, thick skull, throw team mate, take root (I mean..gets stuck in sand). 120k

re rolls for 50k and BINGO you've got the khemri roster you're looking for 8)

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Post by mattgslater »

The truth is that there is no way to balance a ST3 team with 0-4x ST5. It's just not possible. You can make it worthless or broken, with no middle ground. It doesn't matter how hard you try. You have to put in extremes to account for it, and two extremes don't make a happy medium. It's a fool's errand, and the team should either be completely reworked with 0-2x ST5, or scrapped entirely. Or deliberately dropped to Tier 1.5. Maybe make a distinction between Mummy (like the Undead Mummy) and Tomb Guardian (ST4). With each at 0-2, the team would then be more easily balanced against other heavy teams.

I see Khemri teams like the old AD&D Barbarian, back in the UA days: either their overwhelming advantages consumed the campaign, or their overwhelming disadvantages made them unplayable, and that was that (except in solo games; then their wacky balance problems were cool). They took the class out of 2nd edition entirely, then broke the various themes of the old Barbarian up into 3 or 4 Fighter/Ranger kits, then eventually designed a nice, clean class without any more bells or whistles than any other for 3rd edition.

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Post by nerdkingdan »

I'm getting that the whole point of this khermi team is to have a four 5 strength player team. Why should a gimmick team be good? Four 5 strength guys who have no turn based disadvantage like bonehead just shouldn't be on a top tier team.

Personally, I really would have loved to see an all skeleton team that had skeleton catchers.

With the option of 4 mummys/tomb guardian you just can't give that to khemri. Really you can't give them anything but over priced players whose purpose is to be poor at ball handling and be beat up by the opposition.

Given that all options are closed and the only thing we get to choose from is 2 types of tomb guardians. I'll throw in my 2 cents.

Decay+Regen option just doesn't sit right, its either going to be randomly too harsh or randomly not enough. I think the best option is option 2 break tackle. It makes them unique, though I still wish it could be pared with some skeleton catchers

0-2 6 2 3 7 regenerate, nerves of steel GA 70 :)

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