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WPS Club Challenge Tournament Report (long)

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 10:37 am
by DoubleSkulls
My first ever tournament. Marcus, myself and Shane from ECBBL went to the WPS Club Challenge in Nottingham over the weekend. With about 200 players GW could not accomodate everyone so we played in a large sports hall.

There were 12 BB players - including us 3. The format was Swiss with a random draw for the 1st game. Teams were 1,100k and there was some progression. Marcus won with Orcs :zzz: and Shane's Dwarves came 3rd and he got Best Sportsman.

I was playing High Elves - 2 Dragons, 2 Lions, 1 Phoneix, 6 Line elves, 2 TRR, 7 FF and an apoth.

Game 1 - Geoff Porritt - Skaven
I drew Geoff Porritt, the Resurrection champ, in the 1st round :( He plays a beautiful skaven team with a lovely "team bus". This was the best game out of the 5.

He received and started to drive down the field. After a couple of turns I managed to get myself into a position to swarm the RO, leaving him a 1/2 die block, and simultaneously put the ball on the ground with a both down. Unfortunately he managed to double POW a Lion Warrior, break armour and cause a cas. So I rolled my apoth - and failed. In 4 attempts to use the apoth during the tourney he failed 3 times! As a result Geoff managed a score and stopped me getting one back with some good defence and a double skull.

Second half and my numbers started to dwindle rapidly as Geoff accumulated 5 casualties. Finally he managed a 1 die blitz on the ball carrier and skulled it, reroll, skull. Vastly outnumbered I managed to roll out of his defensive cover and pass the ball to an unmarked line elf. Thanks to a successful swarming of the RO he couldn't stop me grabbing a dramatic late equaliser inspite of only having 4 elves left on the pitch.

All in all a fantastic game with even amounts of bad luck. The only downside was the 3 point casualty gap. 1-1 was a fair result. BTW Geoff is only going to The Blood Bowl because I asked him if he had bought his ticket already.

Game 2 - Christine Raine - Dark Elves
Christine was an inexperienced player who didn't have a good grasp of even the standard rules (e.g. assists) let alone LRB. Her team included 2 Witch Elves, 2 Blitzers, Thrower and Line elves.

After kicking I managed to turn her over, threw the ball to a Lion Warrior on the half way line. He needed 1 GFI to be safe - and fell over. The only player should could get to the ball - her thrower and she pulled off an end to end play to score (I let her off failing to declare the handoff too!).

I failed to equalise thanks to a pair of double skulls and a snake eyes. Second half I caged the Phoenix warrior and the ball all the way to score in 4 turns and then managed to turn her over to run in for the winning TD in the last turn.

2-1 I considered an excellent result after a dismal 1st half.

Game 3 - Stuart Falconer - Orcs
Stuart was a little bit rusty but a solid player who knew how to play his Orcs. His team featured 4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers a thrower and 5 line orcs.

He received in the 1st half and executed a perfect 8 turn drive, while failing to mash up my team. I bashed my head repeatedly against a S4 cage and just managed to get no where. Lack of block or leap meant it was difficult for me to break him down. Next time I will take Leap on a Dragon Warrior, otherwise I'll never pop the ball loose.

2nd half I messed up my setup but 1/2 die blitz against a Black Orc resulted in my 2nd casualty :D and opened up the back field to get a lot of receivers downfield. My Nerves of Steel Lion Warrior failed the catch - but I retrieved the situation and equalised.

So the final drive and I managed to get a blitz! Lion underneath the ball and I get the catch - but unfortunately its in the middle and I couldn't protect him. Stuart did enough to get the ball back and prevent me turning him over again.

1-1, another draw but I won on casualties (3-1). It going to be hard for me to get very far in the tournament, but I wasn't in a bad position as I'd avoided Shane and Marcus for the 4th game.

Day 2

Game 4 - William Platten - Humans
William's team of 2nd ed minis were heavily customised (lots of arms :o ) and I had some difficultly remembering which was which - probably caused by lack of rest the night before. His team had an Ogre, 2 guarding Blitzers, 3 catchers, 2 throwers and some line men.

