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Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:08 pm
by ace2k00
I managed to play three games over the weekend. but i probably could have entered a team and played them all. but i had a team of helpers that did sterling work. our web designer adrain did all of the computer stuff(sorting out games ect) and the others milled about answering rules qurieies...

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:14 pm
by Grumbledook
I found the whole tournament really well run, i had a couple of questions cleared up by the helpers a couple of times. Games all started on time (well apart from the first game on sunday cause a certain someone was hungover :) ) I have been to other events (not blood bowl) that have been an utter shambles, people not knowing where they were playing or when, or who against. I am definatly going to try and make it to next years, might have to play a bit more dirty and do some fouls if thats all that stopped me from getting to the final 4. Kudos to the spiky club.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:22 pm
by Marcus
I have to say it was a remarkably smoothly run tournament. The combination of swiss-draw heats and a finals series definitely made for a tense and fair result at the end of the weekend (well, I would say that wouldn't I)

My only grumble at the time was that fouling casualties counted for tournament points. Looking back though, by capping TD points at 3 the only way that skittering teams like my Rats could get max score games was by fouling. Personally I'd like to see more points for big TD differences (8-1 anyone?) factored into the scores. In two of my games I stopped scoring at 4-1 up and went hunting casualties because I could get no further points from scoring touchdowns. I spoke to a number of coaches who did the same thing. Something to consider anyway.

Any chance of seeing a post of the final table?

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:29 pm
by ace2k00
Marcus wrote:Any chance of seeing a post of the final table?
yeh the final table should be up on the spiky club website soon along with a write up.

as for the fouling i said it to one player in the morning and had to go with my decision. sorry

next time we will use td difference to break up ties in the swiss stages.

i leart a lot from this weekend the next will be bigger and better.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:31 pm
by Grumbledook
Well with my undead its very hard to get a lot of touchdowns i got 3 2-1 wins and 1 1-0 win. Undead are traditionally a bashy team, however i didn't foul once and i managed only 9 casualties in all 6 games, i thought it was fair having 3 for each. Its a lot easier for faster teams to get high scoring matches against each other, but having to beat a av value and then also get a high inj roll is a lot harder to get, especially without fouling. It is this very fact i didn't get into the top 4.

I also don't see why using swiss style to play all th way through with the final 2 highest scoring playing for the final instead. There are advantages to both methods and at the end of the day the people in the top 4 after 4 must have played well to get there and the best team is going to win regardless.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:41 pm
by Sputnik
Ahhhh, finally at home again! :D

It seems that everybody got home before me and already posted...but well, I had a long way to go, too.

First of all, I want to thank Dave and the others for organizing this great tournament. Well done, great job! :lol: :lol:

And I really had a great time with all you guys out there and enjoyed myself very much. It's nice to put some faces to the names now! :lol: :lol:

Thanx to Zy-Nox and Grubledook for the evening beers and all the laughter! By the way, Zy-Nox: It's much better to drink beer then to put your wardancers in it! You rather need them on the pitch and I don't know about the new taste of the beer! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks to my opponents for the challenge. Some of you REALLY gave me a hard time!

And I think now it's time for me to have a serious talk with my kroxigor for letting me down in the early first half of the final because of being 'touched' by Marcus' skaven thrower! You can't call that a hit! It was more like being frightened to death by a rat! :o :o :pissed: :pissed:

Cheers to all!


Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:57 pm
by Grumbledook
Welcome home to the winner, not got your TBB title yet though :o

Was great to meet up and was nice to go out drinking with Zy-Nox and yourself, especially nice that all 3 of us did rather well. Maybe the hotel we stayed at put someinth in the orange juice!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 4:01 pm
by Marcus
We've put in a vote for a title for ace2k00 and Sputnik, gotta wait 'til johnnyp get's up I guess.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 4:39 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
thanks for your answer ace2k00! BTW, Sputnik, congratulations !

"Blood Bowl is a game with 11 players on each side, and at the end, Germans win"

Morg Best.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 6:58 pm
by vorner23
Well it was a tournament and a half alright! Much enjoyed by all I think. Well done Big D and friends.

