Tournament Planning Questions

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Tournament Planning Questions

Post by TheShepherd »

As our tournament The Welsh Open is growing, I have a few questions that I'd like to ask the community. Please can you answer the questions below and if there's anything else you want to add please do so.

Thank you for your replies and help:

What's most important to you when considering a tournament?
Opponent list
Free gifts
Food included
Rules pack
Other please give details

What gifts would you prefer?
Dice cup
Dice mat
None, cheaper tournament
Other please give details

If the average price of a tournament is £15-£20 how much would you be willing to pay for it to include the above?
Nothing, it should be included
Other please give details

What's most important in terms of venue?
Transport links
Nearby hotels
Other please give details

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Re: Tournament Planning Questions

Post by Don__Vito »

DaPiranha wrote:As our tournament The Welsh Open is growing, I have a few questions that I'd like to ask the community. Please can you answer the questions below and if there's anything else you want to add please do so.

Thank you for your replies and help:

What's most important to you when considering a tournament?
Venue - not important to me as long as it's functional (well lit, warm, enough space as a minimum)
Price - not important as long as you can see value for money.
Location - has to be geographically realistic of course, but a half hour drive or four hour drive makes no difference to me.
Opponent list - nice to play someone new but never a real concern
Prizes - nice to have, not really essential though
Free gifts - same as prizes.
Food included - I like there to be at least an evening meal organised for the social aspect. Food being put on is a great addition too though, and something I try and organise.
Rules pack - THIS is the big factor for me. Clear, something different every now and again, and good scoring. All essential points.
Other please give details

What gifts?
I've dice, mats and tokens coming out my ears. Models are ace, especially if usable rather than comical. Gifts don't really influence me though.

If the average price of a tournament is £15-£20 how much would you be willing to pay for it to include the above?
If the venue is great, with easy to reach accommodation, food provided, car parking and a good selection of trophies and/or prizes and gifts, then I'd not bat an eyelid at paying over thirty quid.
Other please give details

What's most important in terms of venue?
Transport links - I drive so 0/10 personally
Parking - 8/10
Wifi - 2/10, handy but nowhere near important
Bar - 10/10. It's not a tourney without a bar! If no bar available the ability to drink at the venue is a close second.
Nearby hotels - 5/10. Nice to have but not a deal breaker.
Other please give details - minimum standards is all I need. Anyone remember Flamebowl 2010 where is was so dark you couldn't see the table?

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Re: Tournament Planning Questions

Post by lunchmoney »

What's most important to you when considering a tournament?
Venue - Should be accessible
Price - quality venue and lunch included and I don’t mind paying a little over the going rate
Location - For me a 90 minute drive is my cap. Further than that and it's an over night stay and I have to really weigh up the costs
Opponent list - nice to see how many people are coming and who, but not vital except for confirming ticket is bought
Prizes - not important. I've discovered after giving away bags of loot that a well run event is more important
Free gifts - nice, but not necessary
Food included - yes please, it creates a nice dinner table atmosphere
Rules pack - important. Rules should be clear and not open to interpretation

What gifts would you prefer?
Not bothered, but mini’s are preferred over dice or a pitch/dugout as they may get used

If the average price of a tournament is £15-£20 how much would you be willing to pay for it to include the above?

What's most important in terms of venue?
In order or priority for me: Parking, transport links, bar, nearby hotels/B&Bs

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Re: Tournament Planning Questions

Post by Joemanji »

What's most important to you when considering a tournament?
Venue - As long as it is warm, dry and safe I can cope. But I will admit that I haven't been back to some events partly because the room we were in was a bit grotty. So it seems I do have some standards. :wink:
Price - I just want to see value. Happily pay loads for a tournament I know delivers the goods.
Location - I'll be playing BB in 7 countries this year. If I like the tournament, I'll get there.
Opponent list - Big. I prefer to play either mates or people who will challenge me in at least some of the games. You can't guarantee that because of the random nature of the draw, but I want to see that it is possible.
Prizes - Not important, I already have too much BB tat. :) A painted team is the only thing that makes me want to win for the prize itself.
Free gifts - Not important, I already have too much BB tat. :)
Food included - Don't mind, as long as it is reasonable. I generally prefer to sort myself out rather than be forced into stale sandwiches.
Rules pack - Massive. Should be balanced and have a sane scoring system (no bonus points). Anything fruity puts me RIGHT off, including pre-registration bonuses. If the World Cup and NAFC can cope without rosters in advance, so can a 20 man tournament.
Other please give details Evening meal / drinks on the Saturday is vital for me, BB tournaments are a social occasion. I struggle to justify the expense just for 6 games of BB when I have my league and FUMBBL.

What gifts would you prefer?
None, cheaper tournament - This

If the average price of a tournament is £15-£20 how much would you be willing to pay for it to include the above?
Happy to pay over £30/40/50+ for a good event. So long as I can see where the money is going.

What's most important in terms of venue?
Transport links 9/10 - I don't drive so if it is in a country house nowhere near a train station, I will struggle to get there.
Parking 0/10 - I don't drive.
Wifi 2/10 - Nice, not essential by any stretch.
Bar 8/10 - Pretty big deal, but if I can sort myself from a shop that is fine.
Nearby hotels 7/10 - Yeah pretty important. Getting a taxi to a hotel further away is another expense / hassle.

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*This post may have been made without the use of a hat.
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