I got off to a fantastic start getting rid of both guards and his only tackle in the 1st 2 turns. Even better as I managed to turn him over and the bouncing ball ended up in my endzone. So I go to pickup the ball, to pass it to the Lion Warrior who would be quite safe in a nice cage. Snake eyes on the pickup and William manages to pick up the ball in 2 TZs and score.

So I start my drive get into an excellent field position with an easy score on the cards all I have to do is blitz for a push, make the pass and score. I get a double skulls on the blitz. This allowed William to put some pressure on the ball carrier but I only needed a blitz and 2+ dodge to escape to safety. Double skulls on the blitz again :pissed: Now he knocks over the ball carrier and is able to pick it up, hand it off to catcher in 2 TZs who then dodges out and scores without even having to reroll the dice once. 2-0 and I was in trouble.

2nd half and William put up a poor defensive line up that, thanks to quick snap, allowed me to put 2 players out of bounds. I then proceeded to roll 4 lots of double skulls, but still managed to drag one back. Then I had to turn him over but MA8 catchers are hard to get to and he hung on for the win.

1-2, my 1st defeat in 20 games and any chance of me getting into the top 3 had completely evaporated.

Game 5 - Michael Biggs - Orcs
Michael was a fantastic bloke to play again, friendly and sportsmanlike it made the whole game a real pleasure. His Orcs were beautifully painted too.

He received and I gave him the chance to pass to blitzer who could run downfield. He chose to go for it and ended up getting blitzed and knocked over. The ball and player were left in a TZ, but the blitzer got up made the 4+ dodge, 4+ pub, 3+ dodge and 2 GFIs to score. In my return drive my Lion Warrior failed to catch the ball again so I didn't equalise. I had Got the Ref for the whole 1st half, got through armour about 5 times and didn't even get a KO. He fouled me back once and got a BOB sent off!

2nd half I made a reasonably fast score using my speed to punish some lobsided defending to give me a chance of turning him over for the win. After a small error - he needed a 2nd blitz to have a safe cage - I managed to knock the ball loose and throw it downfield into space. I blitzed his cover out of the way and then ran in the Lion Warrior to win - but I get snake eyes on the pickup. Doh! He got some pressure on the ball and a lucky bounce and I failed two more half chances to win the game.

1-1 and a really pleasurable opponent, even if the game wasn't that spectacular.

I was robbed! Something like 12 double skulls in 5 games. My apothecary failed 3/4. My Lion Warriors failed half their catches. I never had a game where I thought I'd been lucky to get the result I did - and the defeat was a dreadful game.

On the plus side I had 2 great games - thanks to Geoff & Michael - and really enjoyed the experience.

I don't think there was too much wrong with my team selection - a bit more luck and I would have finished much higher.

However on skills I hopefully have learnt a valuable lesson. Leap on a Dragon is now a high priority. Against strength teams I'm not going to break down the cage so I need something a bit special. Kick didn't work well and I think there may be more useful skills - like Block or Dodge, so I'm tempted not to take it again.

Now I'm really looking forward to The Blood Bowl.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 1:38 pm
by Deathwing
Nice report mate, sounds like fun!
And now for a bit of 'told you so, ner-ner ner-ner'. :P :P :P :P
ianwilliams wrote:However on skills I hopefully have learnt a valuable lesson. Leap on a Dragon is now a high priority. Against strength teams I'm not going to break down the cage so I need something a bit special.
From ians' 'Tournament HE Progression' thread:
On 9th Nov, Deathwing wrote:I'd consider Leap on a DW early. It worries your opponents, and is useful against cages on D.
On 9th Nov, ianwilliams wrote: Leap is a good idea, just for the worry factor!
On 9th Nov, Marcus wrote: Leap is certainly an idea in as much as it will help open up the pitch and allow you to play your own game. It also allows you to beat both widezones off the kickoff.
Sorry mate, just couldn't resist! :D

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 1:40 pm
by Marcus
Any advice on how to stop rolling double skulls? ;)

Should post a brief report I guess. to follow....

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:00 pm
by Princelucianus
Marcus wrote:Any advice on how to stop rolling double skulls? ;)
Well, let someone else play a couple of games with your NAF dice. In the beginning I thought they were cursed. (cursed by LF en DW when I was still in a weakened state). But they're okay now.

If I ever get new dice again, I'll let someone else play with them first.

