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A'hof 24hrs of BB '08 - 26-27 July (Amersfoort, Netherlands)

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:36 pm
by Jelmer
For the fourth time, the Madhobbit crew will organise the A'hof 24hrs of BB.

You might think it's crazy, and maybe it is... but it's always loads of fun! The idea is to play BB 24 hours in a row (with some short breaks for eating). We will start saturday the 26th of July at 13:00 and everything will end sunday the 27th of July at 13:00. The last two years we managed to play 11 games.

the costs are € 15,- for NAF members and € 17,50 for NON-NAF members. (these prices include food and drinks!)
LRB 5 rules.
Draw random.

The rest of the rules are currently under discussion... these will follow.

To take part in this unique tournament, please post in this topic or contact Peter (Miloquaser) or me by email or PM:

Participating Coaches:
0 Peter Meijer - Miloquaser - [race unknown]
1 Robbert Valkeneers - Xod - [race unknown]
2 Tom Neven - Kwek - [race unknown]
3 Benjamin Schrijver - Benji - [race unknown]
4 Jelmer Bergsma - Jelmer - [race unknown]
5 Seb van Deun - Quermitt - [race unknown]
6 Raf de Meyer - Totti - [race unknown]
7 Manuel Boka - Turin - Dark Elves
8 Wilfred vd Brand Horninge - YLD - [race unknown]
9 Jort Lippmann - Furocious_Fleabag - [race unknown]
10 Juke de Winter - Juke - Halflings
11 Marco Kok - El_Condor - [race unknown]
12 Olav Maassen - RatDaddy - [Ogres]
13 Tom van Lamoen - Thomo - [race unknown]
14 Jürgen Unfried - Juergen - [race unknown]
15 Christian Hejl - snake_eyes - [race unknown]
16 Gianluca Montefiori - Cana - [race unknown]
17 Massimo Banal - Roller - [race unknown]
18 Matteo Gaddì - M@d - [race unknown]
19 Silvio Pergreffi - Phoenix11 - [race unknown]
20 Ivan Ballestrazzi - ivs - [race unknown]
21 Tom Pellecom - Pelle - [race unknown]
22 Jonathan Rooney - jrooney - [Wood Elves]
23 Rob Butler - Robjbutler -[dark elves or necromantic]
24 Rayk Florschütz - Raykieboy - [race unknown]
25 Jan F. Menzel - Butcher - [race unknown]
26 Gary Brailsford - Hudson - [race unknown]
27 Sebastiaan van der Laan - SirSebstar - [race unknown]
28 Peter Astl - Don_Pedro - [race unknown]
29 Dave Downes - Lycos - [race unknown]
30 Matt Rowe - Bruiser Matt - [race unknown]

The afraid for commitment list:
1 Michel Schaake - Mepmuff - [race unknown]
2 Aran Isom - Dwarfcoach - [race unknown]
3 Mats Clays - Da_Great_MC [race unknown]
4 David van Dijk - Dave - [Skaven]
5 Gavin Sutton - Valen - [race unknown]

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:45 pm
by Jelmer
could someone please make this a sticky?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:18 pm
by Turin
I'm planning to come, with my dark elves.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:20 pm
by Younglord Denisar
Ìt was very a fun and good organized event last year. I would say: count me in.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:41 am
by Valen
So tempted, ever so tempted, I will ahve to think about this

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:37 am
by Jelmer
You have to at least try this once! I'll promise you... after that, you'll want to return each year! 8)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:47 pm
by stick_with_poo_on_the_end
very tempted too.

I'm sureLycos wont take much persuading.

Perhaps we could get a Brit invason?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:06 am
by Jelmer
that would be great! We allready have some belgium guys, some dutch and one guy from Austria...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:22 pm
by Turin
Jelmer wrote:and one guy from Austria...
At least one more is thinking about coming too.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:45 am
by wp
I'm trying to organize an italian crew :wink:


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:03 am
by Jelmer
Great! Sounds like it could become a large tournament this year!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:03 pm
by furocious_fleabag
This is gonna be so much fun when at the end of tournament we're gonna have "just one last beer" :lol:

Counting the days

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:42 pm
by juergen
Turin wrote:
Jelmer wrote:and one guy from Austria...
At least one more is thinking about coming too.
Turin just booked the flight for 3 austrians, so it's turin, snake eyes and myself

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:54 am
by Jelmer
Great to hear you guys are coming Juergen!

What about the British and Italian interest? Are you guys coming???

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:51 am
by sirsebstar
I might come, I will make sure to plan this in my agenda, but so far I cant be certain.
When is the final date to enter?