UKTC team introductions

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by peo2223 »

Team Geordie / Gazza's Tears / whatever we decide to call ourselves on the day

This team should not really need any introductions with its members (well 3/4 of them) being tournament legends...but in the spirit of this thread I give you the team

Don Vito : Our current Team England captain probably holds the world record for the most amount of crowd surfs in one game! The Don is a regular presence at most major tournaments and plays at a speed that is so fast small lightning bolts have been rumoured to have been seen flying from his dice. An amazingly friendly bloke who makes games so enjoyable it is almost a pleasure to lose to him. The Don truly is the Godfather of blood bowl who will teach you valuable lessons in keeping away from the sidelines!

Winkle Picker: Stan is the current NAF champion as well as the winner of many other tournaments and is a strong member of the team. All these achievements pale into insignificance compared to his ability to fit into shoes with such a fine point that his own toes could be considered bladed articles! Normally found with pint in hand and talking about how good his oppenent's dice were, Stan will be a force to be reckoned with on day two depends on how good the night out is!

Robsoma: No matter what the weather this man will easily be identified in the blood bowl community as the only person wearing shorts. Currently spending time promoting his YouTube channel where he spends a lot of his time screaming in fear, some might say he has forgotten about the glorious game of blood bowl. However with a history of successful tournaments behind him and years of experience this is one Youtuber you can't get complacent with!

Peo2223: There is always one weak link in a team and this is comfortably taken by the team captain Peo. While he did walk away with the stunty cup at last year's uktc, this was in reality because he was the only stupid person who brought a stunty team! Peo's only real blood bowl success comes from facing off Garrick's Angus and living to tell the tail! Owing his coaching ability more to enthusiasm than skill, Peo is likely to be the coach who makes insane plays which of course back fire. What he lacks in Blood bowl ability though he makes up for in being Sizzler's dancing understudy! So on or off the pitch you should get a few laughs!

Really looking forward to seeing you all there. Last year was epic and this year promises to be an even bigger event! Can't wait!

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by rolo »

Garrick wrote:He may have the lowest active NAF number at 371?
sputnik(68) still plays, and milo(29) hasn't played in just under a year but he posts from time to time!

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Garrick »

peo2223 wrote:Peo's only real blood bowl success comes from facing off Garrick's Angus and living to tell the tail!

Peo: "living to tell the tail!"

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by peo2223 »

I thought you would like the pun Garrick

Sadly I have been an idiot with my own teams' names:

It is Winkle Picka for Stan and Matt is using his actual name!

1 month until mayhem people!!!!

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Wightlord »

Team Middle Berth Minions:

Wightlord - an old Sailor with a degree in Invasive Pippology and a questionable ability to keep his teammates in line. Has been trying for years to take Geoff Porrits "Shiniest head" crown but always comes up just slightly short.

Chosen Gobbo - Smeagol's stunt double in several of the LOTR's more dangerous scenes and a man actually capable of "Nerdgasms". He has recently astonished everyone by proving his virility and becoming a proud father - congratulations Dunc! :D

Big Peter - Ron Jeremy's replacement in the "Skin trade", Peter is a friendly affable young man..... who may just eat you if he get's hungry. Peter actually has the skill Bone-Head making his play slightly erratic but always entertaining.

Dobby - Having divested themselves of the player known as Shaniepoo the team attempted to find a replacement who 1) was better looking. 2) was better company 3) was not self obsessed 4) could actually play Blood Bowl 5) had some hair. Happily the "Dobster" outranked Shane massively in all these categories easily (especially number 4 & 5...) so while Shane is babysitting Gav's kids at night the Dobster will be out... being awesome :wink:

Please note: there are several beards in this team. None of us are Hipsters so please don't hate us.

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Verbal_HM »

peo2223 wrote:
This team should not really need any introductions with its members (well 3/4 of them) being tournament legends...
Some of us don't have a clue who any of you are, and any introduction is welcome?

All I have to work with is that the 'super serious' NAF crowd is populated with teams like 'Clique and Destroy!', which as far as myself and my 'noob'(ish) team mates have ascertained, equals the lot of you being snooty wankles?

I honestly want to be proven wrong, but my own personal experience has taught me, the higher I get up any table in a NAF event, the less fun the people I'm playing against actually are?

I roll with my punches, the 'top flight' players, they really don't.

I really don't want to drive half way across the country to see a grown adult sulk in my face like they are a prepubescent child, but thankfully I lose half my games so I don't have to suffer that all the time, on the other hand other people on my teams do....

The guys you play against at the bottom of the table are the people you make friends with, the 'hot shots' are the people you never want to see ever again because they're such sour losers? (or was that meant to be sore... 'sour' worked just fine, nm...)

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Hangus »

I'd say you are coming across as a Snooty Wankle not them with posts like that.

