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Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:36 pm
by reroll
Taking Wood Elves to a 1.1 mil tournament.
In my few league games with Woodies I suffer a lot of casualties. I know Woodies can cope with casualties and still score better than most, but I'm thinking of taking an Apo to the tournie, to turn a KO into a stun or a BH casualty into a go-to-reserves-box.

So what is the conventional wisdom on taking an Apo to a tournie? I'm guessing most would say no - am I right?

What are the pros and cons?

Many thanks for any help.

Re: Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:49 pm
by besters
I think you have summed it up pretty well, the con is the 50k possibly a TRR that you lose the pro is the extra player you might get back.

It's a gamble I usually take with most teams at tournaments.

Re: Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:05 pm
by reroll
Cheers Besters.

And how do you use them at tournies? Use them early, even if just a KO'd lineman, to get the benefit of having the player still available for the longest possible time and therefore get the max benefit (until someone else gets injured that is!), or save him for a possible later injury to a more valuable player (with the slight risk you end up not using your Apo)?

Re: Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:50 pm
by spubbbba
reroll wrote:Taking Wood Elves to a 1.1 mil tournament.
Does that 1.1 include having to buy skills?

Apoths can be great to save a key player like wardancers from being BH'd. But at 1.1 you don't have a lot to play with as wood elves. That 50K might be better spent on another re-roll or upgrading a lino to a treeman in the hope that he takes enough hits meant for your other players and maybe does some damage back.

Re: Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:55 am
by Joemanji
Apothecaries are great in tournaments. But especially for any teams with players over 50K. 50K for a chance to bring back a 120K Wardancer is great value. Even if you use in on a 70K Lineman it is still excellent value. The only issue is opportunity cost. I usually don't take an APO for WEs as it happens because it would mean dropping a reroll or the Treeman. But plenty of coaches do.

Re: Taking an Apo to a tournament?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:13 am
by babass
i like the apo in most of the armour7 roster (in particular pro-elves, and norses)

and i have an apo as well in my typical human-roster