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Java Ski-thingy-do-dah

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:46 pm
by Magoo
I was advised recently that because I am new to BB,to try out some solo games using Ronald's Pbem tool and the Ski-thingies Java do-dah. I have no joy at all trting to install thJava thingy. Im told in the readme that I need to have Sun's Java Runtime Environment ver 1.3 or higher installed. This I have done.
Im then told how to install the BB Java Client,NOT the Suns' JRE.What the!!!
I should be able to easily install the product by unzipping thezip file to a directory you created and keeping the embedded directory structure, Yeah.. Right!! (What the F????)
Starting the Program (by now I'm really cheesed off),if you have the JRE in your path??? you should be able to run the game by simply double clicking on the bbowl.jar file from explorer. (Yeah right!)
Sorry,I know this is no problem to most/all you coaches, but instructions like this may as well be in Ferkin chinese!!!! I only want to play BB. I may kick this Java Boll**** into touch and just use the Ronalds Pbem Tool to practice on. At this rate I should be ready for my first Pbem Opponant about 2005!!!!!!!!
Magoo :pissed:

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:59 pm
by Grumbledook
you need to set the bbowl.jar to open withe the SunJRE which is the javaw file. This lets the computer run the java program.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 9:18 pm
by SkiJunkie
:lol: Wow Magoo, so angry. :wink:

I guess this is why real companies don't let us software engineers write the user manuals.

Here is a link where a guy helpfully creates an install program each time I put out a patch. There should be 2 install versions on the page, one with (avec) the JAVA JRE and one without (sans). I have not tried either myself but he tells me members of his league use it regularly. It probably only works on windows machines but I don't know. Give it a try, maybe it will help with your headache. :) ... wlgame.htm

P.S. My girlfriend is Chinese so if you really want I can arrange for the readme to be translated into Mandarin. :o

Ski Junkie problems

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 9:25 pm
by Magoo

Thanks for patiently trying to educate me,but I dont know how to set the bbowl.jar file to open with the javawfile. Anyway when I tried to open the downloded Sun Java bloody-thingy it said it was corrupted and would probably need downloading again.(25 mins.,Bollo**s) :pissed: , I'll try to use the Ronald's Tool instead, its easier to use, I hope!!

Thanks Anyway

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 9:30 pm
by Grumbledook
Well the play by email is a lot slower than having a real time program, its up to you. If you have a boxed set then just use that to play vs yourself.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:05 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Grumbledook wrote:Well the play by email is a lot slower than having a real time program, its up to you. If you have a boxed set then just use that to play vs yourself.
Actually playing against yourself using the PBeM tool is actually very fast as fast as SkiJunkie's program for that type of gameplay. Both SkiJunkie and the PBeM have automated the same things at this point.

I've had similar problems getting Java to work on my machine, but I'm just not bitter about it. :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:08 pm
by Grumbledook
Ah well having not used the pbem tool i was not to know this. I was kinda basing it laser squad nemesis which is play by email game.

Re: Ski Junkie problems

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:18 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Magoo wrote:I'll try to use the Ronald's Tool instead, its easier to use, I hope!!
Just make sure to download the beta version.

The two files you need are:

Make VERY sure you unzip the files with the Use Folders option

You'll also need some HTMLs ... best recommendation for this go to: ... ndings.htm

Click on a team that sounds like what you want, then click File, Save As to save the html to your hard drive ... use these HTMLs for the rosters.

If you have any questions, you can scream and yell at me here also ... :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:39 pm
by Magoo
Thanks, I'll try it!!!

Magoo :-?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 11:01 pm
by sean newboy
Magoo i feel your pain, had the same trubbles. My cure was Earth and Beyond.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 8:47 am
by Grumbledook
Heh its windows fault for not including support for java properly, but then whose fault is it normally when stuff doesn't work in windows ;]

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 8:49 am
by sean newboy
alleluya brother