And as a second remark:
Marcus: WPS and T5 Champ. I'll never play you again. You're scaring me :roll:


Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:14 pm
by DoubleSkulls
Deathwing wrote:Nice report mate, sounds like fun!
And now for a bit of 'told you so, ner-ner ner-ner'. :P :P :P :P
On 9th Nov, ianwilliams wrote: Leap is a good idea, just for the worry factor!
Sorry mate, just couldn't resist! :D
Yeah I know. I got a bit b*ggerd in the 1st game since all 5 casualties were my positional players and therefore I couldn't give them skills. Then I got +MA on one of my Dragons in the next game, so I was running behind on skills. Then when I finally put a skill on the Dragon without tackle I thought I may be facing Lizards so took a 2nd tackle, but ended up facing Orcs.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:19 pm
by DoubleSkulls
Princelucianus wrote:Marcus: WPS and T5 Champ. I'll never play you again. You're scaring me :roll:
Make him use his NAF dice :D

Marcus deserved to win over the days as he won all his games.

He did have some fortune - his 1st round opponent finished last and I think that may of helped him get his Orcs going, +ST on a Blitzer can't have hurt.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:26 pm
by Marcus
Good quality opposition as usual - Swiss draw and the added pressure of playing for your club's overall score. Ian, Shane and I were playing for Tanelorn Wargames Club - the club the ECBBL is affiliated with. 6 results per round were picked before play across each of the systems involved (BB, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Ancients, Warmaster, 40k). I later found out that our captain had picked me for every single game. Talk about added pressure.

I'd learnt my lesson from previous years and went with high FF and high AV for this tournament, having had trouble with AV 7 teams in past WPS events. The Legendary Khan Brothers dusted off the kit and herded the Tuetonic Twats onto the bus....

4 Blitzers
3 Black Orcs
1 Thrower
4 Line Orcs
3 Rerolls
9 Fan Factor

110 TR

Game 1 - BJ Heasman's Undead


BJ was lacking a little in experience but knew his way around a pitch. He had gone for a 16 player roster which gave him the opportunity to foul at will and never really end up short of players. 8 foul attempts on my players, none on his and not one send off.

Weathered the storm regardless and managed a 3-0 win. The Mummy's Curse affected BJ rather heavily as he was prone to opening turns with Mummy blocks and rolling skull/pow-skull.

4 skills due to the large number of TDs so I got block on all 3 BOs and Kick on a Lineorc

Game 2 - Michael Biggs' Orcs


Quality opponent, well painted team, Played on the ECBBL Astrogranite stadium.

Ugh. One long soul destroying ruck (I have a photo I'll have to add here). No-one held posession more than 2 turns in a row. I managed a score in the dying seconds of the half to go 1-0 up, then again in the 5th turn of the 2nd. Loose balls scattering to my players were the only thing that did it. Not looking forward to another rematch like that.

Great opponent and I'm surprised he didn't get the best sportsman award. He did pick up best painting trophy tho.

The team gained Tackle on 2 blitzers.

Game 3 - Geoff Porritt's Skaven


Long anticipated matchup - Geoff and I always have gripping games and we were both looking forward to this one. Some good kickoff rolls and sustained battery gave me the quick 2-0 lead when Geoff pulled out the chip and charge play, lobbing the ball downfield then legging it in chase to regather and score. Kicking back to me I was quickly turned over and the ball fell loose. A scrap ensued where neither gained control. The clock was ticking down and we were alerted that we'd have very little time left to finish the game. It was Geoff's turn and the ball was loose with a possible score. He suggested we play out his turn then mine. I wasn't particularly keen on the idea as I wanted to play on until we were dragged off kicking and screaming. Geoff took his shot but was thwarted, I was unable to convert in my turn and we decided to call it there as the announcement had unequivically said "stop play".

I was gutted as Geoff had every chance to get back into the game and I still had a good shot at the reply. I'm now 3-0 against Geoff but I dont' think that result was 100% representative of the play of the game.

Rolled a +ST on one Blitzer (yay!) and gave tackle to a 3rd, anticipating a lizardman match up at some stage on the 2nd day....

Day 2

Game 4 - Daniel Martinez' Lizardmen[


Uh Oh. Lizzies. Good lizzies at that. Top table draw looked to be nasty, I was, however, prepared for the eventuality with 4 ST4 players and 3 Tacklers.

