Caisleán Cup '24, 18 May, Castlewellan, Co. Down

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Caisleán Cup '24, 18 May, Castlewellan, Co. Down

Post by agingergoblin »

Caisleán Cup 2024
18th May 2024 - The King's Inn, Castlewellan, County Down

The tournament will use the Blood Bowl Second Season rules, including any relevant rules published in the Spike! Journals, Almanacs or FAQs up to May 1st 2024
This is a one day regional tournament and will be the third entry in the NIBB Tournament Series. Whilst participation in other NIBB TS tournaments is not essential, being a paid up member of NAF is. If you are not a member, you may sign up by adding £5 to your tournament fee and requesting a name to be known by. In return, you will receive some fancy dice and a token that may be used in your games of Blood Bowl, Moreover, all your successes ( and otherwise) within the realms of this great game will be logged and recorded for posterity.
Existing NAF coaches should include their NAF name and number with their registration payment.
Tickets are £15 and should be paid for in advance. using friends & family

The tournament will consist of three games of blood bowl, seeded using the Swiss Rounds format.
Each game will last 2 hours 15 minutes, with a hard dice down. Any turns not completed at the end of the round will be lost. If you are concerned about timing, chess clocks will be available.
Essential equipment
Please ensure you bring with you:
Your (preferably painted) team. All skills must be marked and recogniseable on the miniature. Positionals should also be easily identifiable by your opponent
A copy of the competition rules, throwing ranges, rule books etc
Dice (including 3 block dice, 2 d6, 1 d8, 1 d16)
Scatter templates
A ball, turn, score, reroll counters
The winner will be the coach with the greatest number of tournament points (TP)
Win – 20 TP
Draw – 10 TP
Loss – 1 TP
Conceed – -2 TP
Bonus TP:
Defense! (Clean Sheet) – 1 TP
All out attack (1 per touchdown up to 3) – 1 TP
Murder (Inflict 3+ Casualties) – 1 TP
Team build rules
Each coach will have 1,150,000 GP to draft their team. This may be spent on players, staff and inducements. Any gold not spent will be lost. No extra inducements will be granted during the tournament so the team you create is the exact team you play with for the whole tournament. There will be no progression.

In addition to the draft gold, coaches will receive a tiered Skill Point pack, which may be used to purchase skills to add to players.

Tier 1 – Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Human, Lizardmen, Orc, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf
7 Skill points, 0 Secondaries allowed, no stars
Tier 2 - Amazon, Elven Union, High Elf, Necromantic Horrors, Norse, Skaven, Vampire
8 Skill points, 1 Secondary allowed, 1 star
Tier 3 – Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Slann
9 Skill points. 1 Secondary allowed, 1 player stack 2 primaries @ +1 SP, 1 star
Tier 4 – Chaos Renegades, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings
10 Skill points, 2 secondaries, 2 players stack 2 primaries @ +1SP, 1 star
Tier 5 – Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings
12 Skill points, 3 Secondaries, 2 players stack 2 primaries @ +1SP, 2 stars
Star players may only be induced on to a full roster of 11 standard players at a cost of 3 SP in addition to their hiring fee.
Double stars take up 2 roster spaces but count as a single star inducement.

Playing in the provinces:
Due to the provincial nature of the Caisleán Cup, some of the more popular star players see themselves to be above such venues and wouldn’t be seen dead knocking about in such a back-water. As such, these players may not be induced: Bomber, Cindy, Deeproot, Estelle, Griff, Hakflem, Morg, Varag, Skitter
Highlander rule: If a situation occurs where both teams in a fixture have induced the same star player, then neither team gets that player. This is due to the player, who’s agent has clearly double booked them, having a high moral standing and refusing to let one client down in favour of the other. Either that or they’re an imposter and have swindled both teams. You choose!

Beseech the ancient heroes of Eire for their blessing:
One per game, before setting up for a drive, each coach may call upon the heroes of old to bless their team. Select one 0-16 player without the loaner (x+) skill. Roll a D8 and consult the table for their blessing.
1- Fionn Mac Cumhaill – A giant possessing great cunning and intellect. PRO, MIGHTY BLOW – for the drive
2- Cuchulain – Mighty warrior of Ulster who stood alone and decimated Queen Maeve’s army in the Cattle Raid of Cooley. DEFENSIVE, DODGE, SIDE STEP – for the drive
3- Oisin – Great warrior of the Fianna. +1 ST, -1AG, BRAWLER, TACKLE – for the drive
4- Brigid – Goddess of fertility, childbirth and protector of homes. Brigid’s blessing envelops the whole team, protecting them from harm. ACTS AS AN APOTHECARY. If the team already has an apothecary, they now have 2. – until used.
5- Queen Maeve – Queen of Connaught, she is famed for using her feminine wiles to get what she wanted and for instigating the Cattle Raid at Cooley. STRIP BALL, WRESTLE, +1MA – for the drive
6- Queen Aoife – Imbued with the magic that cursed the Children of Lir, the player takes on the physical and mental atttributes of a swan. Arms become wing-like, grow a large, sharp swan’s bill and become pretty belligerent. Gain POGO STICK, CHAINSAW and DAUNTLESS – for the drive
7- King Conchobar – A good and just king driven to madness and deceit by his desire to possess Deirdre. STAB, DIRTY PLAYER – for the drive
8- Brian Boru – 1RR. Remains until used, whichever half it is used in.

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Re: Caisleán Cup '24

Post by lunchmoney »

Can you put the location and date in the title, please

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)

TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
Bribe level: good coffee.
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Re: Caisleán Cup '24

Post by lunchmoney »

I can't see a venue address at all.

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)

TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
Bribe level: good coffee.
#FlingNation find me on page 95
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