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Hey, this is getting a GB tourney....

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:20 am
by Princelucianus
with no other international contenders. Help, it looks like I'll be surrounded by Brittons. Need other European support. :roll:


Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:28 am
by Deathwing
Marcus wrote: Have no idea what I'm going to do about miniatures (don't feel like lugging my skavs around northern europe). But I'm sure I'll figure something out.

If the Dam boys haven't got a spare skav team we'll take one over.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:58 am
by Marcus
with no other international contenders. Help, it looks like I'll be surrounded by Brittons

Actually I'm Australian. I only live in Britain.


Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 12:21 pm
by Princelucianus
:D Hear hear!

Brittanicus Eunt Domus. :wink:

Let's move on.

*suggestions on the

"how do players survive the tourney" ideas
1- more apothecaries permitted.
2- several magic sponges
3- automatic

"how do players progress"

Norse and I feel strongly about the
-what you get is what you get. So money, FF and player advancements will proceed as normal.


Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 3:53 pm
by Deathwing
If you do let injuries stand, as Anthony pointed out, if somebody has an unlucky first game, that could be tourney over and cannon fodder from there on in. Won't be a lot of fun if you start game 2 with say, 9 players. How many will you have by game 3? Could be painful...
Not that I'm trying to tell you how to run things or anything, just something to consider.
There's a Danish tourney coming up, here's their format:
They've gone for a slightly different take on the Res. format; allowing a skill per game but rolling for it (allowing doubles).
Ant's running the Orion to a Res. format, with 4 pts a win instead of 3, otherwise unchanged.
The beauty of resetting teams is that everybody has a fair chance in every game, I wouldn't be happy about thrashing somebody because they had a mare in their previous game, I wanna win fair and square!
It also keeps everything nice and simple, which could be important if the organisers are intending to play! :wink:

Whatever you decide, it'll be great coming over and meeting people, and any humiliating defeats I suffer I'm gonna blame solely on the skunk! :smoking:

Looking forward to it whatever format you decide on.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 4:15 pm
by longfang
DW.......... Do you mean Peppi La Phew is gonna be there?

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 4:17 pm
by Deathwing
There's also the WPS format to look at, I think that was also 5 games over 2 days.
Go to WPS stuff ---> Rules Sets ---> BB 2002.02.02 and the format's in a pdf file.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 4:18 pm
by Deathwing
longfang wrote:DW.......... Do you mean Peppi La Phew is gonna be there?
:D :wink: :smoking:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 7:27 am
by Norse
Thanx for the links DW, me and Lucy can check them out over the next few days..

My concerns are simple, if injuries do not carry over then fast weak teams (Woodies and Skaven) can chose to undertake dangerous plays in order to win a game, secure in the knowledge that their team will be virgo intacto in time for game 2 etc. Slow, strong teams (Dwarves, Chaos, Orcs) will also get no benefit from adopting a style of play suited to their game...

The solutions are many, my preference is that each coach gets 5 magic sponges for the whole tourney, and may use them whenever he/she wishes on any kind of injury (more than one per game if need be)...

Lucy prefers to give more starting money (1,200,000) and to purchase more than 1 apo per team..

Either could work, but I refuse to let a wood elf team score 6 TDs, be reduced to 4 players and still be fine to play the next game with 11 players... We need some balance I think, unless you want to see 12 elf teams playing??

Also, automatic healing takes away the basic advantage that Undead have over other teams...

My take at the present moment. If I get the chance I will check out the other sites though...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 9:22 am
by Norse
Big thanks to Lucy for my new Avatar... a picture of me in contemplative mood..... ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:02 pm
by Marcus

My concerns are simple, if injuries do not carry over then fast weak teams (Woodies and Skaven) can chose to undertake dangerous plays in order to win a game, secure in the knowledge that their team will be virgo intacto in time for game 2 etc.

Have a read of the WPS rules. Any casualty is essentially counted as a death and the player is replaced with a rookie player at the start of the next game. IE: you lose any skill increases on a player who has suffered a casualty in a match.

I've played a couple of tournaments with those rules. Once with Woodies and once with Skaven. The way it turns out is that the fast teams gain more skills but lose them more easily wheras the slow teams tend to get fewer skills but don't actually lose them. Its a very balanced system that retains all the suspense of protecting key players while still allowing room for the coaches to show their creativity and skill in developing a team.

I suggest you give those rules a dummy run with a couple of friends and see how they turn out.


Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:05 pm
by Deathwing
Norse wrote:Big thanks to Lucy for my new Avatar... a picture of me in contemplative mood..... ;)
A little on the large size perhaps?

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:21 pm
by Norse
So my wife says... :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:38 pm
by Deathwing
The problem with magic sponges/extra apoths is the impact they're going to have on an individual match.
Hypothetical situation (bear with me here):
I'm playing Woodies, you're playing Dwarves. You SI my wardancer, I apoth. You kill him. I apoth/magic sponge again. You kill him again. I apoth/magic sponge again. Now that might hurt me in the long run, but that Wardancer is still in your face and could still (easily) win the game for the Woodies. All you've done by taking him out 3 times is pick up some Spps and help out my future opponents.

And what if a woodie/skaven team gets through the early games with just BHs? Multi apoth/magic sponges left to burn in the later stages will make Wood Elves in particular near unstoppable. I think woodies with 5 magic sponges are a better proposition than with teams resetting. Honest Guv! :smoking:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:43 pm
by Norse
OK, I have a compromise..

Dead guys can come back, but always come back as linemen unless you have the extra money to spend to upgrade them (i.e. an extra 50 to make a line-elf into a wardancer...)

The simplicity of what your suggesting does appeal though..

If we do play your way, I'm fielding undead with 4 wights, 4 ghouls, 2 mummies and 1 who cares!