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Gauging interest in a tournament in Long Island/NYC area

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:35 pm
by mzukerman
We are exploring the idea of doing an annual tournament in the NYC area, on Long Island. We have two ways to do this, either:

a) keep it small, primarily locals for a 3 game tournament, cut our teeth and expand from there
b) stretch ourselves and increase it to a 4 game tournament with larger prize pack and try to widen the appeal for some travelers
c) go for broke and do a 2 day tournament with all the trimmings and gala

Two of us have significant experience planning conventions and a few of us have participated and traveled to Blood Bowl tournaments in the past. The question is how much interest is there in a tournament in this area so we can plan accordingly. We are fine with A and B, C is a bit daunting for our first tournament, but we have people who are willing to pitch in and help.


Re: Gauging interest in a tournament in Long Island/NYC area

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:17 pm
by daloonieshaman
you are in a very central location for travelers
nearby airports
withing several hours of other major towns
within 8 hours driving of other big tournaments

I would say go for the 2 day if you have local help
there are other veterans (like myself) that can help you with the does and don'ts through email

Re: Gauging interest in a tournament in Long Island/NYC area

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:56 pm
by mzukerman
Thanks, I recognize the proximity to major hub as a boon. I'd have to hear from others in the area that they'd be willing to travel and what they'd be willing to travel. To be completely honest, we'd like to ensure that this is something that runs well before it runs big. So while I recognize that the 2-day tournament is a possibility, I'm not leaning that way. Although I haven't ruled it out yet. :-)

Best case scenario is we would cut our teeth and then turn it into something bigger that the folks from other major cities say, "Hey, NYC is a hop/skip/jump from here, we should go there for that awesome tournament!"