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OBBLM - House Rule For Average Points?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:27 pm
by J_Bone

I have just set up our OBBLM website and have figured out how to work with the majority of the features but am having trouble making sense of the House Rules (hrs) function mentioned in the 'Customization' wiki page.

I would like our league to run in the same way as it always has with the teams being ranked on Averaged points (Total Points / Total Number Of Matches Played). Is there a way to configure the house rules setting in order to achieve this?

We used a couple of tie-breakers in our league as well. Can I include these in the code?

The way they were calculated in our last spreadsheet was...

Total Points / Total Number Of Matches Played

TIE BREAKER 1: Touchdowns Difference + Casualties Difference

TIE BREAKER 2: Total Touchdowns + Total Casualties

If anybody could help me with an example of a code that would enable me to make these changes I would be very grateful.

Re: OBBLM - House Rule For Average Points?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:43 pm
by Aronne320
elo ELO value -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
swon Largest Win streak -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
sdraw Largest Draw streak -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
slost Largest Loose streak -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
pts Points
mvp MVP
cp CP
td TD
intcpt NT
bh BH
ki KI
si SI
cas CAS (player contributions only)
tdcas Numeric value of "td+cas" fields
smp Sportsmanship points
spp SPP sum
ff Fan Factor (total)
ff_bought Fan factor bought
won Won matches
lost Lost matches
draw Draw matches
played Played matches
win_pct Win percentages -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
wt_cnt Number of won tournaments
ga Goals scores against team
gf Goals scored by team
sdiff Score/goal difference
tcasa Total team CAS inflicted on team
tcasf Total team CAS inflicted by team
tcdiff Total team CAS difference
name Team name
f_rname Race name of team
f_cname Coach name of team
tv Team value
treasury Treasury amount

those are the available tiebreakers for OBBLM, so the first 1 you have mentioned cannot be used, the thrird you have mentioned is tdcas,
For the second tiebreaker you have mentioned you have to use cas difference and goal difference separately.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:07 am
by Shteve0
Win Percentage - of you use a 2/1/0 system of points - is a euphemism for Average points, no? Only halved. Could that not work?

Re: OBBLM - House Rule For Average Points?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:04 pm
by J_Bone
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm a little late in responding myself as this thread went so long without a reply that I stopped checking it.

I am now looking at doing away with the averaging system and just going with a straight points system while enforcing a set number of matches in the league.

I am still confused as to what the difference is between 'cas' and 'tcasf' though. What does "player contributions only" mean? Does 'tcasf' count casualties from wizards, fouls, thrown rocks etc or something? I can't figure out what the difference is.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:59 pm
by Shteve0
Got it in one. Fouls, crowd push cas, bombs, chainsaws, stabs... tcasf covers all casualties inflicted. Cas is just the total number of casualties scored by your players for spp purposes.

Re: OBBLM - House Rule For Average Points?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:36 am
by nicholasmr
Okay, first of all, it's a long time since I wrote the rankings system for OBBLM and you guys who deal with OBBLM on a regular basis may disagree with me, but:
As far as I can see you might as well just define the points field to include the division by the number of matches played. So, for example (see ... ms.2Frules ):

$hrs[5]['rule'] = array('-pts');
$hrs[5]['points'] = '(3*[won] + 2*[draw] + 1*[lost])/[played]'