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Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:06 pm
by gonzolo
boo to them!

oh and those teams only have 4 star players to choose from. any idea if they'll get the extra two added?

Re: LRB 6.0 approved by Jervis (sorta)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:50 pm
by Anglachel
GalakStarscraper wrote: And now the caveat: ...
There is a saying in Spanish about "The dog of the gardener" that suddenly reminds me of Grandma Wendy...
The dog of the gardener is an annoying dog that doesn't eat and neither allows anyone else to eat. I wonder if there is a similar saying in English.

Folklore aside, I foresee a lot of home leagues playing with the LRB6 Star Players rules, regardless of what Grandma Wendy decides to do in the end.

Re: LRB 6.0 approved by Jervis (sorta)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:55 pm
by Wylder
GalakStarscraper wrote:
Erm, so should I delete my thread about chainsaws?

Or is it just that they don't want impact miniatures to sell "Bertha Bighands" anymore, with its somewhat unsubtle implication about what the miniature would be used for?

P.S. I see that this is no longer on the site. Can I still order this mini? I promise to pretend it won't be used for BB. It's for um.... 40k.... yeah.

Honestly, if GW would just sell some star player minis, I'd be in there with a fistfull of cash in minutes. Despite everyone's opinion of GW, I kinda like their minis, and realistically, their prices for a "delivery to store and pickup" order are STILL cheaper than mail ordering individual minis from UK/USA/France even from cheaper mini suppliers.

But to insist that they quash the market on useful figs for BB when they aren't even bothering to create one themselves. Well that just gives me the shits.

Frankly, I don't care much anymore. My LRB5+ now handwritten changes in it that make it an LRB6. Me and my friends will now be using this document as our rulebook, and if GW insists that Stars don't exist anymore, I will happily ignore those assholes and continue to play BB the way it was meant to be played.

What !censored!. "Stop competing in our market, or we will intentionally ruin everyone's fun by changing the ruleset to something crap". Jerks.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:45 pm
by valentsigma
Thanks Galak for the info and your email. Really thanks.

Well, LRB6 news are great, but, the caveat...well, it's hard to swallow.

I guess GW has no way of sueing a company that makes a figure on an elf holding a ball, so, to prevent people from creating these figures, they threaten the audience with erasing things from the LRB6 so these companies have no customers....

These are just my thoughts.

We'll play LRB6 and enjoy it. All the other things will be kept at bay.

Thanks Galak, your work is more than hard sometimes, and well done there defending the existence and need of StarPlayers.

Re: LRB 6.0 approved by Jervis (sorta)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:45 pm
by Wylder

So considering that there are like a ton of companies making fantasy football miniatures that are specifically designed to fill holes in the star player rosters, does that mean LRB6 is never going to be official? (at least not without being a crippled broken shell of what it should be?).

This displeases me greatly.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:06 pm
by Master Wang
The Caveat:

Considering we already use 3 offically unoffical teams, offically unoffical stars wouldn't bother me. GW have, in every sense except the legal one (unfortunately that's a strong one), lost all control of Blood Bowl. However, given the time everyone spent on this, especially BBRC members, it would be very disappointing if GW altered the LRB6 before hosting it.

Thanks to Galak et al.

The Changes:

Only thing that bothers me is the golem price hike, but it's no biggie.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:13 pm
by Wylder
Master Wang wrote:Considering we already use 3 offically unoffical teams, offically unoffical stars wouldn't bother me.
This is an excellent point. If they do try to take their ball and go home, we may just have to "create" a list of "House Rules for LRB6 Compatible Stars", and encourage the entire BB community to adopt it. If it just so happens to be all the stars that SHOULD have been in LRB6, with the exact same stats and prices, then so be it.

P.S. I really like the price drop on Dolfar Longstride. He's one of my favorite woody stars to use just because of the skill mix. I think the price drop just makes it that much more likely I will take him. (still a tough choice over a wizard, but a heck of a lot of fun to play).

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:25 pm
by Wylder
Fair enough.

Maybe I am just focusing on the fact that there are quite a lot of minis that can be used as certain stars, and forgetting that they aren't really designed for that. They often belong to a different game or mini range altogether.

If you say that it shouldn't be a problem, then I'm willing to take you at your word. As you say, you know the miniatures market.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:49 pm
by stashman
Well I hope GW posts some conversions and conversion-kits on the "specialist games" part of GWs site so there can be star-players from GW.

That would make some use for players that don't know how Dolfar look like or any other player that don't have a mini.

And they will give the "other" manuifacturers some competion in sales :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:20 am
by SgtShamrock
I wish GW would realize that they are the industry standard in this niche market and stop trying to be a damn monopoly! I mean seriously, rather than being @$$holes about this hobby and industry they should embrace the fact that they are the standard at which every other company in this market sets themselves to instead of being self concious and "taking their ball and going home." Imitation is the best form of flatery, and if they feel like they can't compete or continue to set the standard with other companies then they should step their game up so we the consumer/gamer benefit instead of putting a lockdown on the hobby/game system and making us suffer. I about had it with Grandma Wendy, and I'm a die hard fan of her too...

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:36 am
by MyKi#1
Galak once the LRB6 is up on the GW site and everyone has a copy can the other fantasy football mini companies be allowed to make stars that in no way represent GW stars :wink: ?

And what time frame are the rules set to be put up, i think it was said before but i have missed it.


Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:53 am
by eban
Game$ Work$hop can´t have control over any other miniatures alternatives of bloodbowl... sorry, fantasy football now. It´s impossible that other people make own miniatures :smoking:

But i don´t like that they don´t share living rulebook 6.0 if has already finnish. Share it!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:12 am
by Smeborg
On the plus side, doesn't GW's wording imply that they intend to release the figurines themselves?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:12 am
by Wylder
Not really.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:31 am
by Scalpifig
Smeborg wrote:On the plus side, doesn't GW's wording imply that they intend to release the figurines themselves?
I'm now in my usual 'glass half full' mood now after I ranted and raved and threw some stuff. But on the plus side I now have some nice ripped purple shorts :P

They refused to make the Slann, Chaos and Underground Pact teams GW Official due to no miniatures but they are willing to make the 'non-GW supplied miniature' Star Players GW Official. If they wanted to play Sooper-Dooper Hardball they could have just straight up said no just like the new teams.

But I am not counting chickens at all. Until I have in my hand GW miniatures for ALL of the LRB 6.0 Star Players (and even standard team players - I've yet to see a GW Beast of Nurgle) I'm going to be on the side saying "I doubt it."