Some figures missing at Spiky

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Some figures missing at Spiky

Post by Max Horseman »

Hi all,

Unfortunately some figures of mine disappeared from my case overnight on Saturday/Sunday. Could anyone who went please recheck their cases, etc to see if they have been moved. I am missing:

1 Dwarf Trollslayer
1 Dwarf Runner
2 Dwarf Longbeards
1 Dwarf Apoth (Old Chainsaw figure)

1 Norse Ogre (Distinctive, converted from 40K Ogryn)
1 or 2 Norse Linemen (can't remember the exact number in the case)

I suggest in future that cases are not left at venues, despite them being supposedly secure.



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Post by Joemanji »

I can't believe anyone would do this. Assholes. :evil:

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Post by Valen »

Nazgit wrote:I can't believe anyone would do this. Assholes. :evil:
I would like to think that it is a mistake and the person who has made the mistake would still come forward, hopefully. But if not I agree :evil:

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Post by kadu-c »

Dwarves ?
Hmmm who won the tournament by the way ? :roll: Amazons ?
Lucifer is the man ! :lol:

Seriously that's really a shame. Never heard about a problem like that in a BB tournament before. :evil:

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Post by Lycos »

This is both annoying and unfortuante and I am sure everyone feels for Max. No surprise you didnt feel like playing mate - I really dont think any of us would feel like it.

The problem we may have here is that it is very unlikely it was anyone at the tourney. The room Max speaks off was a very large hall that was open all night and there was a bar that a fair number of gen public used right next door. The last of the bb crowd I believe left about 9ish which leaves about 3 hours or more for anyone to go next door and rumage about.
Now what i am saying here is conjecture but I really struggle to believe anyone there would do such a thing on purpose.

Of course Max is right. We should all check our cases because all it takes is for an innocent joke to go wrong and then someone feel awkward for owning up.

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Post by dantitan76 »

This is something really strange and the first time that I hear something like this. I doubt that someone from the tourney would do that deliverately.
The only thing that is strange.... why did the person take just 7 minis, when he could have the whole lot?
I hope you get them back Max

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Post by Darkson »

That sucks Max, wondered what the announcement was about Sunday morning.
Hope they surface and it's just a big mistake. :(

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Post by Willi »

Lycos wrote: The problem we may have here is that it is very unlikely it was anyone at the tourney. The room Max speaks off was a very large hall that was open all night and there was a bar that a fair number of gen public used right next door. The last of the bb crowd I believe left about 9ish which leaves about 3 hours or more for anyone to go next door and rumage about.
Now what i am saying here is conjecture but I really struggle to believe anyone there would do such a thing on purpose.

Of course Max is right. We should all check our cases because all it takes is for an innocent joke to go wrong and then someone feel awkward for owning up.
Not having been at the event I think this option is highly unlikely. Any normal outside thief would have taken the whole lot and not bother about specific minis or that the theft would be detected, since he is miles away when that occurs.

The only chance it was an outsider is that he is a collector and can appreciate the minis and took only the ones he "needed". But it would be a very big coincidence if such a person (thief but ethical enough to take only what he "needs") exists and was there.

The other options that an insider has taken them either accidentally (hopefully) or on purpose.

Might be good to post some pics of the minis, so everyone can look out for them at tournys, leagues etc.

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Post by besters »


Can only add my sympathy and concern to that already stated and also apologise for not really having the situation sink in on the day. I thought someone was playing a stupid joke and the figures would turn up, didn't realise till later that they hadn't. Hard to believe that someone playing in the tournament could do this, but I agree that an outside thief would be more likely to take all the figures, and not just from the one case!

Hope they turn up in the next few days.


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Post by Max Horseman »

Hi all,

Cheers for your messages. I've not been contacted yet, so I'm thinking that they are gone for good.

All I can say is to reiterate my point about looking after your figures at all times.



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Post by BB-Pad »


If you're not already doing so, it would probably be worth keeping an eye on ebay in case your missing figures were stolen rather than accidently taken. Not sure how it works with ebay but I would've thought they would be good to avoid being seen as fencing stolen goods especially for easily identifiable things like your converted ogre.

Hope they turn up normally though.


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Post by Ewan »

I was not there either but I have question..

How many times have any of you ever packed up other peoples minis thinking they were yours? I can understand the odd mistake with block dice or even templates but I've never "taken" someone else's minis by accident.

I would hazard a guess that it looks a lot more like theft than an "honest mistake" :cry:

As a complete long-shot, why not phone the place where the event was held and ask if the cleaner or anyone else has found some "toy soldiers" that had been left behind from the tourney? You never know maybe they were "placed" somewhere by accident..

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Post by Gumbo »

Does seem odd that someone would take just 5 though, if they knew what they were taking.

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Post by Mad Jackal »

Not being there at all.

I might say that it would be possible some-one from the general public stumbled in took a peak and then only took figs that struck thier fancy.

If one was a converted chainsaw fig, and a big Ogre, then some of my non -bb playing friends might be (while drunk) inclined to take a few figs for that reason. -I mean if they aren't into it for the stealing then why carry out a case ??? Just put a few cool ones in your pocket and bail.

But I too, would tend to lean towards the 'person knew what he was looking for' stance.

Makes me think of my friend - and a very different situation -He left his entire painted norse team in the converted pistol carrying case he used on is passenger seat while he went to class... (Hard plastic outer shell with deep foam insides to cradle the figs.)

A busted window later and some-one made off with the lot. Imagine thier disgust when later they opened the case and instead of finding a handgun, they found silly painted figures ? -But the point I'm making is this guy was into it for the stealing and thus took the lot. Few unknowing theives would pick through and choose .

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