Nice to meet a few of the people I've been talking to on TBB.
Zynox unlucky on missing out on the final.
Grumbledook..... I hate you. :) Well I hate your undead anyway.
Woodmeister. Try and remember to bring a team next time!!!!
Plantagenet. Have you found the tactics forum yet. (I suggest you do.) ohhhh meeeooowwww!!
Longshot. What can I say man... except GET THAT DAMN CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE!!!! Nice to meet you face to camera though.

Lastly... just you all wait till next year. I won half my matches with halflings! Just you wait and see what happens if I bring a proper team next year! Yeah thats right..... I'll probably lose to undead again. :(

cheers guys, take care.
Peter. aka vorner23

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 7:03 pm
by Grumbledook
Heh you had me worried with your halflings for a bit, I feel i was a bit lucky to get the win. Maybe take pass instead of block on the ogre and keep him off the line a bit more, though with the treeman missing the first half (shame about that honest) you will need to sacrifice some flings. Better luck next time and well played.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 7:50 pm
by The Sheriff
Like to say hi to all the people I met at spiky and thanks for making me feel welcome at the event.

Would feel better if the halfling team had left at least one up right skaven on the pitch at the end of time. never underestimate the power of 6n halflings in one block. 6 injured and 4 KO's!!!

Congratzs to the winners and all thoughs who played in the spirit of fun

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 10:41 pm
by Longshot
Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I am back, and i am at work....

BTW Welcome to the board The Sheriff.

So, this is the time for my reports:

Round 1 against Jay and his Skavens...

Well, i was about to play against Ace but my opponent arrived at this time so it will be for the next time.
Anyway, i dont remenber a lot about this game but Jay was a very cool opponent. I manage for a 2/0 at mid-time and then a 4/0 for final result.
I think he never croos the midline... Good start. 14 points.
took accurate skill for one of my throwers

Round 2 against Rob and his Amazones.

First time against an Amazones team for me.
That is quite hard to put them down....
Well, he receive and cross the line only at the 6th turn. he foules me and get some casualties....I hate foul... :pissed:
0/1 mid-time.
I receive and he gets a blitz, but the ball scatter out of the field and i gave it to my thrower.
As his players was already on my fields, i tried a 3+ long pass to a Lion who would have been out of range from his girls...
But the fumble comes 1, pass 1. :puke:
he took the ball and scored again.
Well, i manage for a TD but he protected his ball carrier for 3 turns with all his players around that i can only pushed..Loss 1/2=>2 points
Took Kick Skill

Round 3 against Geoff (theVampire) and his undead.
Hard game for my players who get injured a lot.
I fumbled once again and his dodgy ghoul took the ball and was going on his way. I succed on putting her down but the ball was square to the end zone...His ghoul stands up but failed the dodge. so i scored the next turn crossing all the pitch 8)
1/0 mid time but 3 or 4 casualties against me with his pilling on Mummy..
He scored quickly cos he wanted a 2/1 but with only 6 players on the field and 1 FF My fans went onto the pitch, injured 2 players and Ko an other one.BTW Rain was here too :evil:
So as he get 4 undead on a Lion and a Dragon, i ve tryed a pass to a lineman on the other side of the field.
Catch fail on a 2 (Damn rain)
An d in the last turn, i tryed a last pickup for scoring in a tackle zone, Rolled a 3 (Damn Rain again...) I feel T5 weather is coming :cry:
Draw 7 points and
I took Tackle on a Dragon.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 11:24 pm
by Longshot
Sunday Bloody Sunday!

As in T5, Sunday is mine :lol:

As DW and Wills (his son) we wanted to get some kick...

4 th Round against Geggster and his Skavens.

What a game!!! :o
I still sorry for you mate.
Well i received first and went on a 2 turns TD.
Then, here comes the nightmare... :evil:
I remenber what you told me:
'If now, you are getting a Blitz ,i will be annoyed'.

