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Team manager v2.5

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 3:42 pm
by Dain
Hi guys,
i have just uploaded the last version of a team manager prog, i made, there:

It allows you to keep all your teams in a single database , update them and export into html file. Team pictures, team color, Game reports, Team index, epsilon team value and 'other SPPs' are already implemented.
Normally, there aren't too many bugs... but let me know if you find some!

Future version will have the 'hall of shame' and 'hall of fame' parts but i still wonder if they are useful :-? Let me know if you find them useful.
Next, i will try to program something to make stats from pbem txt log, Galak made for us and make an import function to import datas from your team rosters.

Other function like add pictures path to html roster or generate quickly html code for new game report are also available. But, since the 'manager' is running well, you shouldn't need to use them.

I hope you will like it!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 5:56 pm
by tchatter
Dain - Great job!! This is awesome, I can't wait until the stats are implemented and the ability to import html rosters. This would make running a league a little easier.

One thing though - Team Color. When it make the HTML it makes the line:


The problem is that this doesn't work in the tool, the tool needs:

Team Color=008000

Needs a space between Team and Color and drop the # sign.

One other thing, I have noticed that every Team Roster creation program lists Wizards at 150k? But the LRB has them at 50k. Are Wizards counted as 150k when figuring out TR? Or should they be 50k?

Other than that, this is awesome.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 6:01 pm
by Lucien Swift
definitely coming along quite nicely...

is there a way, or will there soon be a way to add new and modify the basic roster info? my league has a few oddball teams available, a few tweaks to the rosters, so i'd like to be able ot add them in as options...

also, looks like your vampires are only 50k!

a bargain :P

good work, keep it coming!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 6:58 pm
by Dain
Tchatter wrote:
TeamColor=#008000 ...The problem is that this doesn't work in the tool, the tool needs: Team Color=008000 .Needs a space between Team and Color and drop the # sign.
Yep, you're right! i will fix that this evening!

Tchatter wrote:
One other thing, I have noticed that every Team Roster creation program lists Wizards at 150k? But the LRB has them at 50k. Are Wizards counted as 150k when figuring out TR? Or should they be 50k?
right, i will fix the right price. Indeed, the prog use 150k for wizard. Just need to read again the rules about the price. I think dwarfs alchemist cost only 30k, right?

Lucien swift wrote
is there a way, or will there soon be a way to add new and modify the basic roster info? my league has a few oddball teams available, a few tweaks to the rosters, so i'd like to be able ot add them in as options...
You can make any team you want thanks to the lists. I mean, you could change the price of the players and the team re-rolls. When you do it, the Tr and the team cost take into account the changes. Most fields are not protected and you can manually write any names you want. Anyway, if you have spécific teams, i could make something in order to allow you to implement your own teams. Send me a mail with your teams, i will have a look on them.

i just find a bug with the treasury, i have just uploaded the new version.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 8:20 pm
by Dain
Team color works better now!
Same for wizards who can be hired for 50k or 30k (dwarfs)