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Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorkshire

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:28 pm
by indiana-utah
The West Yorkshire Blood Bowl League presents…
Wibble Bowl 4

General Information

Wibble Bowl 4 will be held on Sunday the 19th of May 2019 at Holmfirth Gaming Centre, 1 Miry Ln, New Mill, Thongsbridge, Holmfirth HD9 7HP

Game timings will be as follows:

10:45 to 11:00 Registration
11:00 to 13:15 Game One
13:15 to 13:45 Lunch
13:45 to 16:00 Game Two
16:00 to 16:15 Break
16:15 to 18:30 Game Three
18:30 to 19:00 Awards and close

The venue has ample free parking, and food is available to purchase on site.

Entry costs and payment

Entry is £12.50 per coach, and all coaches need to be NAF registered as this is a ranked event.

Please send payments by paypal to Could you select the ‘gift’ or ‘paying a friend’ option so we don’t lose out on fees please?

Due to previous issues, we will not be offering refunds, however will do everything we can to help you sell your ticket on to another coach should the need arise.


Wibble Bowl 4 will be using current NAF approved rule set. Please check the NAF website for the current rules.

The Illegal Procedure will not be enforced. There is a time limit for games, so coaches are encouraged to play 4 minute turns to ensure games are completed. Any games that reach the time limit will have to be halted and the result at this point will be the final result of that game. We do have a chess clock available should one be required for fair time allocation.

We will be using the standard “Resurrection” rules; coaches will play each match with the same starting roster and do not need to record SPPs or any ongoing injuries. Undead, Necro or Nurgle teams may not keep ‘raised’ players from game to game.

Coaches may spend up to 1,200,000 gold crowns on their team roster. Star Players are allowed on any tier team, but only after 11 standard players have been rostered first, as per normal rules, a maximum of 2 Star Players are allowed per team.

WYBBL have their very own star player who may be used; Edmund Wibble is a Halfling who will play for any team. His cost to hire is 150k, and his stats are as follows:
MA = 5 ST = 2 AG = 4 AV =6
Skills = Dodge, Jump Up, Loner, Right Stuff, Sprint, and Stunty

No inducements may be taken except by goblins and ogres, who may take up to 3 bribes at 50k each, and halflings who may hire a master chef for 100k.

We will also be using the ‘WYBBL Wobble Ball’ rule…

Some say the winds of magic blow strongest this time of year, others will tell you the ball is enchanted and has a mind of its own. Either way the ball is a little … unpredictable….

To represent this whenever the ball scatters and lands in an empty square it “wobbles” one additional square in a random direction determined by the scatter template before finally coming to rest. If it lands on a standing player they will attempt to catch it as normal and it will SCATTER again if not caught or after landing on a prone player. The ball will always wobble once (and only once) after scattering including after kick off, failed catches, failed pick-ups and throw ins.

Each team will be offered a skills package to enhance their players; this will be done on a tier system.

TIER 1 Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves

TIER 2 Chaos Pact, Elf Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic

TIER 3 Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampires

TIER Stunty Goblin, Halfling, Lizardmen (No Saurus), Ogres, Underworld (No Skaven)

The packages will be as follows:

TIER 1 = 2 normal skills, or 1 double skill

TIER 2 = 1 normal skill, and 1 double skill

TIER 3 = 2 normal skills, and 1 double skill

TIER Stunty = 4 normal skills, and 2 double skills

Games and Scoring

The first round will be drawn randomly, with all further rounds using the Swiss system. The overall winner will be the coach with the most points at the end of the day – there will be no final.

Points are scored as follows:

50 points for a win.
20 points for a draw.
0 points for a loss.

+1 Bonus point per touchdown (max 3 bonus points)
+1 Bonus point per casualty (max 3 bonus points)
+1 Bonus point per interception (max 3 bonus points)

Ties (for both Swiss and final winner) will be resolved as follows:

Ties to be determined on the following (in order) Head to Head, Strength of Schedule, Combined TD and Causality difference

Casualty score in this case is casualties from BLOCKING ONLY (including “defensive” ones where the blocking player ends up injured and gives the intended victim a casualty point).

Things To Bring With You

A painted (or inked) team.
Your Blood Bowl board.
Three roster sheets (one for the head ref, one for yourself and one for your opponent).

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May - Yorkshire

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:28 pm
by indiana-utah
Paid List

01) Indiana-Utah
02) Tomlin
03) shakeyjames89
04) Seg
05) maxik 
06) The Doc
07) Spleggy
08) Chilli
09) Tommonstrosity
10) Nodgefodgekins
11) justchris01
12) Alsarion
13) SlimJono
14) Scouseboy
15) kevlar913
16) darkbenonator
17) LouBega
18) LittleLeadPerson
19) Haychdee
20) jawa
21) firebreather
22) MJallen
23) BBC Competition Winner (Pskotti)
24) BBC Competition Winner (campmark)
25) Maverick
26) Rebornflames
27) Rob Mellor
28) J
29) Jonny Dolan
30) Sonofabattlepuppy

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Yorkshire

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:15 pm
by Valen
Dammit Chris, Saturdays, I can do one dayers on Saturdays lol

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Yorkshire

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:02 pm
by indiana-utah
Sorry Gav, the new venue has limited hours on a Saturday, and we haven't had the numbers this year to be able to justify the costs of putting additional coverage on to extend the opening hours. Sunday fits in with the venues hours, so for now it means we can continue with the tournaments even with low numbers.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Yorkshire

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:34 pm
by indiana-utah
Special Offer.

Sign up to both Wibble Bowl 4, and Hornswoggle Cup 2 for just £22.50.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:18 pm
by indiana-utah
24 coaches have now declared - so as long as they all definitely come, we will qualify for a NAF shield. :)

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:54 pm
by Maxik
Please put me down payment to follow shortly

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:47 pm
by indiana-utah
Maxik wrote:Please put me down payment to follow shortly
Payment received. Thanks.

Added to list.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:37 pm
by shakeyjames89
hi it says 1,20,000 as team value, is that meant to be 1,200,000 or 1,020,000?

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:04 pm
by indiana-utah


Will edit it above.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:48 pm
by TheDoc
Payment sent!

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:45 am
by indiana-utah
TheDoc wrote:Payment sent!
Thank you.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:57 pm
by indiana-utah
Would be good if we could get a NAF rep on the day too? (Yorkshire has lots of events, but no NAF rep :( )

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by deeferdan
Hi Chris.

I cant make this date but can hand over a shield at the NAFC is you have enough folk on board.

Re: Wibble Bowl 4 - 19th of May 2019 - Holmfirth, West Yorks

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:55 pm
by indiana-utah
Cheers Dan,

If everyone who says they are coming pays, then we will hit 24. Worst case I can sit on it if we don't, and use it next tournament we have (Hornswoggle in July).

I'm still in negotiations for NAFC, two day events always clash with family stuff (but I am trying as I do want to go). Spleggy will be there though, so he can collect.

