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CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:52 pm
by JT-Y
The full rulespack with payment details, venue details, timetable, and so on can be downloaded from HERE !)

All proceeds will go to Help The Homeless, in particular the Bolton and Chorley branches, both of which are taking up the slack caused by local shelters having their funding slashed.

The club will be covering all costs; room hire and prize support, so the entirety of your entry fee goes to charity.

Below you'll find a brief outline of the rules. Details have been submitted for NAF approval.

There will be 6 rounds over the two days: 4 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday (for a lie in and early finish).

Team Selection:
We will be using the CRP/LRB6. This won't change.
- All 24 NAF approved teams are permitted.
- Coaches have 1,100,000 Gold Crowns to spend on their starting team.
- All inducements are allowed (except Wizards and Special Play cards).
- Teams must contain at least 11 players before any Star Players can be added to the roster.
- The 24 permitted races are organised into four groups:
--- Group One:..........Undead, Wood Elves, Amazons, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Norse, Skaven, Orc.
--- Group Two:.........Necromantic, Human, Chaos Pact, Khemri.
--- Group Three:.......High Elf, Pro Elf, Chaos, Nurgle, Underworld, Vampire, Slann.
--- Group Four:.........Halfling, Goblin, Ogre.

Teams start with a number of additional skills based on which group they fall into, no additional skill may be taken more than twice:
- Group One:.......None.
- Group Two:.......1x Normal Skill, 1x Double Skill/Normal Skill.
- Group Three:.....2x Normal Skill, 1x Double Skill/Normal Skill.
- Group Four:.......2x Normal Skill, 2x Double Skill/Normal Skill.

SPP's need to be recorded during the tournament, exactly as in a league, on all players except star players. MVP however isn't bothered with. It is a good idea then to bring a properly presented BB team roster for use!
Players do not develop as a result of gaining SPP's, but there will be a prize awarded for the player with the most SPP's at the end of the tournament.

Otherwise, this is a normal resurrection tournament:
- All player injuries/deaths are annulled after each game.
- Fan factor does not change between games.
- Teams do not earn winnings for each game they play.
- Any remaining cash in the treasury may not be spent between games.

Before games 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 start, once the draw has been made and coaches have had chance to view their opponents roster, coaches may add one Normal Skill to a player of their choice:
- This skill is kept until the end of the tournament.
- Skills may be stacked up to a maximum of two additional skills per player.
- No additional skill may be taken more than twice.
- Double Skills may not be taken after team creation.

Tournament points are awarded as follows:
- Win:.....3 points.
- Draw:...1 point.
- Loss:....0 points.

Tiebreakers will be:
- 1st:......Touchdown difference.
- 2nd:......Casualty difference.

And first prize will be one of these with endzones customised to the tourney:

We will also be offering these to anyone who wants to buy one just as soon as we have a final price.
We will seek to make a small profit on any pitches sold this way, which will be donated to the charity.

Any questions, please ask.


Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:58 pm
by JT-Y
Entrants (paid):
24 spaces available. This can be increased based on interest.

1: JT-Y (spare depending on numbers)
2: Ruthy
3: Wightlord
4: Dazlamb
5: Miserable
6: fireolli
7: robster55
8: Barney The Lurker
9: Sizzle
10: Ian
11: Alistair
12: SDBop
13: Brett
14: Mighty Thor
15: Chris
16: Don_Vito
17: Mr. Stick
18: Pippy
19: Shaniepoo
20: Mr_Hannah
21: Leipziger

1: JGtrumpet
2: Valen

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:15 am
by Don__Vito
I'm in! Holiday booked from work and will look into accommodation once I know how many Geordies are joining me.

Can Danni come too?


Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:19 am
by JT-Y
I can ask ;)

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:14 pm
by fire olli
I'm in

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:56 pm
by Wightlord
I'm in - will there be a charity auction?

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:38 pm
by JT-Y
Dunno yet. Depends if we can arrange stuff to auction.
There will be plenty of warning if so.

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:03 pm
by shaniepoo
Even though you dont want me there... I might soil your doorstep if i can get the time off work :)

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:27 pm
by JT-Y
I didn't say we don't want you there. Just that we were hoping to keep it a secret from you :D

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:07 pm
by Wightlord
Shaneipoo has been known to strip off for charity :wink:

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:19 pm
by JT-Y
Hence our plan to keep it secret from him.

When I find out who read the first post for him I'll be having a word.

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:18 pm
by dazlamb
I should be down for this, not sure which team might dust of the high elves looking at the rules. Will probably use public transport and get a bus and train :x but i will able to have beer :smoking: ...unless anybody is driving from Preston and wants to give me a lift.

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:21 pm
by JT-Y
If Jim plays he may be able to offer a lift Daz.
I'll find out.

Train will work though, I've gone for a deliberately late start on Sunday.

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:13 pm
by Sizzler
It's too close not to. I'm in!

I love the points for voting idea too.

Re: CACKbowl: 30th November & 1st December (Lancashire)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:27 pm
by Barney the Lurker
Managed to get a shift swap so I should be in too!