Daniel kicked to me and rolled a blitz. Things were looking very grim indeed and I felt the shadow of my previous Day 2 WPS collapses looking over my shoulder. He immediately managed to roll a boneheaded Krox block then roll double skulls with a Blitzing Saurus. Out of the fire there.

I ground down the pitch, marking Saurus and hunting skinks, getting 3 of his 12 players off the pitch. I got the late score in with some damage to his team and prepared to kick. Things went pear shaped in the 2nd half as my blocks didn't come off and I had trouble handling the ball. I still managed to keep his play bottled up at the halfway line through sustained threat to his skinks. Again, we ran short of time and in turn 7 of the 2nd there was only one player of Daniel's who could score in his last turn. Rather than do anything else I blitzed him down to put the result out of doubt and we called the game there.

Another shortened game but, in this instance, it was an accurate result as there was no way Daniel could have replied.

Would love a return match but Daniel had the wrong sale date for the BB in his calendar and managed to miss out on tickets when he called at 1pm that day. d'oh!

I took guard on 2 blackorcs in anticipation of the final match....

Game 5 - Shane Bradshaw's Dwarves

Final game vs my teammate Shane. Shane is a strong tournament player and fearsome Dwarf coach. Thankfully I was ahead enough on points that, so long as I didn't get thrashed, I would still be far enough ahead to take the title. Shane elected to recieve and I set about blunting his run. Looking for his key players to take out I noticed he didn't appear to have any reserves....

"Shane, don't you have 12 men on your roster?"

Shane counted and realised he had set up 12 men: "I thought I was doing well" he groaned as he offered me our usual league solution to this problem - I nominate a player and send him off. I sent off the ballcarrier, natch. The ball scattered into the hands of a blitzer who was already well covered and the grind continued.

The cage would advance one square only to have me smack it one square back. Things were going nowhere fast until Shane managed a late-in-the-half breakaway towards the line. Alas he didnt' have enough cover and I managed to blitz the ball loose and cover it with players. 0-0 at half.

By this stage we were, yet again, caught short for time. We had 30 minutes to play the final half.

Playing like madmen with 30-60 second turns, I charged up the pitch rolling across field to form a flying wedge with my blitzers, managing a score in turn 5. Time was up by this stage and Shane agreed to end there as, even if he could secure the 3 turn reply, it would not affect the final standings.


First time winning a WPS tournament, which I'm quite chuffed about. Managed to help boost the club score which may well have had a hand in boosting our position from 5th last year to 3rd this year. Met a few new faces, good players and good sports all; and I scored a bunnygirl team for my troubles ;)

All in all a top weekend.

First Tournament: Big Fun but very nervous!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 7:29 pm
by dantitan76
It strange, but after playing a couple of games with the old Bloodbowl, about 10 years ago (2nd edition), and playing a club leagee in Spain about 5, I could image to assist to a tournament of this dimension this last weekend. Basicly because I started again to play BloodBowl about 4 months ago!!! (I use to play Role-play games and Battletech, but nothing near here in Bristol, so thats the reason that make me start to play BB again)
Anyway, the Big Chiefs (Aka Big Uns) offered to "join" their soldiers for the tournament (thanks to David Gee, perfect guy to play with, but awfull singer, his "Cheeky Girls" performance on Saterday Night was just Incredeble :lol: ) So I didnt have any doubt and made ready my team, a conversion that made many cutts in my fingers: The Lustrian´s Red Eyes, Lizzardmens:

1 Kroxigor (Very Bonehead)
6 Saurus
5 Skinks (Why people hate them???)
2 Rerolls
6 FF
1 Coach...
I just played about 12 games with them...

And the tournament started:

1 Game Will Platen "The Mavericks" (Human Team):

Great painting job, and lovely figures, the old Chaos Humans looke very good. On my first game was tottaly ecclipsed by the second, so I forger nearly everything of that game. But I remember that my Skinks where everywhere and I manage to score 3 TD, but conceded one on the last turn. It was a good match, but as ussual, I didnt made many points with cassualties so I get just 2 new skills, both for 2 of my skinks: Sure Hands (I think that it was better than a skink with ST3...) and Sure feet.