Ok, BlitZZZZZZZ!!! :-?
And with Kick skill, it was easy to get on pressure.
Then, Geggs skavens tryed to get a pass into my midfield to score but the catch failed even with a RR. I took the ball, throwed it my Lion who was on his midfield, and scored 3/0.
Blitz once again!! but as i was going on the left, the ball scatter out and he run down the field on the right.
My players were speedy and put some tackle zone, but he succed in a 3+/3+/2+ dodge without using his skill rr to get on a TD in 2 turns.
I received and scored in 2 turns just before the mid-time 4/1. 8)
Second half was the same thing as the first (even worst for him).
He receive...Blitz, and another TD for me 5/1.
He received again and this time, as usual, my players were all over in his mid-field and my tackle guy was on his Gunter runners in my back field.
i was locking his players and then he failed a dodge if i remember TD in my next turn with all my players around.. 6/1
Some others coaches started to look at the game and telling everybody about.
I kicked the ball again and Paul didnt have anymore RR. And my players suround him again (i ve done 3 casualties). :roll:
I was 11 and him 10.Same tatic for me as i was confident (i should be with a 6/1 score). And once again he failed (a block i guess) this time.
I was going play clock cos he had 2 turns but i though 7/2 is also a good one and it can give him one more point so it wouildnt have been fair to play it. So i Scored. 7/1
Maybe he should have prefered the clock cos one the last Kick i got BLITZZZ, and received the ball into my Lion Catcher. My last turn and
8/1 :smoking:
The tournament high score, and my highest score ever. 8)
Did you know?.....<= i want something like that for this game. (I pay a beer to the coach that do a better score on tournament. I promess to play Paul again because this game was screwed up for him.
Sorry again Geggster. :-?
full 16 points.
I took dodge for a Lion

5 round against Richard WoodS and his Humans (Howling Hamsters)
A hard game again, i scored in 2 turns and afterthat i well defended my end zone and he wasnt able to score during the first half! but i got 3 injured players. (My accurate, My Tackle and MyDodge...) :(
Second half start and 1 casualtie more, and i was still defending.
in the turn 6 of the second half I tryed to kill the game:
Got one of my few players one his endzone, My lion blitzed one of his and pushed also one other (2 tackle zone less on the ball)
BTW: Was it rainy? Yeah :puke:
Then Try to pick up the ball with My kicky Thrower...i rolled a 2 ...RR...2. As all my few 5 players were on the upper side, the scattering ball was catch by one of his players, he run down, killing one turn to dont be beaten during my last 2 turns and we drew this one :wink:
A very good game and a very nice coach.
=>6 or 7 points (dont remenber if ve done any casualtie..)
Took Dodge on the other Dragon Warrior

6th round against Chris (if i dont do a mistake) and his Humans.
Once again, i scored in two turns.
I was on his ball carrier all the time as i tryed a good pass to the other side to his blitzer alone!!but he failed the catch.
3 of my players went and crushed him. As i got still one turn, i should have a chance to score
BTW: Rain or not? Yep if i remenber well... :puke:
BUT my Fair opponent :pissed: called me an illegal Procedure.......
i think that this is for kids not for tournaments but anyway, i took off my last RR and Failed the action.
1/0 mid-time.
pressure again on his thrower which this time couldnt do anything but letting me score for the 2/0.
He tryed to go on a cage, but i found the hole and blocked the ball carrier.
And i went for the 3/0 as my opponent wasnt anymore interested by the game, i fell alone on this game, without fun or Fair. Damn, that only a game, not only roll dices missed to him but some tactics too.
Geggster was unlucky but Fair, not this one.
=>14 points on this one.

Any way i finished with 18TD scored and 5 against.
3 wins, 2 Draws, 1 Loss (by one TD).
Finished in position 10 or 11 and the the score Record for a 8/1
hey Ace, give me Fair gift and say this is for the record 8) (just kidding).

Anyway, thanks to all the guyz, the organisation, the people that i interviewed, Great Winner Sputnik!
C ya all, Big up to Marcus, Longfang,Zy-nox(cool dude!),Grumbledook (cool one too!) , VenemousBreath , CiderVampire, Geggster ,William , firebreather,Mc Deth,Vorner23, and of Course Ace2K00....and all that i ve just forgot. :D :smoking: 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 8:16 am
by woodmeister
vorner23 wrote: Plantagenet. Have you found the tactics forum yet. (I suggest you do.) ohhhh meeeooowwww!!
I'm sure Zy-Nox passed him some loaded dice. All Chris could roll were 6 & 7s...
vorner23 wrote: Woodmeister. Try and remember to bring a team next time!!!!
The 'Sisters of Sigmar' are learning the basics as we speak. For a bunch of nuns they are taking to the violence aspect of BB quite well...