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Want a New Version of Team Tracker?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 11:17 am
by Dangerous Dave
OK I have decided that it would be a good idea to have a new version of Milo's Team Tracker. Now I have put together an imcomplete spreadsheet that does a similar job to Milo's sheet - although probably not as elegant as the original Team Tracker.

I have posted the spreadsheet as it stands to get some response and comments prior to finishing it. The sheet (when finished) will allow:-

Creation of starting rosters for all BB2k1 races and a large number of web based teams

HTML output to use in Ronald Loker's PBEM tool

Maintenance of the Team's record

Updating of the Roster after each game.

At the moment, there is no protection on the sheet and it may contain errors! - if you find some let me know. There are some detailed notes on its use in the "Notes" worksheet.

To download your copy follow this link (I have only posted an unzipped copy since I know some of you cannot extract zip files):-


Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 4:41 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
That's cool, I think Milo is just too busy to be able to dedicate much time to TeamTracker so something new is appreciated.

One suggestion - I like the option of adding new team like TT has, but please don't include all the web teams with it. It's just going to make the file huge and it's not necessary. Just giving the option to add a new team would be great!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 7:07 pm
by Dangerous Dave

Thanks for the response...

I am certainly not going to type in all the different web teams! This is one part of putting the thing together I can do without!

However, I certainly intend to add all the Official GW teams into the mix. In addition, I want to make it as flexible as possible so that as and when new Offical teams come out, or the rules change (eg Allies / Big Guys) these can be added in easily. However, if someone wanted to have 2 copies one with the Official Teams and one with a lot of Web Teams it might make sense to store both versions somewhere.

In addition, if someone wants to input all / a lot of the web teams, then I would like them to be able to do so. The one gripe I've had with Team Tracker was that I found it hard to make changes... now that could be because I'm not used to it, however, I've seen a number of other posters on other forums ask "How do I do........ in Team Tracker".

Adding the additional lines to allow a lot of teams does add a bit to the size of the program. However, I believe that it will be smaller than TT...... however, Excel files do have a habit of getting big quickly!

Finally, for you or anyone else, I thought that there was quite a large demand for this... has anyone downloaded the file to date? If so, please can I have some detailed comments on what's there, what I am planning and how easy it is to use (NB it is still very much a "beta" do please bear that in mind when commenting!) - the reason for posting the spreadsheet when it is under developed is that it is easier to add or change features!


Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 5:07 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
Just took a better look at the roster, looks great so far!

Just a couple of comments/questions:

1) You should probably delete the Wizard line on the roster.

2) What is the difference between the starting and ongoing rosters? It might be easier just to have one.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 5:14 pm
by mrinprophet
I downloaded it but haven't had a chance to thoroughly review it. I realize this is a beta/WIP so here are my first observations.

I don't understand the purpose of the "Ongoing Roster" sheet. The thing I really liked about Milo's team tracker were columns S-W on the "Team Roster" sheet where you could input skill/stat upgrades and it automatically updated your player. That was sweet. I also liked that the drop down boxes were visible when looking at the spreadsheet but then disappeared when printing. You kinda have to search for yours (position column) which might be confusing for the Excel newbie. Also, I'm not sure how to handle the new cost/term of Wizards.
Now with that said, you are doing a great job. Much better than I could have ever done! :) Keep it up.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 8:20 pm
by Dangerous Dave
OK answers to the questions raised so far:-


1) You should probably delete the Wizard line on the roster.

Well if Wizards are just freebooted - sure there is no point them being on the roster. However, I am not sure that this will be the case forever and therefore I've left the option for buying them on the roster - if they don't come back (as a permanent fixture) or you don't house rule them in then just ignore that line. Basically I want this to be as flexible as possible - if its there you can enter them - if its not you can't.

2) What is the difference between the starting and ongoing rosters? It might be easier just to have one.

This ones a little more difficult. Basically TT doesn't automate your cash spending (at least not as far as I'm aware!). So if you win 60k and spend 50k on a player you have to manually adjust your cash line.

Now if you automate the cash line ie deduct the cash spent on new players from the kitty, this doesn't work for both starting rosters and ongoing rosters...basically the automation for starting rosters is 1 million less spent on players rerolls etc. Automation ongoing is b/f plus winnings less spent post game (or it could be 1 million less spent on players current, dead, retired.......(too difficult!)).

So the reason for 2 rosters is largely for this purpose. If I do go this route, it will be very straight forward to use - a macro does it for you. I am not fully decided on this yet - certainly the way TT was done is easier - so..... I might just take the easier way out!


I don't understand the purpose of the "Ongoing Roster" sheet. The thing I really liked about Milo's team tracker were columns S-W on the "Team Roster" sheet where you could input skill/stat upgrades and it automatically updated your player. That was sweet.

OK a lot of this explained above. In addition, my version will certainly have this - or something similar. Again TT has taken the easy way and you can type in anything to the cells. Whilst this is not a problem for face to face leagues, if you are using HTMLs from the software to PBEM, if you don't type the skill in correctly, the software doesn't work. Eg if you type SideStep (no space) - the PBEM software doesn't recognise it (you need to type Side Step).

Now I've been toying with the idea of the software detecting which skills are available to the player depending on the skill roll (eg double allows traits or skills not normally available etc) and the normally available skills (eg Gen for linemen etc). I can get this to work. However, it is proving a bit unwieldy - mainly due to having 16 players and up to 7 skill rolls for each player. So I will probably drop this and just go with a list of total skills / traits - this will mean that you cannot miss type something. NB the list of skills can be added to.

I also liked that the drop down boxes were visible when looking at the spreadsheet but then disappeared when printing. You kinda have to search for yours (position column) which might be confusing for the Excel newbie.

To be honest, I'm not sure how to put them there permanently! If someone can tell me I'll happily change it - at present the drop downs only show if you click on the cell in question.


asked on a different thread...

I'd like to be able to add whole new teams just by hacking in stats for their different roster players.
The version I had didn't allow this.

My version will definitely allow you to do this. All the official rosters will be there - however, there will be room for more than 80 additional teams with up to 10 positions per team. The only issue is that if you have different skills or stats for the position players of an official team you will have to call it something different. If you just add one or 2 additional positions to an official team, provided the total doesn't go above 10 positions then it will work fine. If your version of an official team has different skills, (eg Cold Resistant on Norse teams), then you will have to call it something different - Norse2 or Norse* etc.... will work.

OK since I have some comments, any views on:-

Putting ageing rolls and effects thereof into the spreadsheet?

Putting Injuries sustained into the spreadsheet?

Retired and Dead Players - do you want a Hall of Shame?


League tracker

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 1:16 pm
by Zy-Nox
There was a league tracker that went with the original team tracker,I could never get it to load teams though.
So I was just wondering if you had any plans/time to have a go at a league tracker?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:40 pm
by Dangerous Dave
I've already done a League Tracker - but its a bit specialised (done for Galak's League) and its BIG! So not really something to distribute.


Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:41 pm
by mrinprophet
The answers to your questions are yes, yes, and yes! :D

1. Spreadsheet should keep track of aging, and the # of nigglers.
2. AWESOME idea. I would love to keep that kind of fluff. It would be interesting to recall that your star orc blitzer has had 2 gouged eyes, pulled groin, etc.
3. Keep retired players for nostalgia.


Oh yeah. You might want to consider something to keep track of +'s to injury in case that +1 to injury roll for every niggler comes into being. Just a thought.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:11 pm
by Anthony_TBBF
Yes the fluff stuff is a lot of fun, I have been keeping track of the type of injuries my players have received too.