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Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:45 am
by atropabelladonna
I wanted the thank all the organizers for a great time. And for letting me win :D

I also want to comment on my last game against GKen! That was the best game of BB I ever played in. After the nightmare of the 2008 Spike where GKen crushed my Norse in the final game to win it all, it was crazy to have a rematch in 2009 in the last game. So many crazy things happened and to almost lose it in the last two turns thanks to a blitz - ra and throw-ra playing long ball. I was so glad to end the game 1-1.

Maybe in 2010 I may even beat you!

Well played to Gken, Salicaous, Warpstone, Da Scum, Dr. Evil and Lee! Sorry to grind you Skaven / Slann teams. I only did it because it was tournament! 8)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:53 am
by lordchaos
Congrats to you Rimmer. Big win for a great coach. Another notch on the belt. I would also like to thank all my opponents who watched me tear a strip into them with my 5 mummy team and win the most casualty award. An award that I set out to win. :) Sorry for all the fouling but it was completely tactical. Great job GJ. An awesome tourney and I can't wait for next year when I try to use a team that can score. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:45 am
by Blammaham
Well I just can't say enough about this great event! General Jason is the first guy I wnat to single out as having run such a great event. First class all the way buddy you did a great job! GKen1 was a real treat to play, as I got to play him on the last game of day 2. Nurgle VS Khemri and it was in all likelihood in the top five games I have ever played. Classic game back and forth two teams just slugging it out. WOW! Such an exciting game ending in a 0-0 tie. Just an awsome weekend of bloodbowl 2 wins 3 ties and 1 loss with Nurgle was better than I thought I'd do, and just plaesed as punch to win the Outstanding painting award too. So many great teams there like Punkpogoer's (I think) Ork side with the custom dug out, Salacious's Ork team was great too. Good enought to say every game was great and I couldn't have enjoyed it more!S.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:48 pm
by Colin
Back in Red Deer safe and sound.

It was great to meet all the Vancouver crew and put some faces to the (user)names. Great bunch of guys. Good to meet the Yanks that came up, and great to see GKen again. Good Luck with your posting to Japan!

Had a great time even though my dice luck was horrible (couldn't seem to break AV7 for some reason, was out CASed in the first half vs Skaven and didn't get any vs. Woodies in the second game, had at lest 3 double skulls rolled in the 4th or 5th game, can't remember).
Anyway, the opponants I had were great fun to play regardless of the dice rolls.

Hope to make it back next year, hats off to Craig (GeneralJason) and the rest who host a great tourney!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:32 pm
by Da Scum
Well once again at least my "Boys" come back with Swag...poetic how it was the "Most TD's" we was robbed of last year! :roll: :D Thus the Skaven team that won the award last year gets it the THIS year...and the one that got the trophy for it LAST year now earns it THIS year.

As an aside...both of us coaches have promised NOT to play Skaven in 2010 to give the rest of you lot a chance at it... :P

I have never enjoyed losing...but the opponents I DID lose to (Fluke luck all of them I tell you! :o ) were ALL class acts through and through and made it "almost" bearable! :lol: Was more than happy to give them max Sportsmanship scores...from literally admitting to "Hot Dice" and then pausing the clock so we could find the most "gutsy play" to make the game all that more exciting... to REFUSING to play that stall ball ("We Orc! Orc no stall...ORC SMASH!!!") and noting that they didn't beat me...that sweltering heat that took out ALL my skilled players beat me! :roll: :lol: Many a new tale of lore to share for years to come!

And I was delighted that many other Albertan coaches heeded the call and have now found what I already knew...THIS is where one comes to not just play Bloodbowl...this is where you come to Experience and revel in it! And it's done by the spirit and comradeship of the players themselves and our awesome hosts.

Maybe someday Games Workshop will figure it out.

:D :P

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:42 am
by Punkpogoer
Da Scum wrote:to REFUSING to play that stall ball ("We Orc! Orc no stall...ORC SMASH!!!") and noting that they didn't beat me...that sweltering heat that took out ALL my skilled players beat me!
Of course you know we had to sacrifice several Wood Elves before the match to get the gods to bring down the heat. WEEZ ORCS LUVZ PLAYIN IN DA HEATS.

But great time guys, hope you all can come back out next year.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:45 pm
by generaljason
Thank you guys for all the compliments. It was a lot of work but you guys had a bunch of fun so it was well worth it.

I was happy to see a bunch of familiar faces and a whole bunch of new ones from Alberta and northern B.C., as well as a healthy contingent from the US as well. So thanks for making the trip guys and hope to see you next year.


ps Full Spike 2009 tournament results are now on I will create a discussion thread once we start getting some pictures. Thanks again Rob for taking so many freaken pictures - can't wait to see them. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:44 am
by gken1
thanks to the Thunderbowl guys for running a great tourney.

Every game I played was a quality game.

Game 2 was against Warpstone and his skaven - Game I shoulda lost but pulled outta my butt.

Game 3 was against Blammaham and his nurgle - Slugfest - FA saves the day for him, mummy staying power saves me.

Game 4 was against Da Scum and his skaven - Managed to hold his top scoring skaven team to a shut-out!!! He makes the hard rolls but failed the easy ones.

Game 6 was against atropabelladonna's Chaos Dwarves - I think I got a little cocky since I cas'd two dwarves early - he played the dump and chase game with the ball and beat me to it. I needed to hand off the ball to a skeleton in a TZ then dodge for the win with a RR - 1, 1. Well earned. The Spike came down to that play :)

other 2 games were against non-TBB'ers but the Dwarves I played in game 5 finished in the top 10 so another quality coach.

Well played. That tourney is why I go to tourneys! I hate it when I have to play someone who is learning the game.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:43 pm
by lordchaos
Where are some pics from the event?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:44 pm
by generaljason
I'm waiting for Dave's buddy Rob from Edmonton to start sending me some. Then I'll start a Tournament Discussion thread.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:18 pm
by Lycos
I think I have found the Spike Trophy.

What do we do now then? I need to confirm it is exactly that (we are damn sure) but also get it from GW USA to the winner or the organisers. Please PM if you are one of them and we can take it forward.


Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:00 am
by Colin
Wow!! That's great Dave, it was sounding like it was lost forever. I'm sure the Thunderbowl boys (ie Spike organisers) will be quite happy about that.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:55 am
by generaljason
Lycos wrote:I think I have found the Spike Trophy.

What do we do now then? I need to confirm it is exactly that (we are damn sure) but also get it from GW USA to the winner or the organisers. Please PM if you are one of them and we can take it forward.

PM sent. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:07 am
by generaljason
I started a Spike discussion thread in the Tournament Discussion forum. We are still waiting for pictures, but I posted what pictures Blammaham had in that post to give you an idea. More to come hopefully soon. :)