2 Game Shane Bradshaw "BZBB" (Dwarfs) :

This was "THE GAME". I was not happy to see the dwarf team there, 3 guards players + tackle block and thick skulls, very bad.
I received and skinks jumped the dwarfs defenses to make a 1-0 for mmy team. Good. But then I an incredebly unlucky game started for my self, so bad, that skulls and rerolls where nearly allways on my side. TD for Shane at the end of the 1st half. He was so lucky (or I so unlucky), that after saying "Well, you know, luck always turn around", he kindly offered me a Pint. The bar service was so slow that agreed to drink it a at the end of the match, because time runs very fast...
We set up our players, and prepared my self to kick. And here start the fantastic story of the Year. Kickoff roll: Snake Eyes... :-? Riot, I looked at him and started to think very badly. Well D6 for see how many turns: 5 :( . I tought and sayed "Shane this is over, its a draw or a 2-1... 3 turns to go, and you have the ball..." The ball bounced on the top left corner and in his turn he managed to pick up the ball with a runner, run fowards. He also decleared a pass to the other runner, who missed the catch. :) I was happy, an ray of light... So the ball started to bounce on the heads of many players (even the Kroxi had a try...) but ended on the hands of a Longbeard... :( . In my turn I tryed to run with my skinks and they finished there movement in to his half, waiting for the Kroxi and the Saurus. But nothing happend. So 2 turns to go and he made a hand off to a lonely Blitzer who runned forward alone, ready to score without any opposition. A couple of good block be himself and Saurus started to eat grass. My go: Desperate play, trying to clear the field for a fallen Saurus, which was the only one with a possibility to blitz him (with 2 GF) But the problem was the Kroxigor, his "lovely" Bonehead was acting during the whole match and I needed him for the block. He recovered him self to block a dwarf and another saurus made the same with the second dwarf. Time for my blitz. Saurus went up, runned, 1 gf, 2 gf, Blitz... down he goes!!! No injury, ball goes on to the crowd, where "Joe Montana" was watching (and supporting my team) and made an incredible pass of 10 squares to one of my skins!!!! I catched te ball and runned foward. I could try the 2 GF to get the touch down, but looking at his team, he couldn´t blitz me anyway but he placed a runner just on my side(after 2 GF). So last turn, no RR left and my skink needed +2 to dodge. I rolled both on the same time and... two 3!!!! He made it!!!! :lol: Shane was totally down, and at the end I offered him a pint... What a game. I think that the key thing made my luck change, was that my girlfriend just called my (I love you Elena!!!!) I took a couple of skills again, and after a Block for one of my saurus, it was the time for the Kroxi, to get it also... a 4 and a 6...+1MO... (no comments)
Another weird thing was my camara: Every time I tryed to make a Picture of the players, It says NO. Everybody around tried it, but NO WAY
Shane, hopefully I will like to play again with you soon, I´ve told you that this was the best Game ever, so, do you wanna a rematch?

3 Game Paul Nettle "Gorgoth Earthshakers" (Chaos Dwarfs):

After the shock, comes the relax, to much for my, I think. Paul had a good balanced team, but all players didnt bring their hands to the game... every turn the ball was bouncing on their head... At least my sure hand Skink (Shrew) managed pick up and hand off the ball twice: 2 TD
It would be a differt game with more pressure, but no adrenaline left!!!
2-0... Thanks Paul for a good game.

2 more block skills for my Saurus. And end of the day, Pints, food (with pinneapple) with the whole Big Chief. What a night...

