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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:58 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Again bump due to other forums.


Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:30 pm
by Snorri
but you can't throw a longbomb with TTM
Can you?
But it's good playing
:lol: but it is risky to do something like that
given that it will most of the times fail(but that's why it's so unsuspected and your opponent is totaly suprised!)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:27 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Snorri wrote:but you can't throw a longbomb with TTM
No you can throw a Long pass with TTM that becomes a Long Bomb for range purposes.


Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:53 am
by leblanc13
The problem that I have with giving diving tackle to a halfling is that all you have to do is blitz them with the person that they are placing a tackle zone on and the diving tackle skill becomes ineffective.

Halflings have ST 2! If I was next to a ST 2 diving tackler I would use a blitz action to push the halfling away and then waltz in for the TD. In fact, the only agility skill they should never take is diving tackle, unless you are looking for 4th skills to give out and your team is already well developed.

The only way this could work is if 2 diving tacklers have placed tacklezones on the runners. You would have to gang up with the halflings to do it. Halflings are notoriously slow so against fast teams this is not a reliable tactic. Against bashing teams it may work as since they are normally very slow. This will allow you to put two or more halflings on the guy with the ball.

Halflings are very injury prone and tend to be playing defense alot due to their ability to make a 1 turn TD (Treeman uses TTM skill, halfling lands, and runs in for TD.) 1 turn TD and then you are on defense for the rest of the half as your opponent beats the stuffing out of you and takes his time scoring because of you notoriously slow treemen and your ridiculously fragile players.

Halflings die all too easily and are way too reliant on the 1 turn score for victory.

Also, regarding the 1 turn TD. It becomes a real challenge for your Treemen to accurately throw a halfling down field nevermind avoid fumbling and injuring your halfling. I would not want to have my treemen on the line so that I am taking further passing penalties by being in opposing player's tackle zones.

You could try the halfling running game, which consists of a bunch of half-pint players running through the legs of much tougher opposistion. This in my opinion is hilarious to watch. The halflings are pretty adept at dodging against anyone but dwarfs in the early league games, however exposing your players to an opponents backfield is dangerous at best. Then again, playing halflings is a gamble to begin with.

I have accumulated a 3 -1 record with my San Franheimer .49ers. Each game was a nightmare for the poor halflings. Even though they have a winning record, they get the stuffing beat out of them every game.

In my games, halflings seem to outright refuse to get out of the knock-out box. Halflings just aren't a very talented team to start with and even if they develop, they still get injured easily without having regular access to the block skill.

All that being said, they are an extremely fun team to play with...Except in leagues!

I have come up with a new team concept for my next halfling team. The team will be obsessed fans of the Dark Elf teams. Their colors will be Purple and Black and they will be called the Darkside Chowboys!


Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:38 am
by leblanc13
The first skills I recommend for the halflings are surefeet and sprint, in that order. You need to move the halflings very fast to get away from opposition.

Sidestep is a good third skill if he lives long enough to get a third skill.

On doubles, I recommend Block, Sure Hands, Kick, or Dirty Player (a must have for the halflings.)


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:35 pm
by slup
This should be a sticky

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:02 pm
by inquisitorpustus
Halfling running game?

How confusing.

Most sensible people have by now realised that flings are best at the fouling game!

I'd be more inclined to spend all of my doubles on Dirty Player, simple because halflings excel at gang fouling things that fall over due to lack of re-rolls.

I've seen more teams obliterated by boot wielding halflings than by any chaos/orc/whatever team.

Its a winning tactic in every respect!

1) You have 30k Dp's so your not especially concerned when they get sent off.

2) Your AV6 suddenly looks alot better when your opponent is reduced to six players (for now :D ), and your team suddenly becomes very survivable.

4) Erm you kill your opponents team. Pretty easy to win when they're all in the dead and injured box.

Lull people into a false sense of security with the line 'they're only flings'. Soon flingophobia will be a recognised Blood Bowl related illness! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:48 pm
by Dropdeadfred
he is talking about my flings


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:29 am
by inquisitorpustus
..and mine and trogs and all of them!!!

Such a broken team!

No really!

They should clearly be nerfed. Little monsters. :o

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:39 pm
by GalakStarscraper
leblanc13 wrote: In fact, the only agility skill they should never take is diving tackle, unless you are looking for 4th skills to give out and your team is already well developed.
Man I missed that. From experience ... you are not understanding how Diving Tackle is being used. My experience is that Flings can really handle bashy teams well. I regularly beat Orcs, Chaos, and Norse with Fling teams. The teams that give them fits are the fast dodgy teams that outrun them.

A Fling team with 4 to 6 Diving Tackle players is a nightmare for Elves and Skaven to play against because their normal dodge right past you tactics don't work nearly as well.

So if you think Diving Tackle is there to run up to someone and put a TZ on them ... NO WAY ... see my guide again ... never do this with a Fling unless he's a sacrifice ... it there to prevent run bys and it works very effectively doing so.