I've made just as many friends at the 'top' as the 'bottom' of the tables.

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by lunchmoney »

peo2223 wrote:This team should not really need any introductions with its members (well 3/4 of them) being tournament legends...but in the spirit of this thread I give you the team
I know the Don, but I have no idea who the rest of you chaps are and wouldnt be able to pick you out from a lineup (not that it matters as I cannot do the travel for this one, so I'm not going to be there).
What makes a "tournament legend"?

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Hangus »

Id say most of The Geordies have been in a line up.

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by lunchmoney »

Hangus wrote:Id say most of The Geordies have been in a line up.

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)

TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by JT-Y »

Honestly guys, some of the above is crap.
I attend BB tourneys because everyone is fun and, even if they are well ranked players and on the top tables, they're fun to be around. Controversially, I even include Joe in that.

I'm sure Peo is beside himself with remorse that his attempt at humour has proven so misguided.

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Jimjimjimany »

Thanks for saying that J.

Verbal, have we ever met or played? I'm just wondering what me or anyone on my team could have done to warrant a personal attack on us. If you've ever had a negative experience at a tournament then I'm sorry, but please don't launch baseless accusation at me or my friends; that's bullying mate.

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by Purplegoo »

I was ninja'd a bit whilst writing, but what the hell.

Well. This thread took a bit of a turn.

Verbal, as a member of the team you have mentioned that also so happens to have played you, I shall take the (perhaps poor) decision to bite. I hope it’s a short run thing, and that we can then all resume sending ourselves up as we build up to a cracking weekend (the ‘thinking man’s Purplegoo’, indeed. Thinking men, women and children alike already have their Purple hero! ;))

Clique and Destroy is intended as a humorous team name. The ‘clique’ part harks back to an oft discussed UK Blood Bowl topic from before my time that has been pastiched quite heavily for a few years now, and the play on words I’m sure you appreciate. ‘The Clique Shall Inherit the Earth’ was another solid candidate, it was just less punchy. No-one is suggesting you should instantly pick up on in-jokes years in the making, but perhaps you could consider we’d not deliberately come up with a team name that states ‘we the illuminati are the super duper bestest and will crush all before us’ without using a hint of humour? We are British, afterall.

That British condition is a funny thing. It can lead to this curious perception in some sections of the community (that you are propagating) that competing at a tournament is somehow an undesirable thing; that playing with the hope of winning at a tournament is a negative and cannot possibly also be fun. Actually, BB tournaments work on a plethora of levels. People can enjoy themselves competing, throwing Halflings every turn or drinking until they cannot see, all under the same roof. I don’t appreciate the stereotype that those of us who enjoy being competitive at BB cannot (by extension) also be friendly or fun. When you and I played earlier this year, I remember you were very tired and hungover and not at all talkative. On the basis of that one game we had, I did not jump to the conclusion that as an online coach you had no social skills and therefore stereotype you as a keyboard warrior incapable of banter or laughs face to face. Perhaps I am the ‘snooty wankle’ to which you refer above; I certainly remember a number of things that weekend that adversely affected my mood and I was probably not at my jovial best. ‘Sulking like a pre-pubescent child‘ I might challenge however, especially on the strength of a single meeting.

Up and down a Blood Bowl tournament (yes, on the lower tables too), people are emotionally invested in their games and they would rather achieve their goals than not. Afterall, we travel a long way and give up precious free time to play those six games, investment is natural. Whether on table 1 or table 100, people will tut, sigh, launch dice, tell tales of their recent woes to people that aren’t listening (merely loading up their own tale of woe in response), whatever. We all know this, it comes with the territory, and most of the time it’s an understandable human reaction. On the rare occasion that it travels over the line in terms of acceptability, I recommend that you take the coach in question to one side and have a word. He / she will probably be mortified and will moderate his / her behaviour. Blanket online accusations after the event that the ‘super serious NAF guys’ are sore losers or people you don’t want to see again is pretty poor form. Perhaps if you have serious concerns you could invite one of us for a quiet beer in York and explore things further? I’d happily buy you one and listen to you, if you continue to have an issue in this area.

Anyway, enough of all that from me, I think a nerve was struck related to the ‘powergamer’ garbage we sometimes have to yawn through when reading TFF or at an event. I also think peo should elaborate on his team description, I don’t know who any of those people are, but as Geordies, I know they can be filed under ‘not a threat – wye aye man, PJ me eyes, fog on the tyne’. ;)

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by RoterSternHochdahl »

some serious internet tingy a gwaan :o

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Re: UKTC team introductions

Post by JT-Y »

...tell tales of their recent woes to people that aren’t listening...
If anyone even so much as says 'hello' to me at the UKTC I will tell them in minute detail all about my game 8 at the World Cup, even if they have already been told all about it.

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