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Winning the Dutch Tournament Series 2019

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:37 pm
by BoltgunMetalhead
I've never really been that guy that has to win. I usually paint a team I want to paint because I like the look of it and than play a couple of tournaments untill a new team is finished.

Last year "we" (Mepmuff) initiated the Dutch Tournament Series. You collect points by attending Dutch tournaments and the higher you end up, the more points you get. The Dutch Open in februari is the last tournament of the Series and then the winner is known. I kinda ignored this whole thing and did what I always did last year.

This year however I will play for the titel :D

My (Dutch) tournament list for this year looks like this, there might be more but these are in the "family" agenda at this point:

Speed Bowl apr 6, at least 6 games
Madhobbit Massacre jun 8 & 9, 6 games
Amersfoort Amok (summer) Jul 7, 3 games
BUBBLE, sept ... 6? games
Amersfoort Amok (winter) jan 5, 3 games
Dutch Open feb ... 6 games

The Amok's and Madhobbit Massacre are a bit dodgy because I organise them, so playing usn't guaranteed unfortunately.

Since the Speed Bowl is the first in line. I'll discuss my strategy here.

The Speed Bowl is something different than your usual tournament.
Every coach gets 30 min to play his turns, a chess clock is used to keep track. If you run out of time you only get to turn around and stand up players.
1.100.000 to build a team
No tiers
2 random skills after each match, 1 may be a double after game 2 and 4.

I want to play a fast AG team for this format which doesn't need many blocks to be effective. I love playing Pro Elves in that style, but only when Eldril is included, Star Players are allowed but the skills are random. If I don't get them skills my positionals I am f*cked. Skaven are tempting but I tend to block a lot with them, that's going to cost precious time. Dark Elves are not my style and High Elves need skills placed on the right players same as the Pro Elves. Slann is tempting to, but without tiers I think they will not make it.

So Wood Elves it is!

This is most propably what my roster will look like:
2 Wardancers (Strip Ball / Tackle)
4 Catchers (Sure Hands / Block / Wrestle / Guard would be very welcome here)
1 Thrower (Leader / Dodge)
4 Line Elves (Kick / Dodge / Wrestle)

1 rr, an apothecary and 3 Fan Factor

6x dodge to start with is really nice I can play a strong defensive play with this team wit a very strong counter. Wardancers are very good of course, I just hope I can get Strip Ball on one of them as soon a s possible. For skills I kinda need leader on the thrower, if that doesn't happen I wil have to use double skill to get it.

Then for the team...
I don't own any Woodies anymore. I used to have a metal team from Comixininos but I didn't like the way I painted them and there was a bit of style difference between some of the players that kept bugging me. So I sold those some time ago.

Now the plan is to make a team from GW Warhammer AoS Sylvaneth, I really like to convert and create a unique team. I will use the following models:
-Tree Revenants for Wardancers and throwers (with a ball).
-SpiteRevenants for Catchers
-a Kurnoth Hunter as a Treeman
-Dryads as Lineman

Also by coincendence very soon a boxset is released for Shadespire containing some similar characters wich I'll be able to use as acoach, a wizard and a star player, lucky me!

Re: Winning the Dutch Tournament Series 2019

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:53 pm
by sann0638
Good luck!

Re: Winning the Dutch Tournament Series 2019

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:36 pm
by BoltgunMetalhead
Catchers are done!


Re: Winning the Dutch Tournament Series 2019

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:46 pm
by sirsebstar
I was sure you had the winning concept.. so what went wrong?

Re: Winning the Dutch Tournament Series 2019

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 9:11 pm
by Dave
yeah .. how's it going?