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Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 3:32 pm
by Trambi
I am not fond of one skill choice after each match. I prefer the standard league rules

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 3:38 pm
by Acerak
The problem with "standard league rules" is that no one runs a short-tourney team like a "standard league team." You'd end up firing players who were due to miss the last game, freebooting everything you could for your last two games, etc. "League play" just isn't the same as "tournament play," I'm afraid.


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 10:07 am
by Andy Hall
Trambi said: I am not fond of one skill choice after each match. I prefer the standard league rules

This actually worked very well, players had to think about which skills they picked to compliment there overall tournament strategy and Bugman's was filled with "which skill" discussions between games.

Chet is right - league play and Tournament play are two different beasts.


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 10:19 am
by Marcus
I'd personally like to see some scope for more skills/traits being added. 2 skills or a trait for a win, 1 skill otherwise would be interesting.


Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 8:48 pm
by Venomous Breath
For what it is worth, here is my quick opinion of the Resurrection Rules.

On the whole they work well. I agree that this time around Painting and Sportsmanship where a bit too much of a factor. As I got 3pts for painting and 3pts points for Sportsmanship it was the equivalent of 2 more wins.

Next tournement though, they will be more games, so painting and sportsmanship will not be as big a factor, but could possibly decide between two close coaches, the winner of which will be the one that puts in that little more effort than the other.

As for those of you complaining about painting. You got between 0-3 pts for painting, but didn't really have to do too much to get 1pt, and a little effort got you 2pts. As far as I understand it, they didn't have to be spectacular for your points, just a little bit of effort. I got the full wack of 3pts, and to be honest my team are not the best painted in the world, but I spent a little time converting three skinks to wear ponchos and sombreros to give them a Mexican feel. It didn't take much skill or time. I'm sure some of the other coaches did well for the same sort of thing. Some of the custom dug-outs were superb.

I disagree with the same number of points for a draw and a 1TD lose. There is just no logic to it. Either you won, drew or lose..end of story. I favour the traditional 3pt win, 1pt draw, 0pt lose scenario here.

I don't like the idea of awarding extra points for more TDs. TDs scored is a tiebreaker already, and favours quick scoring teams such as Wood Elves, Skaven, and, dare I say it, Amazons (there, you happy Chet?). It seems unfair to penalise slow teams like dwarves, who stand no chance of scoring bucket loads of TDs. The fairest way would to award points for a shut out, at least then all teams have a reasonable chance of accomplishing this.

Star players..hmmm. Well I didn't go up against any, fortunately, but there was a lot of grumbling about them. It all comes down to two factors:

Some star players are much better than others; and
Some teams don't even have star players to pick.

Varag is a good example. For the cost of a re-roll, a normal blitzer plus 20k more you get Varag....who gives you back a re-roll with Leader...and is pretty tough. Still if coaches feel they need them to win, let them have them... :wink:

Why not allow coaches to custom build a star player for their team, by, for example, being allowed to assign either two skills, a trait or a stat increase to one player before the tournament begins.

At the end of the day, people should remember that it is only game, and should, above all, have fun...

Simon :smoking:

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:26 pm
by TiMuN
Yeah .. agree with Simon on the 'give them some initial SPP or skills or traits' .. we used to play a quick league here, allowing 11 SPP for a quick start to all teams, so they can divide them into whatever combination they see fits.

(JohnP, there is no 'Previous' 'Next' navigation system in the below iframe so i can cut Simon's text .. i miss that feature from the old board!)


Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:29 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
Venomous Breath wrote:As for those of you complaining about painting. You got between 0-3 pts for painting, but didn't really have to do too much to get 1pt, and a little effort got you 2pts.

I disagree with the same number of points for a draw and a 1TD lose. There is just no logic to it. Either you won, drew or lose..end of story. I favour the traditional 3pt win, 1pt draw, 0pt lose scenario here.

