LRB 6.0

Contains old topics long since discussed. Now here purely for reading, not for posting to.

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

gonzolo wrote:boo to them!

oh and those teams only have 4 star players to choose from. any idea if they'll get the extra two added?
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Post by Boromir_of_Gondor »

Hey Galak,
With the release of the new rules, does that mean your sig will change? :P

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Post by Boromir_of_Gondor »

Also, not having been through an LRB change before, do they advertise it on their site, or do they leave it to the fanbase to know when it is up on their site?

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Post by Grumbledook »

Boromir_of_Gondor wrote:Also, not having been through an LRB change before, do they advertise it on their site, or do they leave it to the fanbase to know when it is up on their site?
the latter ;]

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Post by Boromir_of_Gondor »

Looks like Grandma has been overtaken by.......... :evil: . Anyways. I think it's time for me to sleep now, what with it being nearly 2am here. (yay) :zzz:

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Post by browwnrob »

Joemanji wrote:The Khemri roster now being used in the MBBL is official - Decay, 40K Skeletons etc.

Ridiculous (the skeleton positionals should at least have TS too, and the Blitz-Ra should not be 90K), but the BBRC tied their own hands a year ago so they had very little choice.
Im speechless!

I always found Khemri to be really easy to beat but I reckon what they have now is a team that stays on the pitch and does very little, until the Tomb Guardians get skilled up with MB etc. And its going to take a long time to do that!

I could write a long post about why i think there are better alternatives but it would be moot

what a pity

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Post by Joemanji »

Indeed. A real missed opportunity.

Decay is a weird one. Some teams won't be much affected, others will be crippled. Mummies do get injured, and factors like chainsaws, Claw and throw a rock will decimate them.

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Post by cyagen »

I think that what shocked me the most was not the conditions that GW putted regarding the Star Players.

What shocked me was that they had the balls to say that after neglecting the game for a decade.

If they would have offered support for BB the whole time, this thread would not exist.

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Post by Pipey »

Just to say thanks to the BBRC for all your efforts.

I like a lot of the changes in LRB6 e.g. with the kick off table, and some of the tweaks here and there.

What has happened with Khemri is IMO a failure. That's a shame. I'm also totally bemused as to why Flesh Golems went back up to 110k. Another bizarre decision.

But on balance I'd say LRB6 is an improvement :D (though I'm glad it's not going to change for a good while)

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Post by daloonieshaman »

What a bunch of winnies
The Khemri are great as stated in LRB6
In playtesting I personally went 22-1-2 and took the League of 43 different coaches and I am not the best coach of the lot. (also led CAS at 59)
Worrying about Decay is like worrying if you will get in a car crash 2 weeks from now. And it was your damn fault that you got in that position in the first place unless the guy was doing a suicide attack and got lucky. Throw a rock are you serious. You have MUCH better odds of triple skulls than throw a rock and getting CAS. The rest of the team is just fine.

Moral of the story.
If you suck at playing Khemri, the root cause is the not the team
If you feel the team is not high tier one, the root cause is the not the team

ps. We played Legacy the other night, both games I was down on TV (got a babe and nothing). Took both against great players total for both games 7 goals to 3
so in summary:

the root cause is the not the team

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Post by katadder »

I do like the new khemri and I am getting on well with them. they are not however tier one and certainly not high tier one.
it is fun playing with the team though unless you get pouring rain :D

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Post by StoneColdSpider »

hmmm i get the feeling GW actually want to screwup the boardgame and make everyone buy the video game.....

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Post by browwnrob »

What was the percieved problem with them?

Was it the fact the xcver was an excellent khemri coach resulted in the khemri nerf? Iets like Golems, those guys are so slow to skill up and at least you have a 50% chance of handing off to them to get them 2 TDs to get them to their first skill

It just seems that Khemri teams are now going to be tougher at high TV with faster mummies and tougher skellies and much much weaker at lower TV. If you can keep mummies protected at high TV when you have the makings of an unstoppable team only decay keeps them in check which is a real sickener as the amount of time spent nurturing these guys into a powerhouse only to have them more likely die would put me off the team

I would put them just above Ogres, stunties and vampires at low TV now

Not a whine as some have pointed out...

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Post by Grumbledook »

khemri had the same win rate as other tier 1 teams but a much higher avg cas per match

with ST5 and high armour and then regen as well decay isn't really that big a deal

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Post by Psycho »

the caveat... let me expose my thoughts.

1st: can someone explain me WHY did GW did not ever mention about replacement mini? I mean, since Zzarg Madeye came out, GW ITSELF suggested to use a chaos dwarf with blunderbuss (from WH fantasy).
they say no one of the new team is official beacuse of lack of mini?
it could be true... just for the Slann. because CP and underworld have plenty of GW MINIATURES to make replacements...
2nd: what's the point of removing stars which HAVE miniatures (Zara, Ramtut, etc) even for the "new" ones (lewdgrip, reintroduced by BBRC... there is a mini with EXACTLY THE SAME NAME, plus IT IS GW)
3rd: what does EXACTLY mean
however over the coming weeks (perhaps months) they do NOT want to see discussions (or worse released figures) from other miniatures companies about creating figures to fill in for missing star players
(please see the word in bold)
is it a dictature, all of a sudden?

I don't know if this is the first step for sending BB back "in auge" (hard to believe, though)
What I DO know: I don't like being threatened, as a fan and as person.
FACT: GW abandoned BB for 10 years or so
FACT: GW took new "interest" in BB just when trademark issues deadline are near
FACT: GW threatens to "destroy" the rulebook if some other competitor sells mini similar to those in the rulebook, instead of producing alternatives by itself (like any SERIOUS industry will do)

If it's the way GW "cares" about poeple who supported their game through these years... I'll stop playing BB and start playing a fan... with (what a coincidence!) the SAME RULES as BB...
my 2 euro cents
Feedback is appreciated, Psycho

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