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My Spike 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:00 pm
by DixonCider
Day one: Driving day

After sleeping in a little bit, we were on the road with the promise of another amazing adventure in the Blood Bowl world. The electronic music was cranked up and we were both dancing along. We made great time, and time flew by, mostly due to having Lair as a travel companion. I have added the photos from the journey to my Facebook page, send a request my way if you would like to see the mountains and little bits here and there of Vancouver. We played a quick match once we arrived in Vancouver, and wrapped up quite early.

Day two:

My twitter feed has my table numbers associated with rounds

Game One

I played against Dave Gonwick from Victoria. He was playing Wood elves. We shook hands, chatted a little bit and the game began. Through our introductions Dave said he hadn't played in almost three years. Dave didn't miss many plays, but with a little luck I edged him out 3-2 and I had the only SP's for casualties.

Game Two

Feeling pretty good after a first round victory I moved up in tables. I sat down and started setting up when Travis Childs sat down across from me. Travis had decimated me two years previous. "HAHA" I thought "revenge will be MINE today!!!" /insert evil laughter. Travis started to pull out his chaos dwarf team and I became even more confident that my speed would keep me safe. We shook hands, wished each other luck and began. From turn one I knew I was in trouble. Injuries, failed dodges, one's, double skulls and poor play overall were the name of my game. When it was all done I congratulated Travis on a game well played having lost 2-0 and Travis had 5 casualties to my 0.

That’s ok, this puts me into the loss bracket and I can get a weaker opponent. Smile back on my face and a skip in my step.

Round three

I moved down in tables, but this is ok. I have it all justified in my head. I smile and shake hands with Kristian Hardgraves, fun fact the top Dark Elf coach in Canada. "OH $^&*!!!". Thankfully he is pulling out a Minotaur, hobgoblins, chaos dwarfs... bah. We shake hands, talk to him about strategies, and play a game. I scored once really quickly, perhaps too fast, going up 1-0. My nerves start to settle, we line up for me to kick to him and he injures one or two players on his drive and scores on turn 8. I kick to him in the second half, he grinds down to score on turn 16 injuring one of my players on the way.

Heartbreak, sadness, tears and a one man hissy fit. These are all things I was close to, but no. I would not surrender dear reader. I could still go 4 wins and two losses like I had in my first Spike, I just needed the correct match-up on my next game.

Round four (yes still day one, not a typo)

Nursing my double rocking by Chaos Dwarfs, I sit down with Shawn Wowk from the Thunderbowl League. We laugh about our games so far and begin setting up. Goblins. Thank you sweet baby Jeebus. The two trolls, Fungus, and a bombardier with Hail Mary pass are a little intimidating but I figure score on turn seven to burn his bribes and I am a happy little blood bowler in the second half. Fun fact: you can't intercept a hail mary pass. BOOOOOM goes my cage after he kicks to me. Grumble Grumble, not losing to gobbos, just no. Force a blodge blitzer through his line. BOOOOOM cage again get blown to bits. he is more accurate with his bombs than I have ever seen almost everyone in our league. I continue to retrieve the ball after every pelting from the bombardier, and my blitzer finally is able to knock him down but I don't injure it. Fungus is making a mess of my screen and starting to move ever closer to my cage. I manage to score on turn 7, as it was written earlier in this match report, giving him some tough decisions on his positionals. In the end he saved Fungus, who was in the KO bin, and the chainsaw. He takes the kick playing short, I believe, so as to keep Fungus and the chainsaw. We begin the second half, goblins have a lot of issues dealing with the flood of dark elves swarming in. At one point he had me blocked on the sideline with his troll and chainsaw, but I was able to use a Witch Elf to double push them both out. I know, much celebration. The game ended with a magical goblin throw for a TD, both sides cheering on the goblin as it was hurled in for a goblin TD. The game ended 3-1 and I inflicted two casualties.

Saturday night we went out and had a few sips out in a very respectable establishment near the ocean.

Day Two

Game five

We were all a little lower grade than near mint at this point. Fumbled my way down from our hotel room in the crazy pink Miami Vice(unintentional) themed hotel. We were able to get into the room early, I started right away trying to get a game thinking it would help clear my head. Everyone I asked thought I was kidding, I played along like of course I am. Haha.... ya, crazy James.

If anyone has any information on this game I would love to hear it. I remember Dave was a great coach and was quite friendly. He had signed up with Chaos Pact, but that is not the team played

My second last opponent was Dave O'neil. I seem to have misplaced my notes for this match and for the life of me can't remember what he played. My game sheet says I won 3 -1 and we both had a casualty, but to be honest I was in really rough shape. That wine and cheese night got WAY out of hand.

Game six

Feeling a little less hazy, Chardonnay does that, after lunch I sat down with Kevin and his wood elves the Pass Holes. Kevin has won most TD's a few times in his Spike history. I was really nervous playing against high agility teams and Kevin was the reason why. We lined up, talked matches and suddenly we were on turn 7 and he was up by one or two. Watching his elf positioning was such a great learning experience. Of all the matches of the weekend I wish I had recorded that or could play it again. The Woodies were able to get a few armor breaks and injuries and I was completely outplayed. The final score was 4-0 and he had 4 casualties to my none.

Last but not least we had the numbers organized for best painted while the awards were tallied. The pictures of award winners were posted in the BBLOC Facebook group. The door prizes were much better this year. One 3D original team pro painted, a custom orc team pro painted, pitches, NAF exclusives, Blood Bowl magazines, and a few odd Manga/anime books.

Day three

The drive back was much quieter. We listened to a lot of Three Die Block podcasts and plotted how we would use the knowledge gained against the BBLOC coaches.

Today. I am serious about this, I know I joke a lot in my write ups, but you guys need to come out to Vancouver to play in this event.

Re: My Spike 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:25 pm
by Darkson
Nice write up.
What do you mean when you say your goblin opponent "played short"? He set up less than 11? If so, that's wrong, ad you always set up 11 if you can.

Re: My Spike 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:35 pm
by DixonCider
Darkson wrote:Nice write up.
What do you mean when you say your goblin opponent "played short"? He set up less than 11? If so, that's wrong, ad you always set up 11 if you can.
as I remember he somehow had two weapons come on in the second half, I think it may have been KO's, but I don't recall the exact specifics