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Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 4:25 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Honestly, I've always said that if GW hired Ronald, myself, Ski, the two guys from BB Alive, and I'll throw in Christer for league management tool and the Tow Bowl programmer, these 7 folks with a good graphics designer could make one heck of a wonderful program.

The problem with us all working together is the Ski's Java tool, BB Alive, the PBeM tool, and the Tow Bowl are all written in different languages (at least I think they are) ... makes working together rather difficult.


Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 5:03 pm
by tchatter
Personally... and this is just me.

I rank the PBEM top on my list. Why? Because, I can play it at my own pace, when I have a chance to sit down for 10 minutes. If I could find the time to sit and play an online BB game I would rather play the board game myself. In online leagues that use Ski's program how hard is it to get someone from the US and someone from Europe on at the same time to play their league game?

I think there is a big niche that Tom and Ronald have filled, it is the "older players" niche, the ones outta college, with families that just don't have more then 10 - 20 minutes to devoute to playing a game. For that I thank them!! I would never be able to play if it weren't for them.

But yes, if (as with all software) you could mix all the programs together, then yes you would have one AWESOME program. :o

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 8:29 pm
by Exer
If only! Wouldn't that be sweet. cudos to all programmer out there that are putting their time in for doing free BB software.

I agree tchatter, it seems that each prob out there has fille a niche. I wish I new some C++ so that I could help out with tbt.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:40 pm
by christer
.. Just for the record, I don't think it would be overly difficult to join a group of programmers into a larger project. Once you have the basic "programming paradigms" bolted in your mind, it's trivial to switch to another language.. Takes a week or so to pound in the syntax.

But on the other hand, the programmers' preferences would be harder to come over. For instance, I would never choose Pascal (or Delphi) to do anything... :)

-- Christer

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 10:03 pm
by GalakStarscraper
For those of you who don't know that Christer way to taking a pot shot at the PBeM program which is written in Delphi.

I agree Christer ... I think if GW hired the 7 of us to create the perfect BB program and told us ... you will program in X so that we instantly get past the what language issue, we could create something pretty cool.

Each of use brings something to the table for sure. What I'd really like to get my hands on is the AI code for the old BB computer game ... yah I know PH says he can write it pretty quickly ... but I'd love to see the logic in that old program.

Like I said merge the best elements of the BB freeware ... smack on great animated graphics and sound .... we'd have the game that Toby talked about. Now we just need GW to cut those paycheck and work out the royalities contracts.

Reason I say this:
see this link:
Just had my 15 year high school reunion last weekend, Anthony Campiti, was one of my good friends in High School, who I lost track of as we all went to college. Turns out the boy is a multi-millionaire now from computer gaming. We talked about my work on the PBeM program and when he asked how much I made from it and told him it was freeware ... I got the gentle head shake of Tom, Tom, how could you just give it away.

Anyway, like Ski and whoever programs Tow Bowl, I plan to keep sinking hours into a program that is freeware ... somewhere recently I posted my 35 item to do list to improve the PBeM program. But in the back of my mind, Tony planted the seed of ... but what if??? .... I love my life and my hobby ... but being a multi-millionaire is one of those things that wouldn't hurt ... ya know. :D :lol:


Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:38 pm
by Exer
I can't blame you to think that way. I guess though you need to create a game that people will buy. Not sure how much you could make on BB considering you'll have to get GW on board.

Saying this, us users thing you guys ROCK! I would like to thank you for your time in creating BB freeware. That's why I think we should give you guys as much support as possible. Turn it into a community project in some sorts.

As a thought, it would be very neat to have you programer guys talking on the same forum and sharing ideas. Maybe not to work on a common project (yet.. keeping fingers crossed:) but atleast to help each other with ideas, problem solving and code.

fyi, tbt just came out with a fix for win2000

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:55 pm
by christer
.. For reference: LeagueManager and SkiJunkie's client work together rather well...

-- Christer

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 12:21 am
by Exer
Yeah, they do. And that's software that people use often. I want help raise the awareness of tbt to encourage the developer (Toeld) on :) Nothing better than having a bunch of people giving you their input and thoughts. Gives you a sense of accomplishement, especially when doing freeware. Hopefully turning it into an even better game.

BB for ever. Man I gave it up for years and just re-discovered it this summer. Yoohoo

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 12:35 am
by GalakStarscraper
One of my top priorites with the PBeM is the export log feature that Dain requested. Dain has offered to work with others to create a stat generating program by turning the log file into stats.

It will be very cool to have such a creature.

Christer when I have time later this month, I'd love to talk to you about what League Manager needs in terms of an export. I don't think it would be very difficult to make the PBeM tool compatible with League Manager also.


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:18 am
by tchatter
You guys can add one more to your list....

Rude Bowl v.093 I downloaded it. The graphics are nice, something that the PBEM should be able to incorporate...


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:21 am
by Pink Horror
Programming languages aren't much of a barrier. I'm planning on using C++ for the AI to that Delphi program Galak tinkers with. Once everything is compiled, the computer shouldn't care. You just have to know how to put it all together.

The AI for that old Blood Bowl program was a piece of junk. Looking at it would be a waste of time. I bet they had one guy spend 3 weeks on it, or maybe less. I'm angry that I was left out of your imaginary programmer group, to be replaced with some garbage code written years ago.

Pink Horror

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 3:57 am
by GalakStarscraper
PH wasn't leaving you out ... the list was simply of folks that have already created BB freeware. No slight meant against you whatsoever.


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 3:58 am
by GalakStarscraper
tchatter wrote:You guys can add one more to your list....

Rude Bowl v.093 I downloaded it. The graphics are nice, something that the PBEM should be able to incorporate...

I seem to remember playing with this program and not being impressed ... but for right now I don't remember why.


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 5:47 am
by Exer
Sweet, an other prog. to check out. I'll let you know what it's like Galak.

Hey pink, fyi, TBT is in C++ and the source is available at the site as well. As well, I do know that the author of the game is infact looking for help in the AI department.

It's good to see so much interest in creating some form of PC version of the game

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 6:07 am
by Pink Horror
I don't feel like searching. What's the address of TBT? I can get working on that app until I'm able to mess with Ronald's.

Pink Horror