Play By Email with Java Bowl Frontend ?

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Play By Email with Java Bowl Frontend ?

Post by Toby »

has already someona tried to come up with this idea ?

its strange that these 2 formats are so "paralell".

I'm sure it would be possible to get "synergy-effec".

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Re: Play By Email with Java Bowl Frontend ?

Post by GalakStarscraper »

Toby wrote:has already someona tried to come up with this idea ?

its strange that these 2 formats are so "paralell".

I'm sure it would be possible to get "synergy-effec".
Toby ... you've not tried the PBeM program if I understand correctly. The PBeM allows for complete step by step playing of a log. You can rewind step by step and see what happened and they play it forward.

For Ski to add this to the JavaBowl program would require re-programming of a scale that I don't see him trying. Not when the PBeM tool already exists.

Ski and I have a lot of respect for the others work and have helped each other a couple times on different projects where our paths crossed.


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Post by Toby »

I thought JBB has "replays" ?

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

Toby wrote:I thought JBB has "replays" ?
Don't know.

Anyone who has played both PBeM and JavaBowl who can answer Toby's question and tell me if I'm out in left field with my response?


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Post by christer »

I wrote a replay application that parses the logfile generated by the JavaBBowl client. The replayer has ability to go both forward and back in the log.

However, the client in itself doesn't have this sort of functionality. It pretty much forgets the past events.

-- Christer

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Post by Grumbledook »

maybe you should put the link to your replayer in your sig christer

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

Toby wrote:I thought JBB has "replays" ?
The other problem would be interactive issues.

Shadowing, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tentacles, Defenders's Choice blocks, etc.

You'd have to reprogram the JavaBowl client to use different options for these as well. Could be done.

Still not sure I understand the rewinder that Christer wrote ... does it work at the same time as the JavaBowl program?


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Post by Toby »

Christer, in StarCraft, you can host a Replay as if it were a real Game, and allow others to join the game. This enables players to watch a replay together and chat about the game and learn together how to play better, or show off their skill.

I'd like to see that in JBB, but im new to JBB. Only used "Spectator" once.
How about the save game feature ?
Would not that be usefull for a different play mode (email)?

I think, since Christer quit his league mange because of lack of time, Galak is a bussy man, and Ski does'nt het pay for JBB altough he should...

It would be cool to see manpower "united". anf there are other tools i have seen so far all very promising! (editors).

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Post by Grumbledook »

christers replayer is a seperate program

it takes the log file of a game and just reads it line by line and then implements that onto the field

so you can set it to play through at a certain speed or you can go through step by step

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