4 Game Markus "Teutonic Twets" (Orks):

The two undefeated teams started on table one. Lots of confident on each side, and a yellow t-shirt for him apart of the phrase "I dont like Skinks". He chose to receive, after setting up the teams (and hearing Conrad saying someting with the microphone) we started. Perfect weather, kick off: 10 Blitz :) O incredible, lets kick some orks... Yes. But as ussual my Kroxi was thinking about why the sky is blue and the birds fly... Ok no problem, Plan B: Saurus Blitz... 2 Ichoose... Doble skull... Reroll Push back... My luck was not there. And so passed the 1 half, I didnt roll a single "Star". And of course he scored the TD. And 3 of my players finished in the Hospital (1 saurus and 2 skinks, one of them with the sure feets... :( )
Then we realice that the Umpire was allready screaming to finnish the game ... Markus´s Naf Black dices started to warm up in my hands and I was starting to do it better. And after lossing the ball and with no RR, one of the Khan Brother got a lovely feedback of one of the reminding Skinks in play sending him to visit the surgery also.
Mayby because my unexperience, nerves and the reminded time, I didnt play good the turn, because I had the oportunity to level the match, but stupid newbee error, made my ball carrier eat grass, and he blitzed the only skink with any possibility to score. We left it after 15 turns and its fair to say, that the best won, in a very thight game. More bad luck came after this because he told me about the march tournament, and I had the wrong date to buy the ticked. I phoned, but nothing... :(
Thanks Markus, hope to play against you soon (and to see the pictures)

5 and last game Stuart Falconer "The New Orklands Payout"(Orks) :

Here even after a 3-0 win, I´ve played the worst game of the tournament, I was to nervous, and with just the possibility to became 2nd made me loose my nerves. I was even giving him Ideas about to foul my owen players!!! The empire was also with the time, and we needed to play the second half in 20 minutes!!! I was 2-0 up when the urgency for point made me rush during my turns and finish them in jus 60 seconds. I appologice to him after the match, and explained to him why I was so nervous. He is a good coach and know how to place the players around the ball carrier. Steward, I would like to play against you again without any rush. Thanks for understand.

After knowing the results of the other games, I was nearly secure of my second position, but the nerves didnt go at all, You could find my walking around the sport hall like a ghost, helping to clean the place a little bit and trying to get distract of everything watching the footbal match on the tv.
The moment came. Conrad was very lucky with the Charity Dices and made me relax with this (Conrad, why you dont like mechwarrior???) But the result came and Conrad called Shane to the podium as the 3rd place. Then my turn came, and to many emotions and nerves together, I hope to see the picture to remember something better, because I just remember Shane clapping his hands and a couple of handshakes. I went back to join my team with the trophy, with a Smile on my face.

I didnt play against any Elf team, thats a pitty , because there were 3 around.
Thanks to everybody, it was an wonderfull time and I´ve learned a lot on this weekend (Specially mention to Shane´s Tackle Players, and Markus Usseful Kick Skill) Hope to see you all soon!!!


First Timer Speaks

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:17 pm
by wintermute
HI Guys

Stuart Falconer checking in (for the first time)...please be gentle with me... :wink:

Marcus told me about the site at Nottingham and so here I am...

I had a great time at the weekend, all the games were great and every opponent was a real gent. :)

So much so that I actually felt really guilty when I tried to fowl Dany's Kroxy! :wink: But as I was completely unsuccessful both times and getting hamered I decided to give up, as his numerical advantage would have only increased if my players had been sent off...

As this is only my first posting I'll not go into too much (painful) detail about my shockingly poor luck with the dice...suffice to say I waz robbed :cry:

Speak more in the future!

PS. Ian I only had three Orc Linemen NOT five! how else could I afford an Apothecry and three re-roles :wink:

PPS. I know its a NEWBIE question...but how can I insert an image next to my name?? :oops:

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:24 pm
by DoubleSkulls
Hi Suart - welcome to TBB and thanks for the game. You know I really can't count to save my life - I knew you had 12 players but obviously can't add up.

To set an image got to your profile (link at the top right of the page) and go to the bottom there is an "Avatar" section there so you can set it up.

Pwetty swirly fing...

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:41 pm
by wintermute
Thanks Ian

We'll have to play a re-match all draws are so unsatisfying...especially when the opponent puts more of your players in the hospital! :wink:

Promise to try and ween myself off putting an emoticon after every full stop!....

How much longer will the Edinburgh Castle be open for BB games?

I got the impression that it would be coming to an end soon...

Thanks for setting me straight with the Avatar.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:54 pm
by DoubleSkulls
The last week of the Edinboro Castle BBL will probably be the 10th :cry:

However the Evil Cnut's BBL :o will be starting up in January at some secret location (i.e. we don't know) depending on where Andy's pub is.


We've been growing really fast in the last few months - thanks to TBB! so are now over 16 active players. Come along and I'll see if I can break down your cage this time.