I don't like the idea of awarding extra points for more TDs. TDs scored is a tiebreaker already, and favours quick scoring teams such as Wood Elves, Skaven, and, dare I say it, Amazons (there, you happy Chet?). It seems unfair to penalise slow teams like dwarves, who stand no chance of scoring bucket loads of TDs. The fairest way would to award points for a shut out, at least then all teams have a reasonable chance of accomplishing this.

Star players..hmmm. Well I didn't go up against any, fortunately, but there was a lot of grumbling about them. It all comes down to two factors:

Some star players are much better than others; and
Some teams don't even have star players to pick.

Why not allow coaches to custom build a star player for their team, by, for example, being allowed to assign either two skills, a trait or a stat increase to one player before the tournament begins.

Simon :smoking:
Yep !!! Welcome, Champ' ! (you may have noticed Venomous didn't say he has won the Resurrection Tournament... His modesty is great !)

Agree with you about the paint job... Even if I'm not a very good painter (you will see it next tournament... I hope !)... But what about Sportmanship ? BTW, if there will be more matches next time, you're right.

About points system: OK for the draw and lose with a TD less... About the points allowed by extra TD, I suppose it has been inspired by Super 12 (Da Imp ??? Are you there ??? :) ).

Many thanks for your feedback... and what a nice trophy ;) Hope you've got a nice fireplace in order to exhibit it ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 10:16 pm
by Deathwing
I'm not gonna comment on the painting points.....

Hey Welcome to talkbloodbowl VB! :)
I think that makes 5 of the top ten at Res. that post on here!

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:04 pm
by DaFrenchCoach
Or 2 of the top three ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure you would appreciate my sense of humour tonight, so I just want to say there wer eno offences ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:40 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
DW you were robbed! It's OK to say so. I saw your minis in the "flesh" and they definitely deserved 3 points without a doubt! The pictures don't do them justice. :o

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:44 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
BTW welcome to the board VB, anyone from Southampton is OK with me! ;)

(My family is from the IOW so I pass through there quite frequently!)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:06 am
by Deathwing
Well...I did do a count and 23 teams up there got the 3 painting pts...
Matters not really. Lots of people complimented me on my efforts and I guess that's reward enough. :)
Robbed, me? Nah, Chet was robbed!
Geoff Porrit evidently robbed himself.
And how about your Chaos opponent Geoff Thirwell? 4-0 and ranked 22?
That's robbed...
...and kicked in the ditch! :D

All credit to VB and Longfang though.... kudos chaps! :D

Great weekend, good to meet people and a lot of fun. That's what it all should be about! 8)

Roll on Orion for some, and Amsterdam for some... :D

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 12:48 am
by DaFrenchCoach
The fact is: winning is a thing, but playing in a good atmosphere is a better thing. I will always remember when I met a Blood Bowl fan with whom I talked on Internet... So I can imagine the pleasure you had to be there !

I hope I could go on Amsterdam this Summer (before going there: I'm not a good painter. Many thanks in advance :oops: )

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 1:35 pm
by Acerak
Wow. That's the first time I've ever heard my "MA6 across the board" Amazons called "fast" ;)


Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 1:47 pm
by Acerak
I don't like the idea of awarding extra points for more TDs. TDs scored is a tiebreaker already, and favours quick scoring teams such as Wood Elves, Skaven, and, dare I say it, Amazons (there, you happy Chet?). It seems unfair to penalise slow teams like dwarves, who stand no chance of scoring bucket loads of TDs. The fairest way would to award points for a shut out, at least then all teams have a reasonable chance of accomplishing this.

I think the fairest TD tiebreaker is TD Differential. Wood Elves might score 3 TDs per game, but they probably give up 2 TDs more readily than Dwarves do. TD differential would reward a 1-0 win just like a 3-2 win, a 2-0 win like a 4-2 win.

Unfortunately for tournament organizers, this requires more book-keeping. But it does force players to play defense even when they're up two scores late in a game. You can't just give up a TD figuring you'll get it back on the next kick-off.

