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Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:09 pm
by nobby
tournament exclusive mini's really interest me, which gives me an idea for something...

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:58 pm
by innerdemon
Any swag is welcomed, but I am a sticker for prizes. Prizes should be related to the tourney, not rubbish/dead stock the game store needs to get rid of.

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:27 pm
by Wifflebat
Going to my first tourney this summer, and I'm most excited about getting a mini. I didn't opt for the field because the design didn't appeal to me. I'm OK with dice, but I would only get excited about block dice--the typical six-siders with a logo in place of the six hold no real charm for me.

I'd like to see things like counters, tokens, and coins. Has anybody done a custom score-keeping device of some sort? That'd be cool!

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:55 am
by Milo
So here are a couple of new ideas that I haven't seen given away at tournaments much yet -- I'd like to hear how much interest people would have for these, on a scale from 1 (don't want) to 10 (definitely want).

Metal block dice
Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
Lapel pin with tournament logo
Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
Deck of inducement cards
Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
Shot Glass with tournament logo
Coffee mug with tournament logo
Key chain (with throw in template?)
Can coozies
Dice bag with embroidered logo
Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
Collapsing wooden dice tower
T-shirt with logo
Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:10 am
by lunchmoney
0 - Metal block dice - potentially heavy and damaging
1 - Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background) - Already have dice
2 - Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
2 - Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
6 - Lapel pin with tournament logo
6 - Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
1 - Stickers
4 - Deck of inducement cards (useful but maybe not cost effective for a "giveaway")
6 - Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards) (cool idea, you could liase with other tournies to make and give away sets)
6 - Shot Glass with tournament logo
7 - Coffee mug with tournament logo
8 - Key chain (with throw in template?)
? - Can coozies (what?)
3 - Dice bag with embroidered logo
1 - Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
1 - Collapsing wooden dice tower
1 - T-shirt with logo
1 - Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:16 am
by TheDancingClown
I haven't played in any tourneys so my wants will be very different from veterans. Chosen 5 for most of these which means they would be cool for the duration of the tournament but would probably soon find a place in the attic never to see the light of day again.

0 - Metal block dice - (I haven't seen metal dice before but can't imagine liking them. Wouldn't they damage a board?)
8 - Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background) - I know veterans have far too many dice already but I don't!
5 - Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
2 - Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
5 - Lapel pin with tournament logo
6 - Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
5 - Stickers
6 - Deck of inducement cards (useful but maybe not cost effective for a "giveaway")
8 - Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
5 - Shot Glass with tournament logo
5 - Coffee mug with tournament logo
6 - Key chain (with throw in template?)
5 - Can coozies (what?)
5 - Dice bag with embroidered logo
5 - Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
8 - Collapsing wooden dice tower
5 - T-shirt with logo
5 - Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:16 am
by Loki
1- Metal block dice
8- Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
8- Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
9- Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
5- Lapel pin with tournament logo
7- Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
2- Stickers
0 (have)- Deck of inducement cards
1- Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
3- Shot Glass with tournament logo
7- Coffee mug with tournament logo
5- Key chain (with throw in template?)
?- Can coozies
8- Dice bag with embroidered logo
6- Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
6- Collapsing wooden dice tower
8- T-shirt with logo
7- Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:26 am
by Milo
For people who are wondering what a "coozie" is, here's some info:

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:23 pm
by mzukerman
1-Metal block dice
4-Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
4-Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
10-Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
3-Lapel pin with tournament logo
6-Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
7-Deck of inducement cards
8-Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
7-Shot Glass with tournament logo
5-Coffee mug with tournament logo
6-Key chain (with throw in template?)
2-Can coozies
7-Dice bag with embroidered logo
8-Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
5-Collapsing wooden dice tower
4-T-shirt with logo
8-Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Of course, the things we all want are probably the most expensive, so it depends on what it does to the price of a tournament.

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:16 pm
by Milo
Actually, virtually all of the items I listed are reasonably priced from the sources I've found, although some of it depends on the economy of scale. The biggest cost for a lot of them are shipping, which is sometimes cheaper amortized across a larger quantity (mold and setup fees are as well.) I'm still getting pricing for some of them, and looking for more options, but I'd be happy to share all of this information once I've compiled it with other tournament organizers who are interested.

Just to give a couple of ideas, I think coins can be arranged for approximately $5-6 US, coffee mugs for $3-4 US and mini cases for approximately $10-12. Lapel pins are about $2-3. If you have access to a sewing machine, you could probably make a bunch of dice bags for next to nothing (just cost of raw materials.)

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:22 pm
by babass
1 Metal block dice
9 Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
1 Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
10 Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
3 Lapel pin with tournament logo
3 Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
2 Stickers
10 Deck of inducement cards
6 Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
5 Shot Glass with tournament logo
4 Coffee mug with tournament logo
4 Key chain (with throw in template?)
1 Can coozies
3 Dice bag with embroidered logo
1 Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
2 Collapsing wooden dice tower
3 T-shirt with logo
3 Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:40 pm
by nazgob
Of course, there is also the welsh option of offering home brew...

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:35 pm
by Wifflebat
4 - Metal block dice
10 - Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
3 - Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
10 - Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
2 - Lapel pin with tournament logo
8 - Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
4 - Stickers
8 - Deck of inducement cards
5 (?) - Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards) - Depends--this could be really cool, or kind of weak...
3 - Shot Glass with tournament logo
4 - Coffee mug with tournament logo
2 - Key chain (with throw in template?)
2 - Can coozies
7 - Dice bag with embroidered logo
1 - Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
7 - Collapsing wooden dice tower
4 - T-shirt with logo
4 - Polo shirt with embroidered logo

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:51 pm
by Digger Goreman
1 Metal block dice
1 Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background)
9 Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat
6 Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo
9 Lapel pin with tournament logo
4 Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back
1 Stickers
5 Deck of inducement cards
1 Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards)
1 Shot Glass with tournament logo
1 Coffee mug with tournament logo
2 Key chain (with throw in template?)
1 Can coozies
1 Dice bag with embroidered logo
1 Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
1 Collapsing wooden dice tower
5 T-shirt with logo
5 Polo shirt with embroidered logo

shirts, et al., go to -1 if naf logo included....

Re: Tournament giveaways

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:04 pm
by Darkson
0 - Metal block dice - already have small metal D6 that I don't use due to the damage they can cause, so Block dice are no interest at all
Varies - Color block dice (i.e. color images on solid background) - depends on the logos. Nice Block dice are welcome, even when I don't use them; ones with poor unclear images not interested
2 - Embroidered patches, for ironing onto a shirt or dice bag or hat - got some from the first World Cup that I've still never used.
0 - Hard plastic mini case, suitable for carrying 1-2 teams in pre-cut foam, with tournament logo - already have a case, don't need another one
3 - Lapel pin with tournament logo
5 - Coin with tournament logo on front, scatter table on back - though not with a Scatter table, rather a two-sided coin
1 - Stickers - meh!
1 - Deck of inducement cards - already have a set, so not interested in another
3 - Star Player trading cards (similar to football or baseball cards) - not really my thing, and even less interested if it's a multi-tourney thing (as I'm not able to go to half the tournaments I'd like to)
5 - Shot Glass with tournament logo
5 - Coffee mug with tournament logo
3 - Key chain (with throw in template?)
3 - Can coozies
3 - Dice bag with embroidered logo
3 - Silicon wristband (similar to Livestrong bands) with tournament name/date
0 - Collapsing wooden dice tower - don't like dice towers
2 - T-shirt with logo - having a club shirt I use for tournaments, not likely to wear it
2 - Polo shirt with embroidered logo - as above